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{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
1.Corporate Issuers
Module 1 Corporate Structures and Ownership
Module 2 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations
Module 3 Business Models & Risks
Module 4 Capital Investments
Module 5 Working Capital & Liquidity
Module 6 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
Module 7 Capital Structure
Module 8 Measure of Leverage
2.Equity Investment
Module 1 Market Organization and Structure
Module 2 Security Market Indices
Module 3 Market Efficiency
Module 4 Overview of Equity Securities
Module 5 Introduction to Industry and company Analysis
Module 6 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
3.Fixed Income
Module 1 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
Module 2 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, and Funding
Module 3 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
Module 4 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
Module 5 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
Module 6 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
Module 1 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features
Module 2 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments
Module 3 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
Module 4 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives
Module 5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying Maturities
Module 6 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts
Module 7 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps
Module 8 Pricing and Valuation of Options
Module 9 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity
Module 10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model
5.Alternative Investments
Module 1 Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Structures of Alternative Investments
Module 2 Performance Calculation and Appraisal of Alternative Investments
Module 3 Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, and Hedge Funds
6.Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning
Module 1 Portfolio management overview
Module 2 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅰ
Module 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅱ
Module 4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
Module 5 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
Module 6 Introduction to Risk Management
Module 7 Technical Analysis
Module 8 Fintech in Investment Management
7.Ethical and Professional Standards
Module 1 Ethics and Professionalism
Module 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
Module 3 Guidance for Standards I–VII
Module 4 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
Module 5 Ethics Application
8.Financial Statement Analysts-Lai
Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Module 2 Financial Reporting Standards
Module 3 Understanding Income Statements
Module 4 Understanding Balance Sheets
Module 5 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
Module 6 Financial Analysis Techniques
Module 7 Inventories
Module 8 Long-Lived Assets
Module 9 Income Taxes
Module 10 Long-Term Liabilities and Leases
Module 11 Financial Reporting Quality
Module 12 Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
9.Financial Statement Analysts-Clara
Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Module 2 Financial Reporting Standards
Module 3 Understanding Income Statements
Module 4 Understanding Balance Sheets
Module 5 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
Module 6 Financial Analysis Techniques
Module 7 Inventories
Module 8 Long-Lived Assets
Module 9 Income taxes
Module 10 Long-Term Liabilities
Module 11 Financial reporting quality
Module 12 Applications of Financial Statement Analysis
Module 1 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
Module 2 The Firm and Market Structures
Module 3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
Module 4 Understanding Business Cycles
Module 5 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Module 6 Introduction to Geopolitics
Module 7 International Trade and Capital Flows
Module 8 Currency Exchange Rates
11.Quantitative Methods
Module 1 The Time Value of Money
Module 2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 3 Probability Concepts
Module 4 Common Probability Distributions
Module 5 Sampling and Estimation
Module 6 Hypothesis Testing
Module 7 Introduction to Linear Regression
1 - 计算器基本操作
2 - CFA考试用操作和功能
3 - CFA考试用功能的经典例题
4 - CFA考试推荐设置
1.Quantitative Methods
Module 1 The Time Value of Money
Module 2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 3 Probability Concepts
Module 4 Common Probability Distributions
Module 5 Sampling and Estimation
Module 6 Hypothesis Testing
Module 7 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 1 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
Module 2 The Firm and Market Structures
Module 3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
Module 4 Understanding Business Cycles
Module 5 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Module 6 Introduction to Geopolitics
Module 7 International Trade and Capital Flows
Module 8 Currency Exchange Rates
3.Financial Statement Analysts-Clara
Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Module 2 Financial Reporting Standards
Module 3 Understanding Income Statements
Module 4 Understanding Balance Sheets
Module 5 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
Module 6 Financial Analysis Techniques
Module 7 Inventories
Module 8 Long-Lived Assets
Module 9 Income taxes
Module 10 Long-Term Liabilities
Module 11 Financial reporting quality
Module 12 Applications of Financial Statement Analysis
4.Financial Statement Analysts-Lai
Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Module 2 Financial Reporting Standards
Module 3 Understanding Income Statements
Module 4 Understanding Balance Sheets
Module 5 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
Module 6 Financial Analysis Techniques
Module 7 Inventories
Module 8 Long-Lived Assets
Module 9 Income Taxes
Module 10 Long-Term Liabilities and Leases
Module 11 Financial Reporting Quality
Module 12 Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
5.Corporate Issuers
Module 1 Corporate Structures and Ownership
Module 2 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations
Module 3 Business Models & Risks
Module 4 Capital Investments
Module 5 Working Capital & Liquidity
Module 6 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
Module 7 Capital Structure
Module 8 Measure of Leverage
6.Equity Investment
Module 1 Market Organization and Structure
Module 2 Security Market Indices
Module 3 Market Efficiency
Module 4 Overview of Equity Securities
Module 5 Introduction to Industry and company Analysis
Module 6 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
7.Fixed Income
Module 1 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
Module 2 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, and Funding
Module 3 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
Module 4 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
Module 5 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
Module 6 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
Module 1 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features
Module 2 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments
Module 3 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
Module 5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying Maturities
Module 6 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts
Module 7 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps
Module 8 Pricing and Valuation of Options
Module 10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model
9.Alternative Investments
Module 1 Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Structures of Alternative Investments
Module 2 Performance Calculation and Appraisal of Alternative Investments
Module 3 Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, and Hedge Funds
10.Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning
Module 1 Portfolio management overview
Module 2 Portfolio Risk and Return- Part I
Module 3 Portfolio Risk and Return- Part II
Module 4 Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction
Module 5 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
Module 6 Introduction to Risk Management
Module 7 Technical Analysis
Module 8 Fintech in Investment Management
11.Ethical and Professional Standards
Module 1 Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession
Module 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
Module 3 Guidance for Standards I–VII
Module 4 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
1 - 行研简要介绍
2 - 行研工作内容
3 - 行研薪酬体系
4 - 行研招聘要求
M1-1 Wind数据库介绍
M1-2 Wind数据库介绍
M1-3 Wind数据库介绍
M1-4 Wind数据库介绍
M1-5 Wind数据库介绍
M1-6 Wind数据库介绍
M1-7 Wind数据库介绍
M2-1 权益研究重点功能
M2-2 权益研究重点功能
M3-1 债券研究-交易重点功能
M3-2 债券研究-交易重点功能
M3-3 债券研究-交易重点功能
M4 基金研究重点功能
M5 组合管理
拒绝拖延 高效学习
1.第一章 介绍
1-1 安装
1-2 前导
1-3 编写第一个程序-Hello World
1-4 随堂练习
5 - Python 中的函数
1-6 随堂练习
1-7 一个稍微复杂的程序示例-Chaos
1-8 随堂练习和第一章总结
2.第二章 编写简单的程序
2-1 示例程序——汇率换算
2-2 程序要素——名称
2-3 随堂练习
2-4 程序要素——表达式
2-5 程序要素——输出语句
2-6 程序要素——赋值语句
2-7 随堂练习
2-8 程序要素——确定循环
2-9 示例程序——计算终值
2-10 随堂练习
2-11 第二章总结
3.第三章 数值计算
3-1 Python 中数值类型
3-2 类型的转换
3-3 随堂练习
3-4 Python 中的 Math 库
5 - 原地运算
3-6 第三章总结
4.第四章 字符串
4.1 索引和切片
4-2 随堂练习
4-3 字符串的操作
4-4 示例程序——生成用户名
4-5 示例程序——月份缩写
4-6 Python 中的列表
4-7 示例程序——月份缩写(升级版)
4-8 列表与字符串
4-9 随堂练习
4-10 字符串编码
4-11 示例程序——编码器
4-12 字符串方法
4-13 示例程序——编码器
4-14 长字符串
4-15 格式化输出
4-16 文件处理
4-17 示例程序——批处理
4-18 文件对话框
4-19 章节总结——第四章
5.第五章 定义函数
5-1 示例程序——生日歌
5-2 函数的定义和调用
5-3 定义多个参数的函数
5-4 有返回值的函数
5-5 修改参数的函数
5-6 默认参数
5-7 不定长参数
5-8 随堂练习
5-9 匿名函数
5-10 章节总结——第五章
6.第六章 条件结构
6-1 条件结构
6-2 示例程序——温度警告
6-3 条件判断语句
6- 4 条件结构的类型
6-5 单路判断和两路判断
6-6 随堂练习
6-7 多路判断
6-8 随堂练习
6-9 处理多个条件
6-10 异常处理
6-11 三元表达式
6-12 章节总结——第六章
6-13 随堂练习
7.第七章 循环结构
7-1 确定循环
7-2 while 语句
7-3 交互式循环
7-4 哨兵循环
7-5 文件循环
7-6 嵌套循环
7-7 随堂练习
7-8 break 和 continue 语句
7-9 章节总结——第七章
8.第八章 模拟与设计
8-1 随机数
8-2 示例程序——计算圆周率
8-3 示例程序——壁球游戏
9.第九章 模块与封装
9-1 自定义模块
9-2 导入同级目录下的模块
9-3 导入不同级目录下的模块
9-4 __name__ 属性
10.第十章 Python Principal
10-1 数据类型
10-2 输入与输出
10-3 函数
10-4 选择结构
10-5 循环结构
10-6 模块
10-7 随机数
10-8 模拟与设计
11.第十一章 其他专题
11-1 海龟作图
11-2 使用 with 进行文件操作
12.第十二章 递归(选学)
12-1 示例程序——计算阶乘
12-2 示例程序——反转字符串
12-3 示例程序——汉诺塔
12-4 效率问题
12-5 示例程序——Fibonacci
12-6 示例程序——分形树
13.第十三章 数据集合
13-1 列表
13-2 随堂练习
13-3 元组
13-4 字典
13-5 集合
14.第十四章 高级语法
14-1 生成表达式
14-2 高阶函数
15.第十五章 Numpy
15-1 Numpy 数组的介绍
15-2 使用列举创建数组
15-3 数组的属性
15-4 创建等差数组
15-5 创建随机数组
15-6 其他创建数组的方法
15-7 数组的数据类型
15-8 索引和切片
15-9 布尔索引
15-10 智能索引
15-11 数组的形态操作
15-12 数组的运算
15-13 通用函数
15-14 统计函数
15-15 数组的遍历
15-16 线性代数
16.第十六章 广播和布尔索引
16-1 广播
16-2 布尔数组和布尔索引
17.第十七章 Pandas I
17-1 DataFrame 数据结构
17-2 Series 数据结构
17-3 数据表的读写
17-4 提取数据表的行和列
17-5 提取数据表的某一区域
17-6 DataFrame 中的作图
17-7 新增字段
18.第十八章 Pandas II
18-1 重命名
18-2 整体统计与分组统计
18-3 数据表的排序
18-4 Long to Wide
18-5 数据透视表
18-6 Wide to Long
18-7 数据表的纵向合并
18-8 数据表的横向合并
18-9 处理时间序列数据
18-10 处理文本数据
19.第十九章 Pandas III
19-1 创建 Series
19-2 将 Series 转换为 Numpy Array
19-3 Series 的索引和切片
19-4 Series 的运算
19-5 创建 DataFrame
19-6 丢弃数据
19-7 设置 Index
19-8 DataFrame 的索引和切片
19-9 向 DataFrame 中添加列
19-10 滚动计算
20.第二十章 缺失值的处理
20-1 None 与 NaN
20-2 处理 Pandas 中的缺失值
21.第二十一章 数据可视化 I
21-1 Stateful approach
21-2 Stateless approach
21-3 调整图形
21-4 常用图形
22.第二十二章 数据可视化 II
22-1 单组数据的可视化
22-2 多组数据关系的可视化
23. 第二十三章 获取金融数据
23-1 tushare
23-2 pandas-datareader
24.第二十四章 面向对象程序设计(选学)
24-1 类和对象
24-2 类的方法
24-3 二叉树模型
24-4 模型实现
26-1 课后练习1
26-2 课后练习2
26-3 课后练习3
26-4 课后练习4
26-5 课后练习5
27-1 Cases —— 哥德巴赫猜想
27-2 Cases —— 随机游走
27-3 Cases —— 策略回测函数的 Excel实现
27-4 Cases —— Titanic 幸存分析
27-5 Cases —— 板块分析
27-6 Cases —— 生命游戏
27-7 Cases —— 股债长期收益分析
27-8 Cases —— 赌博游戏
1-1 财务分析与估值建模课程介绍
1-2 如何阅读财务报告
1-3 认识资产负债表
1-4 认识现金流量表
1-5 认识利润表
2-1 财务分析的核心指标
2-2 基于企业盈利链的财务分析框架
2-3 毛利率分析
2-4 存货中的财务诡计
2-5 一招提高 ROE
2-6 费用以及损益
2-7 周转率分析
2-8 资产负债率分析
2-9 现金流量分析
2-10 京沪高铁
2-11 华测检测
3-1 财务舞弊
3-2 盈余管理方法
3-3 东阿阿胶
3-4 财务风险识别
3-5 康美药业
3-6 康得新
3-6 乐视网
4-1 股权激励的概念
4-2 股权激励的要点
4-3 泸州老窖
4-4 美的集团
4-5 伊利股份
4-6 ST凯迪
5-1 相对估值法
5-2 正确理解市盈率变动
5-3 绝对估值法
5-4 自由现金流折现模型
5-6 贵州茅台
5-7 伊利股份
5-8 上海机场