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课程简介: 中南财FRM快速通关APS智播课(二级)





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  • FRM快速通关APS智播课(二级)


  • 1.2023年考纲解读

    • 考纲解读

  • 2.市场风险

    • 市场风险

  • 3.信用风险

    • 信用风险

  • 4.操作风险

    • 操作风险


  • 1.市场风险

    • 0 - Introduction

    • 1 - Estimate market risk measurement

    • 2 - Non-parametric approaches

    • 3 - ParametricApproaches (II):Extreme Value

    • 4 - backtesting VaR

    • 5 - VaR Mapping

    • 6 - Messages from the Academic Literature on Risk Management for the Trading Book

    • 7 - Correlation Basics:Definitions, Applications, and Terminology

    • 8 - Empirical Properties of Correlation: How Do Correlations Behave in the Real World?

    • 9 - Financial Correlation Modeling-Bottom-Up Approaches

    • 10 - Empirical Approaches to Risk Metrics and Hedging

    • 11 - The Science ofTerm Structure Models

    • 12 - The Evolution of Short Rates and the Shape of the Term Structure

    • 13 - The Art of Term Structure Model: Drift

    • 14 - The Art of Term Structure Model Volatility and Distribution

    • 15 - Volatility Smiles

    • 16 - FundamentalReview of theTrading Book

  • 2.信用风险

    • 1 - The credit decision

    • 2 - The credit analyst

    • 3 - Capital Structure in Banks

    • 4 - Rating assignment methodologies

    • 5 - Credit risk and credit derivatives

    • 6 - Spread risk and default intensity models

    • 7 - Portfolio credit risk

    • 8 - Counterparty risk and beyond

    • 9 - Netting, close-out and related aspects

    • 10 - Margin(Collateral) and Settlement

    • 11 - Future Value and Exposure

    • 12 - CVA

    • 13 - The evolution of stress-testing counterparty exposures

    • 14 - Credit scoring and retail credit risk management

    • 15 - Credit transfer markets and their implications

    • 16 - An introduction of securitization

    • 17 - Structured credit risk

    • 18 - Understanding the securitization of subprime mortgage credit

    • Introduction

  • 3.操作风险

    • Introduction

    • 1 - Introduction to Operational Risk and Resilience

    • 2 - Risk Governance

    • 3 - Risk Identification

    • 4 - Risk Identification

    • 5 - Risk Mitigation

    • 6 - Risk Reporting

    • 7 - Integrated Risk Management

    • 8 - Cyber-Resilience: Range of Practices

    • 9 - Case Study: Cyberthreats and Information Security Risks

    • 10 - Sound Management of Risks Related to Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

    • 11 - Case Study: Financial Crime and Fraud

    • 12 - Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk

    • 13 - Case Study: Third-Party Risk Management

    • 14 - Case Study: Investor Protection and Compliance Risks in Investment Activities

    • 15 - Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management

    • 16 - Case Study: Model Risk and Model Validation

    • 17 - Stress Testing Banks

    • 18 - Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement

    • 19 - Range of Practices and Issues in Economic Capital Frameworks

    • 20 - Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies

    • 21 - Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis

    • 22 - Solvency, Liquidity and Other Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis

    • 23 - High-Level Summary of Basel Ⅲ Reforms

    • 24 - Basel Ⅲ:Finalising Post-Crisis Reforms

  • 4.流动性风险

    • introduction

    • 1 - Liquidity Risk

    • 2 - Liquidity and Leverage

    • 3 - Early Warning Indicators

    • 4 - The Investment Function in Financial-services Management

    • 5 - Liquidity and Reserves Management Strategies and Policies

    • 6 - Intraday Liquidity Risk Management

    • 7 - Monitoring Liquidity

    • 8 - The Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks

    • 9 - liquidity Stress Testing

    • 10 - Liquidity Risk Reporting and Stress Testing

    • 11 - Contingency Funding Planning

    • 12 - Managing and Pricing Deposit Services

    • 13 - Managing Non-deposit Liabilities

    • 14 - Repurchase Agreements and Financing

    • 15 - Liquidity Transfer Pricing: A Guide to Better Practice

    • 16 - The US dollar Shortage in Global Banking and International Policy Response

    • 17 - Covered Interest Parity Lost: Understanding the Cross-Currency Basis

    • 18 - Risk Management for Changing Interest Rates: Asset-Liability Management and Duration Techniques

    • 19 - Illiquid Assets

  • 5.投资风险

    • 1 - Factor theory

    • 2 - Factors

    • 3 - Alpha (and the Low-Risk Anomaly)

    • 4 - Portfolio Construction

    • 5 - Portfolio Risk:Analytical Methods

    • 6 - VaR and Risk Budgeting in Investment Management

    • 7 - Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement

    • 8 - Portfolio Performance Evaluation

    • 9 - Hedge Funds

    • 10 - Performing Due Diligence on Specific Managers and Funds

    • 11 - Predicting Fraud by Investment Managers

  • 6.金融时事分析

    • 0 - current issues

    • 1 - paper1

    • 2 - paper2

    • 3 - paper3

    • 4 - paper4

    • 5 - paper5

    • 6 - paper6

    • 7 - paper7

    • 8 - paper8


  • 1.市场风险

    • 1 - Estimating Market Risk Measures

    • 2 - orrelation Basics

    • 3 - The Science of Term Structure Models

    • 4 - Volatility Smiles

  • 2.信用风险

    • 1 - Basics of Credit Risk

    • 2 - Credit Risk Measurements

    • 3 - Counterparty Risk and Mitigations

    • 4 - Credit Derivatives and Securitization

  • 3.流动性风险

    • 0 - introduction

    • 1 - part 1

    • 2 - part 2

    • 3 - part 3

    • 4 - part 4

  • 4.投资风险

    • 1 - Factor Theory

    • 2 - Factors

    • 3 - Alpha (and the Low-Risk Anomaly)

    • 4 - Portfolio Construction

    • 5 - Portfolio Risk:Analytical Methods

    • 6 - VaR and Risk Budgeting in Investment Management

    • 7 - Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement

    • 8 - Portfolio Performance Evaluation

    • 9 - Hedge Funds

    • 10 - Performing Due Diligence on Specific Managers and Funds

    • 11 - Detecting Fraud by Investment Managers

  • 5.操作风险

    • 0 - topic0

    • 1 - topic1

    • 2 - topic2

    • 3 - topic3

    • 4 - topic4

    • 5 - topic5

    • 6 - topic6

    • 7 - Topic7

    • 8 - Topic8

    • 9 - Topic9

    • 10 - Topic10

    • 11- Topic11

    • 12 - Topic12


  • 1.FRM二级 冲刺直播

    • 操作风险

    • 金融时事分析

    • 市场风险

    • 流动性风险

    • 投资风险

    • 信用风险

    • 全景模拟机考

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