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{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
1-1 Quantitative Methods
1-2 Quantitative Methods
2-1 Economics
2-2 Economics
3-1 Financial Statement Analysts
4-1 Corporate Issuers
5-1 Equity Investments
6-1 Fixed Income
7-1 Derivatives
8-1 Alternative Investments
9-1 Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning
10-1 Ethical and Professional Standards
1-1 指数与对数
1-2 指数与对数
2-1 等比数列
3-1 统计度量
3-2 统计度量
3-3 统计度量
4-1 导数
5-1 假设检验
6-1 数量分析框架
1 - 财报重要性及会计要素
2 - 三大财务报表
3 - 复式记账法与会计基础
4 - 财报分析方法及应用案例
1-1 Overview of Calculator Operations
1-2 Overview of Calculator Operations
1-3 Overview of Calculator Operations
2-1 Time-Value-of-Money and Amortization Worksheets
3-1 Cash Flow Worksheet
4-1 Bond Worksheet
5-1 Depreciation Worksheet
6-1 Statistics Worksheets
7-1 Combination and Permutation
1.Fundamentals of Probability
2.Common Distributions
3.Descriptive Statistics
4.Inferential statistics
5.Hypothesis testing
6.Correlation analysis
7.Linear regression
Financial Risk
Financial Institute(1)
Financial Institute(2)
Financial Institute(3)
Financial Products(1)
Financial Products(2)
2.Calculator Version
3.Calculator overview
4.Decimal point setting
5.Priority mode setting
6.Beginning and End mode setting
7.Store and call function
8.Common Clear key
9.Exponential function
10.Logarithm, factorial, permutation and combination function
11.Poisson distribution, binomial distribution function
12.Bond price calculation and date function
13.Time value of money function
14.Practice of time value of money
15.Situations where time value of money does not apply
16.Statistics function
1.Introduction to financial market products
3.Insurance company and fund company
4.OTC and bond
6.Forward and futures
1.Definition of bond
2.Face value of bonds
3.Term of repayment/Maturity and Coupon rate
4.Frequency of coupon payment
5.Issue price
6.Repayment and Liquidity
7.Safety/Security and Profitability
8.Divided by issuer
9.Divided by property guarantee
10.Divided by the rate of coupon payment
11.Bonds Versus Stocks
12.Bonds Versus Funds
13.Risks Faced
14.Risk Management
15.Pricing of Bonds
6. 银行经营模式
1.Bank Governance Framework
2.Bank operation model
3.Bank financial statement
1-1 Typology of Risks and Risk Interactions
1-2 The Risk Management Process
1-3 quantitative risk metric
1-4 Risk Factor Breakdown and Interactions Between Factors
1-5 Structural Change From Tail Risk to Systemic Crisis
1-6 Human Agency and Conflicts of Interest
1-7 Risk Aggregation
1-8 Balancing Risk and Reward
2-1 Background The Modern Imperative to Manage Risk
2-2 Risk Appetite – What Is It
2-3 Risk Mapping
2-4 Strategy Selection Accept, Avoid, Mitigate, Transfer
2-5 Rightsizing Risk Management
2-6 Risk Transfer Toolbox
2-7 What Can Go Wrong in Corporate Hedging
3-1 The Post-Crisis Regulatory Response
3-2 Infrastructure of Risk Governance
3-3 Risk Appetite Statement
3-4 Implementing Board-Level Risk Governance
3-5 Risk Appetite and Business Strategy The Role of Incentives
3-6 Incentives and Risk-Taking
3-7 The Interdependence of Organizational Units in Risk Governance
3-8 Assessing the Bank’s Audit Function
4-1 Overview of Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms
4-2 How Credit Risk Transfer Can Be Useful
4-3 The Mechanics of Securitization
4-4 From Buy-and-Hold to Originate-to-Distribution
5-1 Modern Portfolio Theory
5-2 The Capital Asset Pricing Model
5-3 The Capital Market Line and the Security Market Line
5-4 Performance Measures
6-1 The Arbitrage Pricing Theory
6-2 Different Types of Factor Models
7-1 Introduction
7-2 Benefits of Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting
7-3 Key Governance Principles
7-4 Data Architecture and IT Infrastructure
7-5 Characteristics of a Strong Risk Data Aggregation Capability
7-6 Characteristics of Effective Risk Reporting Practices
7-6 Characteristics of Effective Risk Reporting Practices
8-1 ERM What Is It and Why Do Firms Need It
8-2 ERM – A Brief History
8-3 ERM From Vision to Action
8-4 Why Might Enterprise Risk Demand ERM Four key Reasons
8-5 The Critical Importance of Risk Culture
8-6 Scenario Analysis ERM’s Sharpest Blade
9-1 Interest Rate Risk
9-2 Funding Liquidity Risk
9-3 Constructing and Implementing a Hedging Strategy
9-4 Model Risk
9-5 Rogue Trading and Misleading Reporting
9-6 Financial Engineering
9-7 Reputation Risk
9-8 Corporate Governance
9-9 Cyber Risk
10-1 Introduction and Overview
10-2 How It All Started
10-3 The Role of Financial Intermediaries
10-4 Issues with the Rating Agencies
10-5 A Primer on the Short-Term Wholesale Debt Market
10-6 The Liquidity Crunch Hits
10-7 Central Banks to the Rescue
11-1 Introduction Statement
11-2 Rules of Conduct
0-1 Introduction
1-1 Probabilities Concepts
1-2 Total probability and Bayes’ theorem
2-1 Discrete & Continuous Random Variable
2-2 Descriptive Statistics- Four Moments
3-1 Discrete Distribution
3-2 Continuous Distribution
4-1 Discrete Bivariate Random Variable
4-2 Covariance and Correlation
4-3 Independent Identical Distributed
4-4 Cross central moment
5-1 Inferential Statistics
5-2 Properties of Estimators
5-3 LLN and CLT
6-1 Null vs. Alternative hypothesis
6-2 Test statistic
6-3 Mean Tests
6-4 Variance Test
6-5 Type I and Type II Error
7-1 Ordinary Least Squares
7-2 Measuring Model Fit
7-3 OLS Parameter Estimators
7-4 Hypothesis Testing for Regression Coefficients
8-1 Multiple Linear Regression
8-2 Measures of Fit
8-3 Hypothesis Testing in Multiple Linear Regression
9-1 Omitted Variables
9-2 Heteroskedasticity
9-3 Multicollinearity
9-4 Outliers
9-5 The Bias-Variance Tradeoff
10-1 Cycle
10-2 White Noise and Wold’s Theorem
10-3 AR, MA and ARMA(1)
10-3 AR, MA and ARMA(2)
11-1 Trend and Seasonality
11-2 Random Walk and Unit Roots
12-1 Returns and Volatility
12-2 Measuring Correlations
12-3 The Distribution of Financial Returns
13-1 Simulation Random Variables
13-2 Bootstrapping
14-1 Machine-Learning Methods
15-1 Machine Learning and Prediction
1-1 Types of Banks
1-2 The risk in Banking
1-3 Bank Regulation
1-4 Deposit Insurance
1-5 Investment Banking
1-6 Conflicts of interest
1-7 The Originate-to-Distribute Model
2-1 Categories of insurance companies
2-2 Life Insurance
2-3 Pension Plans
2-4 Property and Casualty Insurance
2-5 Moral hazard and adverse slection
2-6 Regulation
3-1 Mutual funds
3-2 Exchange-Traded Funds
3-3 Undesirable Trading Behavior
3-4 Hedge funds
3-5 Types of Hedge funds
3-6 Research of Returns
4-1 Clearing
4-2 Exchanges
4-3 How CCPs handle Credit Risk
4-4 Over the Counter Markets
5-1 The operation of CCPs
5-2 Regulations of OTC derivatives Markets
5-3 Standard and Non-Standard transactions
5-4 The Move to Central Clearing
5-5 Impacts of Central Clearing on Financial Markets
5-6 Clearing Members and Non-Members
5-7 Advantages and Disadvantages of CCPs
5-8 CCP Risks
6-1 Interest rate&Compounding
6-2 Spot rates and Forward rates
6-3 Three theories of term structure
6-4 Bond pricing &Quotations bond
6-5 Accrued Interest
6-6 Duration and convexity
7-1 Bond issuance
7-2 Bond trading
7-3 Bond indentures
7-4 Types of corporate bonds
7-5 Bonds retiring
7-6 Bond risk
7-7 Recovery rate and Default rate
7-8 High-yield bonds
7-9 Expected return from bond investment
8-1 Derivatives
8-2 Forward and Futures contract
8-3 Swap
8-4 Option
8-5 Market Participants
8-6 Strategies and Payoffs
9-1 Specification of Futures
9-2 Commodity Characteristics
9-3 Basis
9-4 Termination & Delivery
9-5 Margins
9-6 Marking to market
9-7 Trading orders
9-8 Contango and backwardation
10-1 Investment Assets and Consumption Assets
10-2 Short Selling and Short Squeeze
10-3 Forward Pricing
10-4 Arbitrage transaction
10-5 The Value of a Forwards Contract
10-6 Relation between forward and futures prices
11-1 Quotes
11-2 Estimating FX Risk
11-3 Multi-currency heding using options
11-4 Determinations of exchange rates
11-5 Foreign exchange exposure
11-6 Nominal and real interst rates
11-7 Interest rate parity
12-1 Forward Rate Agreements
12-2 T-Bond Futures
12-3 Eurodollar Futures
12-4 Duration-Based Hedging
13-1 Hedges basic
13-2 Basis Risk
13-3 Optimal hedge rations
13-4 Hedge Equity Positions
13-5 Duration-Based Hedging
13-6 Creating long-term hedges
14-1 Interest rate swap
14-2 Currency swap
15-1 Calls and Puts
15-2 Exchange-traded options on stocks
15-3 Option trading
15-4 Margin requirements
15-5 Other option-like securities
16-1 Factors of option price
16-2 Price bounds of options
16-3 Put-call parity
17-1 Simple Strategies
17-2 Spread strategies
17-3 Combination strategies
18-1 Exotic Options
19-1 Mortgages types
19-2 Monthly payments
19-3 Prepayments and factors
19-4 Securitization- MBS
19-5 Agency mortgage-backed securities
19-6 Other Agency Products
19-7 Valuation of an MBS Pool
19-8 Option adjusted spread
4. 估值与风险模型
1-1 The Mean-Variance Framework
1-2 VaR
1-3 Expected Shortfall
1-4 Coherent Risk Measures
2-1 Historical Simulation
2-2 The Delta-Normal Model
2-3 The Delta-Gamma Model
2-4 Monte Carlo Simulation
3-1 Deviations From Normality
3-2 Historical Standard Deviation Method
3-3 Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Model
3-5 Implied Volatility
3-6 Correlation
4-1 Rating Scales
4-2 Historical Performance
4-3 The Rating Process
4-4 Alternative to Ratings
4-5 Internal Ratings
4-6 Ratings Transitions
4-7 The Rating of Structured Products
5-1Evaluation of Risk
5-2 Total Risk
5-3 Sovereign Credit Risk
5-4 Sovereign Credit Rating
5-5 Sovereign Default Spread
6-1 Background
6-2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of Credit losses
6-3 The Gaussian Copula Model
6-4 The Vasicek Model
6-5 Creditmetrics
6-6 Risk Allocation
6-7 Challenges
7-1 large Risks
7-2 Measure of Operational Risk Capital - BIA
7-3 Measure of Operational Risk Capital - SA
7-4 Measure of Operational Risk Capital - AMA
7-5 Measure of Operational Risk Capital - SMA
7-6 Potential Biased
7-7 Reducing Operational Risk
7-8 Insurance
8-1 Stress Testing Versus VaR and ES
8-2 Choosing Scenarios
8-3 Stress Testing
8-4 Governance
8-5 Basel Stress-Testing Principles
9-1 Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds
9-2 The Law of One Price and Arbitrage
9-3 Discount Factors From Coupon-Bearing Bonds
10-1 Measuring Interest Rates
10-2 Spot Rates
10-3 Par Rates
10-4 Forward Rates
10-5 Properties of Spot, Forward, and Par rates
10-6 Other Rates
10-7 Flattening and Steepening Term Structures
11-1 Realized Return and Spread
11-2 Yield to Maturity
11-3 Return Decomposition
12-1 Yield Duration
12-2 Curve Duration
12-3 Convexity
12-4 Constructing Portfolio
13-1 Principal Components Analysis
13-2 Key Rate 01S
13-3 Bucketing Approach
14-1 One-step Tress
14-2 Two-step Trees
14-3 Risk Neutral Valuation
14-4 Valuation of Options
14-5 Altered Binomial Model
14-6 Binomial Trees
15-1 The Black-Scholes-Merton Model
16-1 Greeks
1.Quantitative Methods
0-1 Introduction.mp4
M1-1 Rates and Returns
M1-2 Rates and Returns
M2-1 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M2-2 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M3-1 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M3-2 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations
M5-1 Portfolio Mathematics
M5-2 Portfolio Mathematics
M6-1 Simulation Methods
M6-2 Simulation Methods
M7 Estimation and Inference
M8-1 Hypothesis Testing
M8-2 Hypothesis Testing
M9 Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
M10-1 Simple Linear Regression
M10-2 Simple Linear Regression
M11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques
M1-1 The Firm and Market Structures
M1-2 The Firm and Market Structures
M1-3 The Firm and Market Structures
M1-4 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-1 Understanding Business Cycles
M2-2 Understanding Business Cycles
M3 Fiscal Policy
M4 Monetary Policy
M5 Introduction to Geopolitics
M6 International Trade
M7 Capital Flows and the FX Market
M8 Exchange Rate Calculations
3.Corporate Issuers
M1-1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-2 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-3 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-4 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M2-1 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-3 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-4 Investors and Other Stakeholders.
M3-1 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-2 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-3 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-4 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M4-1 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-2 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-3 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-4 Working Capital and Liquidity
M5-1 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-2 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(1)
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(2)
M5-4 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-5 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M6-1 Capital Structure
M6-2 Capital Structure
M6-3 Capital Structure
M6-4 Capital Structure
M7-1 Business Models
M7-2 Business Models
M7-3 Business Models
4.Financial Statement Analysis
M1-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-3 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M2-1 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-2 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-3 Analyzing Income Statements
M3 Analyzing Balance Sheets
M4-1 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M4-2 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M5 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II
M6-1 Analysis of Inventories
M6-2 Analysis of Inventories
M7-1 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-2 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-3 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M8-1 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-2 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-3 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M9-1 Analysis of Income Taxes
M9-2 Analysis of Income Taxes
M10 Financial Reporting Quality
M11-1 Financial Analysis Techniques
M11-2 Financial Analysis Techniques
M12-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
M12-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
5.Equity Investments
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Main Functions of the Financial Market
M1-3 Intermediaries of Financial Market
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(1)
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(2)
M1-5 Positions in an asset
M1-6 Instructions of transaction processes
M1-7 Well functioned financial market
M2-1 Introduction of security market index
M2-2 Calculation of Index Values over Multiple Time Periods
M2-3 Index Construction(1)
M2-3 Index Construction(2)
M2-4 Index Management Rebalancing and Reconstitution
M2-5 Uses of Market Indexes
M2-6 Equity indexes
M2-7 Fixed-income indexes
M2-8 Indexes for Alternative Investments
M3-1 The Concept of Market Efficiency
M3-2 Factors Affecting Market Efficiency
M3-3 Forms of Market Efficiency
M4-1 Characteristics of Equity Securities
M4-2 Private Versus Public Equity Securities
M4-3 Non-Domestic Equity Securities
M4-4 Risk and Return Characteristics
M4-5 Equity and Company Value
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Company Research Reports
M5-3 Determining the Business Model
M5-4 Revenue Analysis
M5-5 Operating Profitability and Working Capital Analysis
M5-6 Capital Investments and Capital Structure
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Uses of Industry Analysis
M6-3 Industry Classification
M6-4 Industry Survey
M6-5 Industry Structure and External Influences
M6-6 Competitive Positioning
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Forecast Objects, Principles, and Approaches
M7-3 Forecasting Revenues
M7-4 Forecasting Operating Expenses and Working Capital
M7-5 Forecasting Capital Investments and Capital Structure
M7-6 Scenario Analysis
M8-1 Estimated value and market price
M8-2 Categories of Equity Valuation Models
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(1)
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(2)
M8-4 Multiplier models
M8-5 Asset-based valuation
6.Fixed Income
0-1 Introduction
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Features of Fixed-Income Securities
M1-3 Bond Indentures and Covenants
M2-1 Introduction
M2-2 Fixed-Income Cash Flow Structures
M2-3 Fixed-Income Contingency Provisions
M2-4 Legal, Regulatory, and Tax Considerations
M3-1 Introduction
M3-2 Fixed-Income Segments, Issuers, and Investors
M3-3 Fixed-Income Indexes
M3-4 Primary and Secondary Fixed-Income Markets
M4-1 Introduction
M4-2 Short-Term Funding Alternatives
M4-3 Repurchase Agreements
M4-4 Long-Term Corporate Debt
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Sovereign Debt
M5-3 Sovereign debt issuance and trading
M5-4 Non-Sovereign, Quasi-Government, and Supranational Agency Debt
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Bond Pricing and the Time Value of Money
M6-3 Relationships between Bond Prices and Bond Features
M6-4 Matrix Pricing
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Periodicity and Annualized Yields
M7-3 Other Yield Measures, Conventions, and Accounting for Embedded Options
M7-4 Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds and Matrix Pricing
M8-1 Introduction
M8-2 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Notes
M8-3 Yield Measures For Money Market Instruments
M9-1 Introduction
M9-2 Maturity Structure of Interest Rates and Spot Rates
M9-3 Par and Forward Rates
M9-4 Spot, Par, And Forward Yield Curves
M10-1 Introduction
M10-2 Sources of Return From Investing In a Fixed-rate Bond
M10-3 Investment Horizon and Interest Rate Risk
M10-4 Macaulay Duration
M11-1 Introduction
M11-2 Modified Duration
M11-3 Money Duration and Price Value of a Basis Point
M11-4 Properties of Duration
M12-1 Introduction
M12-2 Bond Convexity and Convexity Adjustment
M12-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Duration and Convexity
M12-4 Portfolio Duration and Convexity
M13-1 Introduction
M13-2 Curve-Based Interest Rate Risk Measures
M13-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Curve-Based Duration
M13-4 Key Rate Duration as a Measure of Yield Curve Risk
M13-5 Empirical Duration
M14-1 Introduction
M14-2 Sources of Credit Risk
M14-3 Credit Rating Agencies and Credit Ratings
M14-4 Factors Impacting Yield Spreads
M15-1 Introduction
M15-2 Sovereign Credit Analysis
M15-3 Non-Sovereign Credit Risk
M16-1 Introduction
M16-2 Assessing Corporate Creditworthiness
M16-3 Financial Ratios in Corporate Credit Analysis
M16-4 Seniority Rankings, Recovery Rates, and Credit Ratings
M17-1 Introduction
M17-2 The Benefits of Securitization
M17-3 The securitization process
M18-1 Introduction
M18-2 Covered Bonds
M18-3 ABS Structures To Address Credit Risk
M18-4 Non-mortgage asset-backed securities
M18-5 Collateralized Debt Obligations
M19-1 Introduction
M19-2 Time Tranching
M19-3 Mortgage Loans And Their Characteristic Features
M19-4 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
M19-5 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Derivative Features
M1-3 Derivatives Underlyings
M1-4 Derivative markets
M2-1&2 Forwards
M2-3 Futures(1)
M2-3 Futures(2)
M2-4 Swaps
M2-5 Options(1)
M2-5 Options(2)
M2-6 Credit derivatives
M3-1 Introduction &2 Derivative Benefits
M3-3 Derivative Risks
M3-4 Issuer Use Of Derivatives
M3-5 Investor Use Of Derivatives
8.Alternative Investments
9.Portfolio Management
10.Ethical and Professional Standards
1. 金融英语--伦理道德部分
6. 金融英语--资产组合管理
8. 金融英语--固定收益
10. 金融英语--其他类投资
1 .财务计算器使用概述
3 .现金流计算功能
1 - 财报重要性及会计要素
2 - 三大财务报表
3 - 复式记账法与会计基础
4 - 财报分析方法及应用案例
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Rates and Returns
M1-1 Rates and Returns
M1-2 Rates and Returns
3.Module 2 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M2-1 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M2-2 The Time Value of Money in Finance
4.Module 3 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M3-1 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M3-2 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
5.Module 4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations
M4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations
6.Module 5 Portfolio Mathematics
M5-1 Portfolio Mathematics
M5-2 Portfolio Mathematics
7.Module 6 Simulation Methods
M6-1 Simulation Methods
M6-2 Simulation Methods
8.Module 7 Estimation and Inference
M7 Estimation and Inference
9.Module 8 Hypothesis Testing
M8-1 Hypothesis Testing
M8-2 Hypothesis Testing
10.Module 9 Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
M9 Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
11.Module 10 Simple Linear Regression
M10-1 Simple Linear Regression
M10-2 Simple Linear Regression
12.Module 11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques
M11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques
2.Module 1 Firms and Market Structures
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Profit Maximization Production Breakeven, Shutdown and Economies of Scale
M1-3 Introduction to Market Structures
M1-4 Monopolistic Competition
M1-5 Oligopoly
M1-6 Determining Market Structure
3.Module 2 Understanding Business Cycles
M2-1 Overview of the Business Cycle
M2-2 Credit Cycles
M2-3 Economic Indicators over the Business Cycle
4.Module 3 Fiscal Policy
M3-1 Introduction to Monetary and Fiscal Policy&Roles and Objectives of Fiscal Policy
M3-2 Fiscal Policy Tools
M3-3 Fiscal Policy Implementation
5.Module 4 Monetary Policy
M4-1 Role of Central Banks
M4-2 Monetary Policy Tools and Monetary Transmission
M4-3 Monetary Policy Objectives
M4-4 Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy
6.Module 5 Introduction to Geopolitics
M5-1 National Governments and Political Cooperation
M5-2 Forces of Globalization
M5-3 International Trade Organizations
M5-4 Assessing Geopolitical Actors and Risk
M5-5 The Tools of Geopolitics
M5-6 Geopolitical Risk and the Investment Process
7.Module 6 International Trade
M6-1 Benefits and Costs of Trade
M6-2 Trade Restrictions and Agreements—Tariffs, Quotas, and Export Subsidies
M6-3 Trading Blocs and Regional Integration
8.Module 7 Capital Flows and the FX Market
M7-1 The Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rates
M7-2 Exchange Rate Regimes Ideals and Historical Perspective
M7-3 Capital Restrictions
9.Module 8 Exchange Rate Calculations
M8 Cross-Rate Calculations&Forward Rate Calculations
0-1 Corporate Issuers Overview
2.Module 1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-2 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-3 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-4 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
3.Module 2 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-1 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-2 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-3 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-4 Investors and Other Stakeholders
4.Module 3 Corporate Governance: Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-1 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-2 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-3 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-4 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
5.Module 4 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-1 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-2 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-3 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-4 Working Capital and Liquidity
6.Module 5 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-1 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-2 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(1)
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(2)
M5-4 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-5 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
7.Module 6 Capital Structure
M6-1 Capital Structure
M6-2 Capital Structure
M6-3 Capital Structure
M6-4 Capital Structure
8.Module 7 Business Models
M7-1 Business Models
M7-2 Business Models
M7-3 Business Models
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-3 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
3.Module 2 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-1 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-2 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-3 Analyzing Income Statements
4.Module 3 Analyzing Balance Sheets
M3 Analyzing Balance Sheets
5.Module 4 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M4-1 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M4-2 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
6.Module 5 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II
M5 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II
7.Module 6 Analysis of Inventories
M6-1 Analysis of Inventories
M6-2 Analysis of Inventories
8.Module 7 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-1 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-2 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-3 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
9.Module 8 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-1 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-2 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-3 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
10.Module 9 Analysis of Income Taxes
M9-1 Analysis of Income Taxes
M9-2 Analysis of Income Taxes
11.Module 10 Financial Reporting Quality
M10 Financial Reporting Quality
12.Module 11 Financial Analysis Techniques
M11-1 Financial Analysis Techniques
M11-2 Financial Analysis Techniques
13.Module 12 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
M12-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
M12-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Market Organization and Structure
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Main Functions of the Financial Market
M1-3 Intermediaries of Financial Market
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(1)
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(2)
M1-5 Positions in an asset
M1-6 Instructions of transaction processes
M1-7 Well functioned financial market
3.Module 2 Security Market Indices
M2-1 Introduction of security market index
M2-2 Calculation of Index Values over Multiple Time Periods
M2-3 Index Construction(1)
M2-3 Index Construction(2)
M2-4 Index Management Rebalancing and Reconstitution
M2-5 Uses of Market Indexes
M2-6 Equity indexes
M2-7 Fixed-income indexes
M2-8 Indexes for Alternative Investments
4.Module 3 Market Efficiency
M3-1 The Concept of Market Efficiency
M3-2 Factors Affecting Market Efficiency
M3-3 Forms of Market Efficiency
M3-4 Implications of the Efficient Market Hypothesis
M3-5 Market Anomalies
M3-6 Behavioral Finance
5.Module 4 Overview of Equity Securities
M4-1 Characteristics of Equity Securities
M4-2 Private Versus Public Equity Securities
M4-3 Non-Domestic Equity Securities
M4-4 Risk and Return Characteristics
M4-5 Equity and Company Value
6.Module 5 Company Analysis: Past and Present
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Company Research Reports
M5-3 Determining the Business Model
M5-4 Revenue Analysis
M5-5 Operating Profitability and Working Capital Analysis
M5-6 Capital Investments and Capital Structure
7.Module 6 Industry and Competitive Analysis
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Uses of Industry Analysis
M6-3 Industry Classification
M6-4 Industry Survey
M6-5 Industry Structure and External Influences
M6-6 Competitive Positioning
8.Module 7 Company Analysis: Forecasting
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Forecast Objects, Principles, and Approaches
M7-3 Forecasting Revenues
M7-4 Forecasting Operating Expenses and Working Capital
M7-5 Forecasting Capital Investments and Capital Structure
M7-6 Scenario Analysis
9.Module 8 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
M8-1 Estimated value and market price
M8-2 Categories of Equity Valuation Models
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(1)
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(2)
M8-4 Multiplier models
M8-5 Asset-based valuation
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Fixed-Income Instrument Features
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Features of Fixed-Income Securities
M1-3 Bond Indentures and Covenants
3.Module 2 Fixed-Income Cash Flows and Types
M2-1 Introduction
M2-2 Fixed-Income Cash Flow Structures
M2-3 Fixed-Income Contingency Provisions
M2-4 Legal, Regulatory, and Tax Considerations
4.Module 3 Fixed-Income Issuance and Trading
M3-1 Introduction
M3-2 Fixed-Income Segments, Issuers, and Investors
M3-3 Fixed-Income Indexes
M3-4 Primary and Secondary Fixed-Income Markets
5.Module 4 Fixed-Income Markets for Corporate Issuers
M4-1 Introduction
M4-2 Short-Term Funding Alternatives
M4-3 Repurchase Agreements
M4-4 Long-Term Corporate Debt
6.Module 5 Fixed-Income Markets for Government Issuers
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Sovereign Debt
M5-3 Sovereign debt issuance and trading
M5-4 Non-Sovereign, Quasi-Government, and Supranational Agency Debt
7.Module 6 Fixed-Income Bond Valuation: Prices and Yields
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Bond Pricing and the Time Value of Money
M6-3 Relationships between Bond Prices and Bond Features
M6-4 Matrix Pricing
8.Module 7 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Periodicity and Annualized Yields
M7-3 Other Yield Measures, Conventions, and Accounting for Embedded Options
M7-4 Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds and Matrix Pricing
9.Module 8 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Instruments
M8-1 Introduction
M8-2 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Notes
M8-3 Yield Measures For Money Market Instruments
10.Module 9 The Term Structure of Interest Rates: Spot, Par, and Forward Curves
M9-1 Introduction
M9-2 Maturity Structure of Interest Rates and Spot Rates
M9-3 Par and Forward Rates
M9-4 Spot, Par, And Forward Yield Curves
11.Module 10 Interest Rate Risk and Return
M10-1 Introduction
M10-2 Sources of Return From Investing In a Fixed-rate Bond
M10-3 Investment Horizon and Interest Rate Risk
M10-4 Macaulay Duration
12.Module 11 Yield-Based Bond Duration Measures and Properties
M11-1 Introduction
M11-2 Modified Duration
M11-3 Money Duration and Price Value of a Basis Point
M11-4 Properties of Duration
13.Module 12 Yield-Based Bond Convexity and Portfolio Properties
M12-1 Introduction
M12-2 Bond Convexity and Convexity Adjustment
M12-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Duration and Convexity
M12-4 Portfolio Duration and Convexity
14.Module 13 Curve-Based and Empirical Fixed-Income Risk Measures
M13-1 Introduction
M13-2 Curve-Based Interest Rate Risk Measures
M13-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Curve-Based Duration
M13-4 Key Rate Duration as a Measure of Yield Curve Risk
M13-5 Empirical Duration
15.Module 14 Credit Risk
M14-1 Introduction
M14-2 Sources of Credit Risk
M14-3 Credit Rating Agencies and Credit Ratings
M14-4 Factors Impacting Yield Spreads
16.Module 15 Credit Analysis for Government Issuers
M15-1 Introduction
M15-2 Sovereign Credit Analysis
M15-3 Non-Sovereign Credit Risk
17.Module 16 Credit Analysis for Corporate Issuers
M16-1 Introduction
M16-2 Assessing Corporate Creditworthiness
M16-3 Financial Ratios in Corporate Credit Analysis
M16-4 Seniority Rankings, Recovery Rates, and Credit Ratings
18.Module 17 Fixed-Income Securitization
M17-1 Introduction
M17-2 The Benefits of Securitization
M17-3 The securitization process
19.Module 18 Asset-Backed Security (ABS) Instrument and Market Features
M18-1 Introduction
M18-2 Covered Bonds
M18-3 ABS Structures To Address Credit Risk
M18-4 Non-mortgage asset-backed securities
M18-5 Collateralized Debt Obligations
20.Module 19 Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) Instrument and Market Features
M19-1 Introduction
M19-2 Time Tranching
M19-3 Mortgage Loans And Their Characteristic Features
M19-4 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
M19-5 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)
1.Module 1 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Derivative Features
M1-3 Derivatives Underlyings
M1-4 Derivative markets
2.Module 2 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments
M2-1&2 Forwards
M2-3 Futures(1)
M2-3 Futures(2)
M2-4 Swaps
M2-5 Options(1)
M2-5 Options(2)
M2-6 Credit derivatives
3.Module 3 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
M3-1 Introduction &2 Derivative Benefits
M3-3 Derivative Risks
M3-4 Issuer Use Of Derivatives
M3-5 Investor Use Of Derivatives
4.Module 4 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives
M4-1 Introduction & 2 Arbitrage
M4-3 Replication
M4-4 Costs and Benefits Associated with Owning the Underlying
5.Module 5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying Maturities
M5-1&2 Introduction &Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments
M5-3 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rate Forward Contracts
6.Module 6 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts
M6-1&2&3 Pricing of Futures Contracts at Inception
M6-4 Interest Rate Futures versus Forward Contracts
M6-5 Forward and Futures Price Differences
7.Module 7 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps
M7-1&2 Swaps Vs. Forwards
M7-3 Swap Values And Prices
8.Module 8 Pricing and Valuation of Options
M8-1&2&3 Option Exercise Value
M8-4&5&6&7 Replication
M8-8 Factors Affecting Option Value
9.Module 9 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity
M9-1&2 Put–Call Parity
M9-3&4&5 Option Strategies Based on Put–Call Parity
10.Module 10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model
M10-1&2&3 The Binomial Model
M10-4 Pricing a European Call Option
M10-5 Risk Neutrality
1.Module 1 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
M1-1 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
M1-2 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
2.Module 2 Alternative Investment Performance and Returns
M2 Alternative Investment Performance and Returns
3.Module 3 Investments in Private Capital: Equity and Debt
M3 Investments in Private Capital- Equity and Debt
4.Module 4 Real Estate and Infrastructure
M4 Real Estate and Infrastructure
5.Module 5 Natural Resources
M5 Natural Resources
6.Module 6 Hedge Funds
M6 Hedge Funds
7.Module 7 Introduction to Digital Assets
M7 Introduction to Digital Assets
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅰ
M1-1 Utility Theory and Indifference Curves
M1-2 Efficient Frontier
M1-3 Capital Allocation Line and Capital Market Line
3.Module 2 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅱ
M2-1 Return Generating Models
M2-2 Capital Asset Pricing Model & Security Market Line
M2-3 Portfolio Performance Appraisal Measures
4.Module 3 Portfolio Management Overview
M3-1 Step in The Portfolio Management Process
M3-2 Types of Investors
M3-3 The Asset Management Industry
M3-4 Pooled Investment Products
5.Module 4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
M4-1 Portfolio Planning
M4-2 Portfolio Construction
6.Module 5 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
M5-1 Behavioral Bias
M5-2 Behavioral Finance and Market Behavior
7.Module 6 Introduction to Risk Management
M6-1 Risk Management Framework
M6-2 Risk Categories
M6-3 Measuring and Modifying Risk
1.Module 1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-2 Challenges、Ethical vs. Legal、Decision-Making Frameworks
M1-3 summary
2.Module 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
M2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
3.Module 3 Guidance for Standards I–VII
M3-1 I(A)Knowledge of the Law
M3-2 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Guidance
M3-3 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Case
M3-4 I(C)Misrepresentation-Guidance
M3-5 I(C)Misrepresentation-Cases
M3-6 I(D)Misconduct
M3-7 Ⅱ(A)Material NonpublicInformation-Guidance
M3-8 Ⅱ(A)Material Nonpublic Information-Cases
M3-9 Ⅱ(B)Market Manipulation
M3-10 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Guidance
M3-11 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Case
M3-12 III(B)Fair dealing
M3-13 III(C)Suitability
M3-14 III(D)Performance Presentation
M3-15 III(E)Preservation of Confidentiality
M3-16 IV(A)Loyalty-Guidance
M3-17 IV(A)Loyalty-Cases
M3-18 IV(B)Additional Compensation Arrangements
M3-19 IV(C)Responsibilities of Supervisors
M3-20 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Guidance
M3-21 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Cases
M3-22 V(B)Communication with clients+V(C)Record Retention
M3-23 VI(A)Disclosure of Conflicts
M3-24 VI(B)Priorityof Transaction+VI(C)Referral Fees
M3-25 VII(A)Conduct as members and candidates
M3-26 VII(B)Reference to CFAInstitute, Designation and Program
4.Module 4 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
M4 Introduction to the Global Investment
5.Module 5 Ethics Application
M5-1 Ethics Application
M5-2 Ethics Application
M5-3 Ethics Application
M5-4 Ethics Application
M5-5 Ethics Application
1.Module 1 The Time Value of Money
Module 1-1 The Time Value of Money
Module 1-2 The Time Value of Money
Module 1-3 The Time Value of Money
2.Module 2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-1 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-3 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-4 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-5 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
3.Module 3 Probability Concepts
Module 3-1 Probability Concepts
Module 3-2 Probability Concepts
Module 3-3 Probability Concepts
4.Module 4 Common Probability Distributions
Module 4-1 Common Probability Distributions
Module 4-2 Common Probability Distributions
Module 4-3 Common Probability Distributions
5.Module 5 Sampling and Estimation
Module 5-1 Sampling and Estimation
Module 5-2 Sampling and Estimation
Module 5-3 Sampling and Estimation
6.Module 6 Hypothesis Testing
Module 6-1 Hypothesis Testing
Module 6-2 Hypothesis Testing
7.Module 7 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 7-1 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 7-2 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 7-3 Introduction to Linear Regression
2.Module 1 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-1 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-2 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-3 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-4 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-5 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
3.Module 2 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-1 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-2 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-3 The Firm and Market Structures
4.Module 3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-1 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-2 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-4 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
5.Module 4 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-1 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-2 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-3 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-4 Understanding Business Cycles
6.Module 5 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
M5-1 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
M5-2 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
7.Module 6 International Trade and Capital Flows
M6 Introduction to Geopolitics
8.Module 7 Currency Exchange Rates
M7-1 International Trade and Capital Flows
M7-2 International Trade and Capital Flows
9.Module 8 Currency Exchange Rates
1.Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-3 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-4 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-5 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
2.Module 2 Financial Reporting Standards
M2 Financial Reporting Standards
3.Module 3 Understanding Income Statements
M3-1 Understanding Income Statements
M3-2 Understanding Income Statements
M3-3 Understanding Income Statements
M3-4 Understanding Income Statements
M3-5 Understanding Income Statements
4.Module 4 Understanding Balance Sheets
M4 Understanding Balance Sheets
5.Module 5 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
M5-1 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
M5-2 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
M5-3 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
6.Module 6 Financial Analysis Techniques
M6-1 Financial Analysis Techniques
M6-2 Financial Analysis Techniques
7.Module 7 Inventories
M7-1 Inventories
M7-2 Inventories
M7-3 Inventories
8.Module 8 Long-Lived Assets
M8-1 Long-Lived Assets
M8-2 Long-Lived Assets
M8-3 Long-Lived Assets
M8-4 Long-Lived Assets
9.Module 9 Income Taxes
M9-1 Income taxes
M9-2 Income taxes
10.Module 10 Long-Term Liabilities
M10-1 Long-Term Liabilities
M10-2 Long-Term Liabilities
M10-3 Long-Term Liabilities
11.Module 11 Financial Reporting Quality
M11 Financial reporting quality
12.Module 12 Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
M12 Applications of Financial Statement Analysis
2.Module 1 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-1 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-2 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-3 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-4 Corporate Structures and Ownership
3.Module 2 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Consid
M2-1 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations
M2-2 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations
4.Module 3 Business Models & Risks
M3-1 Business Models & Risks
M3-2 Business Models & Risks
5.Module 4 Capital Investments
M4-1 Capital Investments
M4-2 Capital Investments
6.Module 5 Working Capital & Liquidity
M5-1 Working Capital & Liquidity
M5-2 Working Capital & Liquidity
M5-3 Working Capital & Liquidity
7.Module 6 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
M6-1 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
M6-2 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
8.Module 7 Capital Structure
M7-1 Capital Structure
M7-2 Capital Structure
9.Module 8 Measure of Leverage
M8-1 Measure of Leverage
M8-2 Measure of Leverage
1.Module 1 Market Organization and Structure
Module 1-1 Functions + Intermediaries
Module 1-2 Classification of assets (1)
Module 1-3 Classification of assets (2)
Module 1-4 Classification of markets
Module 1-5 Long & Short positions
Module 1-6 Leveraged position
Module 1-7 BidAsk + Order (1)
Module 1-8 Order (2)
2.Module 2 Security Market Indices
Module 2-1 Price & Total return
Module 2-2 Index construction (1)
Module 2-3 Index construction (2)
Module 2-4 Security market indexes
3.Module 3 Market Efficiency
Module 3-1 Forms of market efficiency
Module 3-2 Market anomalies
Module 3-3 Behavioral biases
4.Module 4 Overview of Equity Securities
Module 4-1 Common & Preferred shares
Module 4-2 PE + Depository receipts
Module 4-3 Risk & Return of equity
5.Module 5 Introduction to Industry and company Analysis
Module 5-1 Industry classification
Module 5-2 Pricing power + Industry life cycle
Module 5-3 Company analysis
6.Module 6 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
Module 6-1 Dividend
Module 6-2 GGM
Module 6-3 Multistage DDM
Module 6-4 FCFE
Module 6-5 Price multiplier
Module 6-6 EV + Asset-based valuation
1.Module 1 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
Module 1-1 Basic features of a fixed-income security
Module 1-2 Bond indenture
Module 1-3 Principal Repayment Structures
Module 1-4 Coupon payment Structure
Module 1-5 Callable bonds
Module 1-6 Putable、Convertible、Warrants
2.Module 2 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, and Funding
Module 2-1 Classification of Fixed-Income Markets
Module 2-2 Primary and Secondary Bond Markets,Bond of different issuers
Module 2-3 Corporate Debt and Structured financial instruments
Module 2-4 Short-term funding alternatives available to banks
3.Module 3 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
Module 3-1 Bond Pricing with a single discount rate
Module 3-2 Flat Price, Accrued Interest, and the Full Price
Module 3-3 Matrix pricing,Yield measures for fixed-rate bonds
Module 3-4 Yield Measures for Floating-Rate Notes ,Money Market Instruments
Module 3-5 Yield Curve--Forward rates and spot rates
Module 3-6 Yield Spreads--G-spread,I spread,Z spread,OAS
4.Module 4 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
Module 4-1 Benefits of securitization, Structure of a Securitization
Module 4-2 Residential mortgage-backed securities
Module 4-3 Agency RMBS—Mortgage Pass-through securities
Module 4-4 Agency RMBS—Collateralized mortgage obligation
Module 4-5 Commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS)
Module 4-6 Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) and Covered bonds
5.Module 5 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
Module 5-1 Computing annualized holding period return
Module 5-2 Yield Duration--Macaulay Duration and Modified Duration
Module 5-3 Approximate Modified Duration,Money Duration,PVBP,Effective Duration
Module 5-4 Portfolio Duration,Key rate duration
Module 5-5 Bond Convexity,Duration Gap,Credit and Liquidity Spread
6.Module 6 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
Module 6-1 Credit Risk,Credit Risk,Credit Rating
Module 6-2 4C in credit analysis,Capacity、Collateral、Covenants、Character
Module 6-3 Factors influence yield spreads,Evaluating the credit
1.Module 1 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Derivative Features
M1-3 Derivatives Underlyings
M1-4 Derivative markets
2.Module 2 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Inst
M2-1&2 Forwards
M2-3 Futures(1)
M2-3 Futures(2)
M2-4 Swaps
M2-5 Options(1)
M2-5 Options(2)
M2-6 Credit derivatives
3.Module 3 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
M3-1 Introduction &2 Derivative Benefits
M3-3 Derivative Risks
M3-4 Issuer Use Of Derivatives
M3-5 Investor Use Of Derivatives
4.Module 4 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing
M4-1 Introduction & 2 Arbitrage
M4-3 Replication
M4-4 Costs and Benefits Associated with Owning the Underlying
5.Module 5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Und
M5-1&2 Introduction &Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments
M5-3 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rate Forward Contracts
6.Module 6 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts
M6-1&2&3 Pricing of Futures Contracts at Inception
M6-4 Interest Rate Futures versus Forward Contracts
M6-5 Forward and Futures Price Differences
7.Module 7 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps
M7-1&2 Swaps Vs. Forwards
M7-3 Swap Values And Prices
8.Module 8 Pricing and Valuation of Options
M8-1&2&3 Option Exercise Value
M8-4&5&6&7 Replication
M8-8 Factors Affecting Option Value
9.Module 9 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity
M9-1&2 Put–Call Parity
M9-3&4&5 Option Strategies Based on Put–Call Parity
10.Module 10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model
M10-1&2&3 The Binomial Model
M10-4 Pricing a European Call Option
M10-5 Risk Neutrality
1.Module 1 Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Structures
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Investment methods
M1-3 Investment and compensation structures
2.Module 2 Performance Calculation and Appraisal of Alternative Inve
M2-1 Performance Appraisal
M2-2 Calculating Fees and Returns
3.Module 3 Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Res
M3-1 Private Capital
M3-2 Real Estate
M3-3 Infrastructure
M3-4 Natural Resources
M3-5 Hedge Funds
1.Module 1 Portfolio management overview
M1-1 Portfolio management process+Types of investors
M1-2 The asset management industry+Pooled investment
2.Module 2 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅰ
M2-1 return measures+risk measures+portfolio risk
M2-2 Risk aversion and portfolio selection+ Efficient Frontier
3.Module 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅱ
M3-1 Capital Market Line+Systematic and Nonsystematic Risk+Beta
M3-2 CAPM+Portfolioperformanceappraisalmeasures
4.Module 4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
M4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
5.Module 5 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
M5-1 BF —Cognitive error-Belief perseverance errors
M5-2 BF—Cognitive error-Information-processing biases+Emotional bias
6.Module 6 Introduction to Risk Management
M6-1 Risk Governance+Identification
M6-2 Measurement of market risk+Methods of risk modification
7.Module 7 Technical Analysis
M7-1 Definitionand scope+Technical analysis tools
M7-2 TechnicalAnalysisTools
8.Module 8 Fintech in Investment Management
M8 Fintechin Investment Management
1.Module 1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-2 Challenges、Ethical vs. Legal、Decision-Making Frameworks
M1-3 summary
2.Module 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
M2-1 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
3.Module 3 Guidance for Standards I–VII
M3-1 I(A)Knowledge of the Law
M3-2 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Guidance
M3-3 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Case
M3-4 I(C)Misrepresentation-Guidance
M3-5 I(C)Misrepresentation-Cases
M3-6 I(D)Misconduct
M3-7 Ⅱ(A)Material NonpublicInformation-Guidance
M3-8 Ⅱ(A)Material Nonpublic Information-Cases
M3-9 Ⅱ(B)Market Manipulation
M3-10 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Guidance
M3-11 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Case
M3-12 III(B)Fair dealing
M3-13 III(C)Suitability
M3-14 III(D)Performance Presentation
M3-15 III(E)Preservation of Confidentiality
M3-16 IV(A)Loyalty-Guidance
M3-17 IV(A)Loyalty-Cases
M3-18 IV(B)Additional Compensation Arrangements
M3-19 IV(C)Responsibilities of Supervisors
M3-20 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Guidance
M3-21 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Cases
M3-22 V(B)Communication with clients+V(C)Record Retention
M3-23 VI(A)Disclosure of Conflicts
M3-24 VI(B)Priorityof Transaction+VI(C)Referral Fees
M3-25 VII(A)Conduct as members and candidates
M3-26 VII(B)Reference to CFAInstitute, Designation and Program
4.Module 4 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standar
M4-1 Introduction to the Global Investment
5.Module 5 Ethics Application
M5-1 Ethics Application
M5-2 Ethics Application
M5-3 Ethics Application
M5-4 Ethics Application
M5-5 Ethics Application
1 - 行研简要介绍
2 - 行研工作内容
3 - 行研薪酬体系
4 - 行研招聘要求
M1-1 Wind数据库介绍
M1-2 Wind数据库介绍
M1-3 Wind数据库介绍
M1-4 Wind数据库介绍
M1-5 Wind数据库介绍
M1-6 Wind数据库介绍
M1-7 Wind数据库介绍
M2-1 权益研究重点功能
M2-2 权益研究重点功能
M3-1 债券研究-交易重点功能
M3-2 债券研究-交易重点功能
M3-3 债券研究-交易重点功能
M4 基金研究重点功能
M5 组合管理
拒绝拖延 高效学习
1.第一章 介绍
1-1 安装
1-2 前导
1-3 编写第一个程序-Hello World
1-4 随堂练习
5 - Python 中的函数
1-6 随堂练习
1-7 一个稍微复杂的程序示例-Chaos
1-8 随堂练习和第一章总结
2.第二章 编写简单的程序
2-1 示例程序——汇率换算
2-2 程序要素——名称
2-3 随堂练习
2-4 程序要素——表达式
2-5 程序要素——输出语句
2-6 程序要素——赋值语句
2-7 随堂练习
2-8 程序要素——确定循环
2-9 示例程序——计算终值
2-10 随堂练习
2-11 第二章总结
3.第三章 数值计算
3-1 Python 中数值类型
3-2 类型的转换
3-3 随堂练习
3-4 Python 中的 Math 库
5 - 原地运算
3-6 第三章总结
4.第四章 字符串
4.1 索引和切片
4-2 随堂练习
4-3 字符串的操作
4-4 示例程序——生成用户名
4-5 示例程序——月份缩写
4-6 Python 中的列表
4-7 示例程序——月份缩写(升级版)
4-8 列表与字符串
4-9 随堂练习
4-10 字符串编码
4-11 示例程序——编码器
4-12 字符串方法
4-13 示例程序——编码器
4-14 长字符串
4-15 格式化输出
4-16 文件处理
4-17 示例程序——批处理
4-18 文件对话框
4-19 章节总结——第四章
5.第五章 定义函数
5-1 示例程序——生日歌
5-2 函数的定义和调用
5-3 定义多个参数的函数
5-4 有返回值的函数
5-5 修改参数的函数
5-6 默认参数
5-7 不定长参数
5-8 随堂练习
5-9 匿名函数
5-10 章节总结——第五章
6.第六章 条件结构
6-1 条件结构
6-2 示例程序——温度警告
6-3 条件判断语句
6- 4 条件结构的类型
6-5 单路判断和两路判断
6-6 随堂练习
6-7 多路判断
6-8 随堂练习
6-9 处理多个条件
6-10 异常处理
6-11 三元表达式
6-12 章节总结——第六章
6-13 随堂练习
7.第七章 循环结构
7-1 确定循环
7-2 while 语句
7-3 交互式循环
7-4 哨兵循环
7-5 文件循环
7-6 嵌套循环
7-7 随堂练习
7-8 break 和 continue 语句
7-9 章节总结——第七章
8.第八章 模拟与设计
8-1 随机数
8-2 示例程序——计算圆周率
8-3 示例程序——壁球游戏
9.第九章 模块与封装
9-1 自定义模块
9-2 导入同级目录下的模块
9-3 导入不同级目录下的模块
9-4 __name__ 属性
10.第十章 Python Principal
10-1 数据类型
10-2 输入与输出
10-3 函数
10-4 选择结构
10-5 循环结构
10-6 模块
10-7 随机数
10-8 模拟与设计
11.第十一章 其他专题
11-1 海龟作图
11-2 使用 with 进行文件操作
12.第十二章 递归(选学)
12-1 示例程序——计算阶乘
12-2 示例程序——反转字符串
12-3 示例程序——汉诺塔
12-4 效率问题
12-5 示例程序——Fibonacci
12-6 示例程序——分形树
13.第十三章 数据集合
13-1 列表
13-2 随堂练习
13-3 元组
13-4 字典
13-5 集合
14.第十四章 高级语法
14-1 生成表达式
14-2 高阶函数
15.第十五章 Numpy
15-1 Numpy 数组的介绍
15-2 使用列举创建数组
15-3 数组的属性
15-4 创建等差数组
15-5 创建随机数组
15-6 其他创建数组的方法
15-7 数组的数据类型
15-8 索引和切片
15-9 布尔索引
15-10 智能索引
15-11 数组的形态操作
15-12 数组的运算
15-13 通用函数
15-14 统计函数
15-15 数组的遍历
15-16 线性代数
16.第十六章 广播和布尔索引
16-1 广播
16-2 布尔数组和布尔索引
17.第十七章 Pandas I
17-1 DataFrame 数据结构
17-2 Series 数据结构
17-3 数据表的读写
17-4 提取数据表的行和列
17-5 提取数据表的某一区域
17-6 DataFrame 中的作图
17-7 新增字段
18.第十八章 Pandas II
18-1 重命名
18-2 整体统计与分组统计
18-3 数据表的排序
18-4 Long to Wide
18-5 数据透视表
18-6 Wide to Long
18-7 数据表的纵向合并
18-8 数据表的横向合并
18-9 处理时间序列数据
18-10 处理文本数据
19.第十九章 Pandas III
19-1 创建 Series
19-2 将 Series 转换为 Numpy Array
19-3 Series 的索引和切片
19-4 Series 的运算
19-5 创建 DataFrame
19-6 丢弃数据
19-7 设置 Index
19-8 DataFrame 的索引和切片
19-9 向 DataFrame 中添加列
19-10 滚动计算
20.第二十章 缺失值的处理
20-1 None 与 NaN
20-2 处理 Pandas 中的缺失值
21.第二十一章 数据可视化 I
21-1 Stateful approach
21-2 Stateless approach
21-3 调整图形
21-4 常用图形
22.第二十二章 数据可视化 II
22-1 单组数据的可视化
22-2 多组数据关系的可视化
23. 第二十三章 获取金融数据
23-1 tushare
23-2 pandas-datareader
24.第二十四章 面向对象程序设计(选学)
24-1 类和对象
24-2 类的方法
24-3 二叉树模型
24-4 模型实现
26-1 课后练习1
26-2 课后练习2
26-3 课后练习3
26-4 课后练习4
26-5 课后练习5
27-1 Cases —— 哥德巴赫猜想
27-2 Cases —— 随机游走
27-3 Cases —— 策略回测函数的 Excel实现
27-4 Cases —— Titanic 幸存分析
27-5 Cases —— 板块分析
27-6 Cases —— 生命游戏
27-7 Cases —— 股债长期收益分析
27-8 Cases —— 赌博游戏
1-1 财务分析与估值建模课程介绍
1-2 如何阅读财务报告
1-3 认识资产负债表
1-4 认识现金流量表
1-5 认识利润表
2-1 财务分析的核心指标
2-2 基于企业盈利链的财务分析框架
2-3 毛利率分析
2-4 存货中的财务诡计
2-5 一招提高 ROE
2-6 费用以及损益
2-7 周转率分析
2-8 资产负债率分析
2-9 现金流量分析
2-10 京沪高铁
2-11 华测检测
3-1 财务舞弊
3-2 盈余管理方法
3-3 东阿阿胶
3-4 财务风险识别
3-5 康美药业
3-6 康得新
3-6 乐视网
4-1 股权激励的概念
4-2 股权激励的要点
4-3 泸州老窖
4-4 美的集团
4-5 伊利股份
4-6 ST凯迪
5-1 相对估值法
5-2 正确理解市盈率变动
5-3 绝对估值法
5-4 自由现金流折现模型
5-6 贵州茅台
5-7 伊利股份
5-8 上海机场