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{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
1-1 Quantitative Methods
1-2 Quantitative Methods
2-1 Economics
2-2 Economics
3-1 Financial Statement Analysts
4-1 Corporate Issuers
5-1 Equity Investments
6-1 Fixed Income
7-1 Derivatives
8-1 Alternative Investments
9-1 Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning
10-1 Ethical and Professional Standards
1-1 指数与对数
1-2 指数与对数
2-1 等比数列
3-1 统计度量
3-2 统计度量
3-3 统计度量
4-1 导数
5-1 假设检验
6-1 数量分析框架
1 - 财报重要性及会计要素
2 - 三大财务报表
3 - 复式记账法与会计基础
4 - 财报分析方法及应用案例
1-1 Overview of Calculator Operations
1-2 Overview of Calculator Operations
1-3 Overview of Calculator Operations
2-1 Time-Value-of-Money and Amortization Worksheets
3-1 Cash Flow Worksheet
4-1 Bond Worksheet
5-1 Depreciation Worksheet
6-1 Statistics Worksheets
7-1 Combination and Permutation
1.Quantitative Methods
0-1 Introduction.mp4
M1-1 Rates and Returns
M1-2 Rates and Returns
M2-1 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M2-2 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M3-1 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M3-2 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations
M5-1 Portfolio Mathematics
M5-2 Portfolio Mathematics
M6-1 Simulation Methods
M6-2 Simulation Methods
M7 Estimation and Inference
M8-1 Hypothesis Testing
M8-2 Hypothesis Testing
M9 Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
M10-1 Simple Linear Regression
M10-2 Simple Linear Regression
M11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques
M1-1 The Firm and Market Structures
M1-2 The Firm and Market Structures
M1-3 The Firm and Market Structures
M1-4 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-1 Understanding Business Cycles
M2-2 Understanding Business Cycles
M3 Fiscal Policy
M4 Monetary Policy
M5 Introduction to Geopolitics
M6 International Trade
M7 Capital Flows and the FX Market
M8 Exchange Rate Calculations
3.Corporate Issuers
M1-1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-2 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-3 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-4 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M2-1 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-3 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-4 Investors and Other Stakeholders.
M3-1 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-2 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-3 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-4 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M4-1 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-2 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-3 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-4 Working Capital and Liquidity
M5-1 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-2 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(1)
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(2)
M5-4 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-5 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M6-1 Capital Structure
M6-2 Capital Structure
M6-3 Capital Structure
M6-4 Capital Structure
M7-1 Business Models
M7-2 Business Models
M7-3 Business Models
4.Financial Statement Analysis
M1-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-3 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M2-1 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-2 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-3 Analyzing Income Statements
M3 Analyzing Balance Sheets
M4-1 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M4-2 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M5 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II
M6-1 Analysis of Inventories
M6-2 Analysis of Inventories
M7-1 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-2 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-3 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M8-1 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-2 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-3 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M9-1 Analysis of Income Taxes
M9-2 Analysis of Income Taxes
M10 Financial Reporting Quality
M11-1 Financial Analysis Techniques
M11-2 Financial Analysis Techniques
M12-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
M12-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
5.Equity Investments
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Main Functions of the Financial Market
M1-3 Intermediaries of Financial Market
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(1)
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(2)
M1-5 Positions in an asset
M1-6 Instructions of transaction processes
M1-7 Well functioned financial market
M2-1 Introduction of security market index
M2-2 Calculation of Index Values over Multiple Time Periods
M2-3 Index Construction(1)
M2-3 Index Construction(2)
M2-4 Index Management Rebalancing and Reconstitution
M2-5 Uses of Market Indexes
M2-6 Equity indexes
M2-7 Fixed-income indexes
M2-8 Indexes for Alternative Investments
M3-1 The Concept of Market Efficiency
M3-2 Factors Affecting Market Efficiency
M3-3 Forms of Market Efficiency
M4-1 Characteristics of Equity Securities
M4-2 Private Versus Public Equity Securities
M4-3 Non-Domestic Equity Securities
M4-4 Risk and Return Characteristics
M4-5 Equity and Company Value
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Company Research Reports
M5-3 Determining the Business Model
M5-4 Revenue Analysis
M5-5 Operating Profitability and Working Capital Analysis
M5-6 Capital Investments and Capital Structure
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Uses of Industry Analysis
M6-3 Industry Classification
M6-4 Industry Survey
M6-5 Industry Structure and External Influences
M6-6 Competitive Positioning
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Forecast Objects, Principles, and Approaches
M7-3 Forecasting Revenues
M7-4 Forecasting Operating Expenses and Working Capital
M7-5 Forecasting Capital Investments and Capital Structure
M7-6 Scenario Analysis
M8-1 Estimated value and market price
M8-2 Categories of Equity Valuation Models
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(1)
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(2)
M8-4 Multiplier models
M8-5 Asset-based valuation
6.Fixed Income
0-1 Introduction
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Features of Fixed-Income Securities
M1-3 Bond Indentures and Covenants
M2-1 Introduction
M2-2 Fixed-Income Cash Flow Structures
M2-3 Fixed-Income Contingency Provisions
M2-4 Legal, Regulatory, and Tax Considerations
M3-1 Introduction
M3-2 Fixed-Income Segments, Issuers, and Investors
M3-3 Fixed-Income Indexes
M3-4 Primary and Secondary Fixed-Income Markets
M4-1 Introduction
M4-2 Short-Term Funding Alternatives
M4-3 Repurchase Agreements
M4-4 Long-Term Corporate Debt
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Sovereign Debt
M5-3 Sovereign debt issuance and trading
M5-4 Non-Sovereign, Quasi-Government, and Supranational Agency Debt
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Bond Pricing and the Time Value of Money
M6-3 Relationships between Bond Prices and Bond Features
M6-4 Matrix Pricing
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Periodicity and Annualized Yields
M7-3 Other Yield Measures, Conventions, and Accounting for Embedded Options
M7-4 Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds and Matrix Pricing
M8-1 Introduction
M8-2 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Notes
M8-3 Yield Measures For Money Market Instruments
M9-1 Introduction
M9-2 Maturity Structure of Interest Rates and Spot Rates
M9-3 Par and Forward Rates
M9-4 Spot, Par, And Forward Yield Curves
M10-1 Introduction
M10-2 Sources of Return From Investing In a Fixed-rate Bond
M10-3 Investment Horizon and Interest Rate Risk
M10-4 Macaulay Duration
M11-1 Introduction
M11-2 Modified Duration
M11-3 Money Duration and Price Value of a Basis Point
M11-4 Properties of Duration
M12-1 Introduction
M12-2 Bond Convexity and Convexity Adjustment
M12-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Duration and Convexity
M12-4 Portfolio Duration and Convexity
M13-1 Introduction
M13-2 Curve-Based Interest Rate Risk Measures
M13-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Curve-Based Duration
M13-4 Key Rate Duration as a Measure of Yield Curve Risk
M13-5 Empirical Duration
M14-1 Introduction
M14-2 Sources of Credit Risk
M14-3 Credit Rating Agencies and Credit Ratings
M14-4 Factors Impacting Yield Spreads
M15-1 Introduction
M15-2 Sovereign Credit Analysis
M15-3 Non-Sovereign Credit Risk
M16-1 Introduction
M16-2 Assessing Corporate Creditworthiness
M16-3 Financial Ratios in Corporate Credit Analysis
M16-4 Seniority Rankings, Recovery Rates, and Credit Ratings
M17-1 Introduction
M17-2 The Benefits of Securitization
M17-3 The securitization process
M18-1 Introduction
M18-2 Covered Bonds
M18-3 ABS Structures To Address Credit Risk
M18-4 Non-mortgage asset-backed securities
M18-5 Collateralized Debt Obligations
M19-1 Introduction
M19-2 Time Tranching
M19-3 Mortgage Loans And Their Characteristic Features
M19-4 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
M19-5 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Derivative Features
M1-3 Derivatives Underlyings
M1-4 Derivative markets
M2-1&2 Forwards
M2-3 Futures(1)
M2-3 Futures(2)
M2-4 Swaps
M2-5 Options(1)
M2-5 Options(2)
M2-6 Credit derivatives
M3-1 Introduction &2 Derivative Benefits
M3-3 Derivative Risks
M3-4 Issuer Use Of Derivatives
M3-5 Investor Use Of Derivatives
8.Alternative Investments
9.Portfolio Management
10.Ethical and Professional Standards
1. 金融英语--伦理道德部分
6. 金融英语--资产组合管理
8. 金融英语--固定收益
10. 金融英语--其他类投资
1 .财务计算器使用概述
3 .现金流计算功能
1 - 财报重要性及会计要素
2 - 三大财务报表
3 - 复式记账法与会计基础
4 - 财报分析方法及应用案例
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Rates and Returns
M1-1 Rates and Returns
M1-2 Rates and Returns
3.Module 2 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M2-1 The Time Value of Money in Finance
M2-2 The Time Value of Money in Finance
4.Module 3 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M3-1 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
M3-2 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
5.Module 4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations
M4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations
6.Module 5 Portfolio Mathematics
M5-1 Portfolio Mathematics
M5-2 Portfolio Mathematics
7.Module 6 Simulation Methods
M6-1 Simulation Methods
M6-2 Simulation Methods
8.Module 7 Estimation and Inference
M7 Estimation and Inference
9.Module 8 Hypothesis Testing
M8-1 Hypothesis Testing
M8-2 Hypothesis Testing
10.Module 9 Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
M9 Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
11.Module 10 Simple Linear Regression
M10-1 Simple Linear Regression
M10-2 Simple Linear Regression
12.Module 11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques
M11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques
2.Module 1 Firms and Market Structures
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Profit Maximization Production Breakeven, Shutdown and Economies of Scale
M1-3 Introduction to Market Structures
M1-4 Monopolistic Competition
M1-5 Oligopoly
M1-6 Determining Market Structure
3.Module 2 Understanding Business Cycles
M2-1 Overview of the Business Cycle
M2-2 Credit Cycles
M2-3 Economic Indicators over the Business Cycle
4.Module 3 Fiscal Policy
M3-1 Introduction to Monetary and Fiscal Policy&Roles and Objectives of Fiscal Policy
M3-2 Fiscal Policy Tools
M3-3 Fiscal Policy Implementation
5.Module 4 Monetary Policy
M4-1 Role of Central Banks
M4-2 Monetary Policy Tools and Monetary Transmission
M4-3 Monetary Policy Objectives
M4-4 Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy
6.Module 5 Introduction to Geopolitics
M5-1 National Governments and Political Cooperation
M5-2 Forces of Globalization
M5-3 International Trade Organizations
M5-4 Assessing Geopolitical Actors and Risk
M5-5 The Tools of Geopolitics
M5-6 Geopolitical Risk and the Investment Process
7.Module 6 International Trade
M6-1 Benefits and Costs of Trade
M6-2 Trade Restrictions and Agreements—Tariffs, Quotas, and Export Subsidies
M6-3 Trading Blocs and Regional Integration
8.Module 7 Capital Flows and the FX Market
M7-1 The Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rates
M7-2 Exchange Rate Regimes Ideals and Historical Perspective
M7-3 Capital Restrictions
9.Module 8 Exchange Rate Calculations
M8 Cross-Rate Calculations&Forward Rate Calculations
0-1 Corporate Issuers Overview
2.Module 1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-2 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-3 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
M1-4 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
3.Module 2 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-1 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-2 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-3 Investors and Other Stakeholders
M2-4 Investors and Other Stakeholders
4.Module 3 Corporate Governance: Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-1 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-2 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-3 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
M3-4 Corporate Governance- Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
5.Module 4 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-1 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-2 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-3 Working Capital and Liquidity
M4-4 Working Capital and Liquidity
6.Module 5 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-1 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-2 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(1)
M5-3 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation(2)
M5-4 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
M5-5 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
7.Module 6 Capital Structure
M6-1 Capital Structure
M6-2 Capital Structure
M6-3 Capital Structure
M6-4 Capital Structure
8.Module 7 Business Models
M7-1 Business Models
M7-2 Business Models
M7-3 Business Models
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-3 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
3.Module 2 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-1 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-2 Analyzing Income Statements
M2-3 Analyzing Income Statements
4.Module 3 Analyzing Balance Sheets
M3 Analyzing Balance Sheets
5.Module 4 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M4-1 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
M4-2 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I
6.Module 5 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II
M5 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II
7.Module 6 Analysis of Inventories
M6-1 Analysis of Inventories
M6-2 Analysis of Inventories
8.Module 7 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-1 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-2 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
M7-3 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
9.Module 8 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-1 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-2 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
M8-3 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity
10.Module 9 Analysis of Income Taxes
M9-1 Analysis of Income Taxes
M9-2 Analysis of Income Taxes
11.Module 10 Financial Reporting Quality
M10 Financial Reporting Quality
12.Module 11 Financial Analysis Techniques
M11-1 Financial Analysis Techniques
M11-2 Financial Analysis Techniques
13.Module 12 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
M12-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
M12-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Market Organization and Structure
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Main Functions of the Financial Market
M1-3 Intermediaries of Financial Market
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(1)
M1-4 Classification of assets and markets(2)
M1-5 Positions in an asset
M1-6 Instructions of transaction processes
M1-7 Well functioned financial market
3.Module 2 Security Market Indices
M2-1 Introduction of security market index
M2-2 Calculation of Index Values over Multiple Time Periods
M2-3 Index Construction(1)
M2-3 Index Construction(2)
M2-4 Index Management Rebalancing and Reconstitution
M2-5 Uses of Market Indexes
M2-6 Equity indexes
M2-7 Fixed-income indexes
M2-8 Indexes for Alternative Investments
4.Module 3 Market Efficiency
M3-1 The Concept of Market Efficiency
M3-2 Factors Affecting Market Efficiency
M3-3 Forms of Market Efficiency
M3-4 Implications of the Efficient Market Hypothesis
M3-5 Market Anomalies
M3-6 Behavioral Finance
5.Module 4 Overview of Equity Securities
M4-1 Characteristics of Equity Securities
M4-2 Private Versus Public Equity Securities
M4-3 Non-Domestic Equity Securities
M4-4 Risk and Return Characteristics
M4-5 Equity and Company Value
6.Module 5 Company Analysis: Past and Present
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Company Research Reports
M5-3 Determining the Business Model
M5-4 Revenue Analysis
M5-5 Operating Profitability and Working Capital Analysis
M5-6 Capital Investments and Capital Structure
7.Module 6 Industry and Competitive Analysis
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Uses of Industry Analysis
M6-3 Industry Classification
M6-4 Industry Survey
M6-5 Industry Structure and External Influences
M6-6 Competitive Positioning
8.Module 7 Company Analysis: Forecasting
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Forecast Objects, Principles, and Approaches
M7-3 Forecasting Revenues
M7-4 Forecasting Operating Expenses and Working Capital
M7-5 Forecasting Capital Investments and Capital Structure
M7-6 Scenario Analysis
9.Module 8 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
M8-1 Estimated value and market price
M8-2 Categories of Equity Valuation Models
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(1)
M8-3 Discounted cash flow models(2)
M8-4 Multiplier models
M8-5 Asset-based valuation
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Fixed-Income Instrument Features
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Features of Fixed-Income Securities
M1-3 Bond Indentures and Covenants
3.Module 2 Fixed-Income Cash Flows and Types
M2-1 Introduction
M2-2 Fixed-Income Cash Flow Structures
M2-3 Fixed-Income Contingency Provisions
M2-4 Legal, Regulatory, and Tax Considerations
4.Module 3 Fixed-Income Issuance and Trading
M3-1 Introduction
M3-2 Fixed-Income Segments, Issuers, and Investors
M3-3 Fixed-Income Indexes
M3-4 Primary and Secondary Fixed-Income Markets
5.Module 4 Fixed-Income Markets for Corporate Issuers
M4-1 Introduction
M4-2 Short-Term Funding Alternatives
M4-3 Repurchase Agreements
M4-4 Long-Term Corporate Debt
6.Module 5 Fixed-Income Markets for Government Issuers
M5-1 Introduction
M5-2 Sovereign Debt
M5-3 Sovereign debt issuance and trading
M5-4 Non-Sovereign, Quasi-Government, and Supranational Agency Debt
7.Module 6 Fixed-Income Bond Valuation: Prices and Yields
M6-1 Introduction
M6-2 Bond Pricing and the Time Value of Money
M6-3 Relationships between Bond Prices and Bond Features
M6-4 Matrix Pricing
8.Module 7 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds
M7-1 Introduction
M7-2 Periodicity and Annualized Yields
M7-3 Other Yield Measures, Conventions, and Accounting for Embedded Options
M7-4 Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds and Matrix Pricing
9.Module 8 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Instruments
M8-1 Introduction
M8-2 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Notes
M8-3 Yield Measures For Money Market Instruments
10.Module 9 The Term Structure of Interest Rates: Spot, Par, and Forward Curves
M9-1 Introduction
M9-2 Maturity Structure of Interest Rates and Spot Rates
M9-3 Par and Forward Rates
M9-4 Spot, Par, And Forward Yield Curves
11.Module 10 Interest Rate Risk and Return
M10-1 Introduction
M10-2 Sources of Return From Investing In a Fixed-rate Bond
M10-3 Investment Horizon and Interest Rate Risk
M10-4 Macaulay Duration
12.Module 11 Yield-Based Bond Duration Measures and Properties
M11-1 Introduction
M11-2 Modified Duration
M11-3 Money Duration and Price Value of a Basis Point
M11-4 Properties of Duration
13.Module 12 Yield-Based Bond Convexity and Portfolio Properties
M12-1 Introduction
M12-2 Bond Convexity and Convexity Adjustment
M12-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Duration and Convexity
M12-4 Portfolio Duration and Convexity
14.Module 13 Curve-Based and Empirical Fixed-Income Risk Measures
M13-1 Introduction
M13-2 Curve-Based Interest Rate Risk Measures
M13-3 Bond Risk and Return Using Curve-Based Duration
M13-4 Key Rate Duration as a Measure of Yield Curve Risk
M13-5 Empirical Duration
15.Module 14 Credit Risk
M14-1 Introduction
M14-2 Sources of Credit Risk
M14-3 Credit Rating Agencies and Credit Ratings
M14-4 Factors Impacting Yield Spreads
16.Module 15 Credit Analysis for Government Issuers
M15-1 Introduction
M15-2 Sovereign Credit Analysis
M15-3 Non-Sovereign Credit Risk
17.Module 16 Credit Analysis for Corporate Issuers
M16-1 Introduction
M16-2 Assessing Corporate Creditworthiness
M16-3 Financial Ratios in Corporate Credit Analysis
M16-4 Seniority Rankings, Recovery Rates, and Credit Ratings
18.Module 17 Fixed-Income Securitization
M17-1 Introduction
M17-2 The Benefits of Securitization
M17-3 The securitization process
19.Module 18 Asset-Backed Security (ABS) Instrument and Market Features
M18-1 Introduction
M18-2 Covered Bonds
M18-3 ABS Structures To Address Credit Risk
M18-4 Non-mortgage asset-backed securities
M18-5 Collateralized Debt Obligations
20.Module 19 Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) Instrument and Market Features
M19-1 Introduction
M19-2 Time Tranching
M19-3 Mortgage Loans And Their Characteristic Features
M19-4 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
M19-5 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)
1.Module 1 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Derivative Features
M1-3 Derivatives Underlyings
M1-4 Derivative markets
2.Module 2 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments
M2-1&2 Forwards
M2-3 Futures(1)
M2-3 Futures(2)
M2-4 Swaps
M2-5 Options(1)
M2-5 Options(2)
M2-6 Credit derivatives
3.Module 3 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
M3-1 Introduction &2 Derivative Benefits
M3-3 Derivative Risks
M3-4 Issuer Use Of Derivatives
M3-5 Investor Use Of Derivatives
4.Module 4 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives
M4-1 Introduction & 2 Arbitrage
M4-3 Replication
M4-4 Costs and Benefits Associated with Owning the Underlying
5.Module 5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying Maturities
M5-1&2 Introduction &Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments
M5-3 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rate Forward Contracts
6.Module 6 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts
M6-1&2&3 Pricing of Futures Contracts at Inception
M6-4 Interest Rate Futures versus Forward Contracts
M6-5 Forward and Futures Price Differences
7.Module 7 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps
M7-1&2 Swaps Vs. Forwards
M7-3 Swap Values And Prices
8.Module 8 Pricing and Valuation of Options
M8-1&2&3 Option Exercise Value
M8-4&5&6&7 Replication
M8-8 Factors Affecting Option Value
9.Module 9 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity
M9-1&2 Put–Call Parity
M9-3&4&5 Option Strategies Based on Put–Call Parity
10.Module 10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model
M10-1&2&3 The Binomial Model
M10-4 Pricing a European Call Option
M10-5 Risk Neutrality
1.Module 1 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
M1-1 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
M1-2 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
2.Module 2 Alternative Investment Performance and Returns
M2 Alternative Investment Performance and Returns
3.Module 3 Investments in Private Capital: Equity and Debt
M3 Investments in Private Capital- Equity and Debt
4.Module 4 Real Estate and Infrastructure
M4 Real Estate and Infrastructure
5.Module 5 Natural Resources
M5 Natural Resources
6.Module 6 Hedge Funds
M6 Hedge Funds
7.Module 7 Introduction to Digital Assets
M7 Introduction to Digital Assets
0-1 Introduction
2.Module 1 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅰ
M1-1 Utility Theory and Indifference Curves
M1-2 Efficient Frontier
M1-3 Capital Allocation Line and Capital Market Line
3.Module 2 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅱ
M2-1 Return Generating Models
M2-2 Capital Asset Pricing Model & Security Market Line
M2-3 Portfolio Performance Appraisal Measures
4.Module 3 Portfolio Management Overview
M3-1 Step in The Portfolio Management Process
M3-2 Types of Investors
M3-3 The Asset Management Industry
M3-4 Pooled Investment Products
5.Module 4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
M4-1 Portfolio Planning
M4-2 Portfolio Construction
6.Module 5 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
M5-1 Behavioral Bias
M5-2 Behavioral Finance and Market Behavior
7.Module 6 Introduction to Risk Management
M6-1 Risk Management Framework
M6-2 Risk Categories
M6-3 Measuring and Modifying Risk
1.Module 1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-2 Challenges、Ethical vs. Legal、Decision-Making Frameworks
M1-3 summary
2.Module 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
M2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
3.Module 3 Guidance for Standards I–VII
M3-1 I(A)Knowledge of the Law
M3-2 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Guidance
M3-3 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Case
M3-4 I(C)Misrepresentation-Guidance
M3-5 I(C)Misrepresentation-Cases
M3-6 I(D)Misconduct
M3-7 Ⅱ(A)Material NonpublicInformation-Guidance
M3-8 Ⅱ(A)Material Nonpublic Information-Cases
M3-9 Ⅱ(B)Market Manipulation
M3-10 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Guidance
M3-11 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Case
M3-12 III(B)Fair dealing
M3-13 III(C)Suitability
M3-14 III(D)Performance Presentation
M3-15 III(E)Preservation of Confidentiality
M3-16 IV(A)Loyalty-Guidance
M3-17 IV(A)Loyalty-Cases
M3-18 IV(B)Additional Compensation Arrangements
M3-19 IV(C)Responsibilities of Supervisors
M3-20 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Guidance
M3-21 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Cases
M3-22 V(B)Communication with clients+V(C)Record Retention
M3-23 VI(A)Disclosure of Conflicts
M3-24 VI(B)Priorityof Transaction+VI(C)Referral Fees
M3-25 VII(A)Conduct as members and candidates
M3-26 VII(B)Reference to CFAInstitute, Designation and Program
4.Module 4 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
M4 Introduction to the Global Investment
5.Module 5 Ethics Application
M5-1 Ethics Application
M5-2 Ethics Application
M5-3 Ethics Application
M5-4 Ethics Application
M5-5 Ethics Application
1.Module 1 The Time Value of Money
Module 1-1 The Time Value of Money
Module 1-2 The Time Value of Money
Module 1-3 The Time Value of Money
2.Module 2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-1 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-3 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-4 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
Module 2-5 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data
3.Module 3 Probability Concepts
Module 3-1 Probability Concepts
Module 3-2 Probability Concepts
Module 3-3 Probability Concepts
4.Module 4 Common Probability Distributions
Module 4-1 Common Probability Distributions
Module 4-2 Common Probability Distributions
Module 4-3 Common Probability Distributions
5.Module 5 Sampling and Estimation
Module 5-1 Sampling and Estimation
Module 5-2 Sampling and Estimation
Module 5-3 Sampling and Estimation
6.Module 6 Hypothesis Testing
Module 6-1 Hypothesis Testing
Module 6-2 Hypothesis Testing
7.Module 7 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 7-1 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 7-2 Introduction to Linear Regression
Module 7-3 Introduction to Linear Regression
2.Module 1 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-1 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-2 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-3 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-4 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
M1-5 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
3.Module 2 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-1 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-2 The Firm and Market Structures
M2-3 The Firm and Market Structures
4.Module 3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-1 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-2 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
M3-4 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
5.Module 4 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-1 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-2 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-3 Understanding Business Cycles
M4-4 Understanding Business Cycles
6.Module 5 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
M5-1 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
M5-2 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
7.Module 6 International Trade and Capital Flows
M6 Introduction to Geopolitics
8.Module 7 Currency Exchange Rates
M7-1 International Trade and Capital Flows
M7-2 International Trade and Capital Flows
9.Module 8 Currency Exchange Rates
1.Module 1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-1 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-2 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-3 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-4 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
M1-5 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
2.Module 2 Financial Reporting Standards
M2 Financial Reporting Standards
3.Module 3 Understanding Income Statements
M3-1 Understanding Income Statements
M3-2 Understanding Income Statements
M3-3 Understanding Income Statements
M3-4 Understanding Income Statements
M3-5 Understanding Income Statements
4.Module 4 Understanding Balance Sheets
M4 Understanding Balance Sheets
5.Module 5 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
M5-1 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
M5-2 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
M5-3 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
6.Module 6 Financial Analysis Techniques
M6-1 Financial Analysis Techniques
M6-2 Financial Analysis Techniques
7.Module 7 Inventories
M7-1 Inventories
M7-2 Inventories
M7-3 Inventories
8.Module 8 Long-Lived Assets
M8-1 Long-Lived Assets
M8-2 Long-Lived Assets
M8-3 Long-Lived Assets
M8-4 Long-Lived Assets
9.Module 9 Income Taxes
M9-1 Income taxes
M9-2 Income taxes
10.Module 10 Long-Term Liabilities
M10-1 Long-Term Liabilities
M10-2 Long-Term Liabilities
M10-3 Long-Term Liabilities
11.Module 11 Financial Reporting Quality
M11 Financial reporting quality
12.Module 12 Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
M12 Applications of Financial Statement Analysis
2.Module 1 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-1 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-2 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-3 Corporate Structures and Ownership
M1-4 Corporate Structures and Ownership
3.Module 2 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Consid
M2-1 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations
M2-2 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations
4.Module 3 Business Models & Risks
M3-1 Business Models & Risks
M3-2 Business Models & Risks
5.Module 4 Capital Investments
M4-1 Capital Investments
M4-2 Capital Investments
6.Module 5 Working Capital & Liquidity
M5-1 Working Capital & Liquidity
M5-2 Working Capital & Liquidity
M5-3 Working Capital & Liquidity
7.Module 6 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
M6-1 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
M6-2 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics
8.Module 7 Capital Structure
M7-1 Capital Structure
M7-2 Capital Structure
9.Module 8 Measure of Leverage
M8-1 Measure of Leverage
M8-2 Measure of Leverage
1.Module 1 Market Organization and Structure
Module 1-1 Functions + Intermediaries
Module 1-2 Classification of assets (1)
Module 1-3 Classification of assets (2)
Module 1-4 Classification of markets
Module 1-5 Long & Short positions
Module 1-6 Leveraged position
Module 1-7 BidAsk + Order (1)
Module 1-8 Order (2)
2.Module 2 Security Market Indices
Module 2-1 Price & Total return
Module 2-2 Index construction (1)
Module 2-3 Index construction (2)
Module 2-4 Security market indexes
3.Module 3 Market Efficiency
Module 3-1 Forms of market efficiency
Module 3-2 Market anomalies
Module 3-3 Behavioral biases
4.Module 4 Overview of Equity Securities
Module 4-1 Common & Preferred shares
Module 4-2 PE + Depository receipts
Module 4-3 Risk & Return of equity
5.Module 5 Introduction to Industry and company Analysis
Module 5-1 Industry classification
Module 5-2 Pricing power + Industry life cycle
Module 5-3 Company analysis
6.Module 6 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
Module 6-1 Dividend
Module 6-2 GGM
Module 6-3 Multistage DDM
Module 6-4 FCFE
Module 6-5 Price multiplier
Module 6-6 EV + Asset-based valuation
1.Module 1 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
Module 1-1 Basic features of a fixed-income security
Module 1-2 Bond indenture
Module 1-3 Principal Repayment Structures
Module 1-4 Coupon payment Structure
Module 1-5 Callable bonds
Module 1-6 Putable、Convertible、Warrants
2.Module 2 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, and Funding
Module 2-1 Classification of Fixed-Income Markets
Module 2-2 Primary and Secondary Bond Markets,Bond of different issuers
Module 2-3 Corporate Debt and Structured financial instruments
Module 2-4 Short-term funding alternatives available to banks
3.Module 3 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
Module 3-1 Bond Pricing with a single discount rate
Module 3-2 Flat Price, Accrued Interest, and the Full Price
Module 3-3 Matrix pricing,Yield measures for fixed-rate bonds
Module 3-4 Yield Measures for Floating-Rate Notes ,Money Market Instruments
Module 3-5 Yield Curve--Forward rates and spot rates
Module 3-6 Yield Spreads--G-spread,I spread,Z spread,OAS
4.Module 4 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
Module 4-1 Benefits of securitization, Structure of a Securitization
Module 4-2 Residential mortgage-backed securities
Module 4-3 Agency RMBS—Mortgage Pass-through securities
Module 4-4 Agency RMBS—Collateralized mortgage obligation
Module 4-5 Commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS)
Module 4-6 Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) and Covered bonds
5.Module 5 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
Module 5-1 Computing annualized holding period return
Module 5-2 Yield Duration--Macaulay Duration and Modified Duration
Module 5-3 Approximate Modified Duration,Money Duration,PVBP,Effective Duration
Module 5-4 Portfolio Duration,Key rate duration
Module 5-5 Bond Convexity,Duration Gap,Credit and Liquidity Spread
6.Module 6 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
Module 6-1 Credit Risk,Credit Risk,Credit Rating
Module 6-2 4C in credit analysis,Capacity、Collateral、Covenants、Character
Module 6-3 Factors influence yield spreads,Evaluating the credit
1.Module 1 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Derivative Features
M1-3 Derivatives Underlyings
M1-4 Derivative markets
2.Module 2 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Inst
M2-1&2 Forwards
M2-3 Futures(1)
M2-3 Futures(2)
M2-4 Swaps
M2-5 Options(1)
M2-5 Options(2)
M2-6 Credit derivatives
3.Module 3 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
M3-1 Introduction &2 Derivative Benefits
M3-3 Derivative Risks
M3-4 Issuer Use Of Derivatives
M3-5 Investor Use Of Derivatives
4.Module 4 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing
M4-1 Introduction & 2 Arbitrage
M4-3 Replication
M4-4 Costs and Benefits Associated with Owning the Underlying
5.Module 5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Und
M5-1&2 Introduction &Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments
M5-3 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rate Forward Contracts
6.Module 6 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts
M6-1&2&3 Pricing of Futures Contracts at Inception
M6-4 Interest Rate Futures versus Forward Contracts
M6-5 Forward and Futures Price Differences
7.Module 7 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps
M7-1&2 Swaps Vs. Forwards
M7-3 Swap Values And Prices
8.Module 8 Pricing and Valuation of Options
M8-1&2&3 Option Exercise Value
M8-4&5&6&7 Replication
M8-8 Factors Affecting Option Value
9.Module 9 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity
M9-1&2 Put–Call Parity
M9-3&4&5 Option Strategies Based on Put–Call Parity
10.Module 10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model
M10-1&2&3 The Binomial Model
M10-4 Pricing a European Call Option
M10-5 Risk Neutrality
1.Module 1 Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Structures
M1-1 Introduction
M1-2 Investment methods
M1-3 Investment and compensation structures
2.Module 2 Performance Calculation and Appraisal of Alternative Inve
M2-1 Performance Appraisal
M2-2 Calculating Fees and Returns
3.Module 3 Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Res
M3-1 Private Capital
M3-2 Real Estate
M3-3 Infrastructure
M3-4 Natural Resources
M3-5 Hedge Funds
1.Module 1 Portfolio management overview
M1-1 Portfolio management process+Types of investors
M1-2 The asset management industry+Pooled investment
2.Module 2 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅰ
M2-1 return measures+risk measures+portfolio risk
M2-2 Risk aversion and portfolio selection+ Efficient Frontier
3.Module 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part Ⅱ
M3-1 Capital Market Line+Systematic and Nonsystematic Risk+Beta
M3-2 CAPM+Portfolioperformanceappraisalmeasures
4.Module 4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
M4 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
5.Module 5 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
M5-1 BF —Cognitive error-Belief perseverance errors
M5-2 BF—Cognitive error-Information-processing biases+Emotional bias
6.Module 6 Introduction to Risk Management
M6-1 Risk Governance+Identification
M6-2 Measurement of market risk+Methods of risk modification
7.Module 7 Technical Analysis
M7-1 Definitionand scope+Technical analysis tools
M7-2 TechnicalAnalysisTools
8.Module 8 Fintech in Investment Management
M8 Fintechin Investment Management
1.Module 1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-1 Ethics and Professionalism
M1-2 Challenges、Ethical vs. Legal、Decision-Making Frameworks
M1-3 summary
2.Module 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
M2-1 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
3.Module 3 Guidance for Standards I–VII
M3-1 I(A)Knowledge of the Law
M3-2 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Guidance
M3-3 I(B)Independence and Objectivity-Case
M3-4 I(C)Misrepresentation-Guidance
M3-5 I(C)Misrepresentation-Cases
M3-6 I(D)Misconduct
M3-7 Ⅱ(A)Material NonpublicInformation-Guidance
M3-8 Ⅱ(A)Material Nonpublic Information-Cases
M3-9 Ⅱ(B)Market Manipulation
M3-10 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Guidance
M3-11 III(A)Loyalty, Prudence and Care-Case
M3-12 III(B)Fair dealing
M3-13 III(C)Suitability
M3-14 III(D)Performance Presentation
M3-15 III(E)Preservation of Confidentiality
M3-16 IV(A)Loyalty-Guidance
M3-17 IV(A)Loyalty-Cases
M3-18 IV(B)Additional Compensation Arrangements
M3-19 IV(C)Responsibilities of Supervisors
M3-20 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Guidance
M3-21 V(A)Diligenceand Reasonable basis-Cases
M3-22 V(B)Communication with clients+V(C)Record Retention
M3-23 VI(A)Disclosure of Conflicts
M3-24 VI(B)Priorityof Transaction+VI(C)Referral Fees
M3-25 VII(A)Conduct as members and candidates
M3-26 VII(B)Reference to CFAInstitute, Designation and Program
4.Module 4 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standar
M4-1 Introduction to the Global Investment
5.Module 5 Ethics Application
M5-1 Ethics Application
M5-2 Ethics Application
M5-3 Ethics Application
M5-4 Ethics Application
M5-5 Ethics Application