CFA考试中知识点有些是要做区分的,毕竟有些知识是很相似的,就像考生在备考CFA考试科目固定收益中的Callable bond和Putable bonds,不知道你是不是能将和这个知识分清楚呢?如果你不知道的话,跟着融跃CFA一起看看!

Callable bond是可赎回债券,Putable bonds是可回售债券如何做区分,跟着小编一起看看!

Gives the issuer the right to redeem all or part of the bond before the specified maturity date;

Can protect issuers against decline in interest rate;

Call price:the price to redeem the bond;

Call provisions are beneficial to the issuer;

Investors face more reinvestment risk,and will ask higher yield,and pay lower price;

Callable bond=non-callable bond-call option;



Gives the bondholders the right to sell the bond back to the issuer at a pre-determined price on specified dates.

Can protect investor against increase in interest rate.

Put price:the price to sell back the bond;

Put provisions are beneficial to the investors;

Investors will ask lower yield,and pay higher price;

Putable bond=non-putable bond+put option

