
CMA考纲对考生要掌握的知识点有了明确 的要求,考生应该重视知识点的学习与运用才可以。

The candidate should be able to:


a. define business ethics 定义商业道德

b. analyze the concepts of morality and virtue 分析伦理和美德的概念

c. define moral philosophy 定义伦理哲学

d. demonstrate an understanding of the following moral philosophies and concept relativism, virtue ethics, and justice 理解以下用于商业决策的伦理哲学和概念:目的论,功利主义,道义论,相对主义,美德伦理,和正义

e. define the concepts of fairness, integrity, due diligence, and fi

responsibility, and how they impact ethical decision making 定义公平,正直,尽职尽责,信托责任,和它们如何影响道德决策