备考FRM考试,对于Basel Ⅲ Changes的了解是很重要的。具体有哪些内容,下文是详细介绍,一起了解一下!

Capital Conservation Buffer:Be required to provide an extra cushion against loss in times of stress. The buffer will be an additional 2.5% Common Equity Tier 1 capital requirement.>>>点击领取2021年FRM备考资料大礼包(戳我免·费领取)


Leverage Ratio :The committee has introduced a non-risk based leverage ratio that will act as a supplementary measure to risk-based capital standards.

The leverage ratio of 3%(Tier 1 capital to on-and off-balance sheet items and exposures) is targeted to take effect on January 1, 2018.

Countercyclical Buffer:Banks will be subject to a countercyclical buffer if regulatory authorities deem it necessary.

The buffer is intended to protect the banking sector by ensuring that capital requirements take into account macro-environment factors.》》》点我咨询FRM报考详情

Consists of common equity within range of 0%-2.5%.

RAROC:Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital

RAROC is used to measure economic performance by allocating risk capital to business niuts and transactions,considering the impact of risks(风险调整后的资本回报率)

RAROC integrates the information that risk managers can make trade-off between risk and reward more efficient.(高效权衡风险和回报)

RAROC relates the return on capital with uncertainty of firm investments.


able Funding Ratio:Calculation

