
All candidates are required to attest to the authenticity of their credentials (i.e.,

education, certification, and work experience documentation) and the accuracy of

all statements made in their application. Falsifying credentials will result in

expulsion from the CMA program and IMA.

所有考生在申请过程中必须确保递交的材料信息的真实性(例如,教育,证书,工作经验等材料)以及所有陈述的*性。任何递交虚假信息和材料的考生都将从 CMA 认证和美国管理会计师协会中除名。

All candidates must agree that they will not disclose the contents of the examinations nor remove examination materials from the testing room.


Cheating will not be tolerated, and all instances of suspected cheating will be

fully investigated. Examinees who are caught cheating will have their grades invalidated and will be disqualified from future examinations. In addition,cheating is a violation of IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice and will result in expulsion from IMA.


Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following: copying answers from

another candidate during the exam, using unauthorized personal items and study materials during the exam, helping another candidate during the exam,removing exam materials from the testing room, and sharing questions that appeared on the exam.


Specific examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following:


• Sharing and discussing questions that appeared on the exam on social media forums including, but not limited to, Facebook,LinkedIn, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Snapchat.

• 在社交平台上,包括但不限于 Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, WeChat,和 Snapchat 等平台,分享和讨论考试试题。

• Bringing into the test room unauthorized personal items such as outerwear, hats, food, drinks, purses, briefcases, notebooks,pagers, watches, cell phones, recording devices, and photographic equipment.

• 将未经授权和允许的个人物品带入考场,例如外套,帽子,食品,饮料, 钱包,公文包,笔记本,寻呼机,手表,手机,录音机,及摄影摄像设备等。

• Bringing into the test room unauthorized study material, such as written notes, published materials, and other testing aids in any format.

• 将未经授权和允许的学习资料带入考场,例如手写笔记,出版材料,和其他形式的有助于考试的材料。

• Taking photographs of the exam questions during the exam.

• 在考试中对考题进行拍照。

• Memorizing exam questions and sharing those questions with any party, including review course providers or other candidates.

• 记忆考题并与各方分享考题,包括和培训机构或其他考生透露考题。

The ICMA Board of Regents will make a final determination as to expulsion from the certification program.

美国管理会计师协会的评议会对是否将作弊考生从 CMA 认证项目中开除有*终决定权。

For those already certified by ICMA, the subsequent discovery of cheating will be considered a violation of the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice and will result in revocation of the CMA certificate and expulsion from IMA.

对于已经通过认证的持证人员,如果在未来发现其曾有作弊行为,也将被视为违反了美国管理会计师协会《职业道德守则公告》,并撤销其 CMA 证书,从美国管理会计师协会除名。

