



1.Behavioral Finance整个科目删除。

2.Asset Allocation、Alternative Investments、Private Wealth Management、Institutional Investors、Cases in Portfolio Management、Ethical and Professional Standards考纲要求发生改变。

Behavioral Finance整个科目删除;


Principles of Asset Allocation在2024年的变化为考纲顺序的调整,但是考纲要求并未改变,所以对于备考影响不大;

建议:Asset Allocation即便按照23年课程学习对于备考无太大影响。

Hedge Fund Strategies章节中删除一条考纲:

describe how factor models may be used to understand hedge fund risk exposures;

建议:Alternative Investments即便按照23年课程学习对于备考无太大影响。

Risk Management for Individuals章节中删除两条考纲:

discuss the financial stages of life for an individual;

analyze and evaluate an insurance program;

建议:Private Wealth Management即便按照23年课程学习对于备考无太大影响。

Portfolio Management for Institutional Investors章节中删除一条考纲:

prepare the investment objectives section of an institutional investor's investment policy statement;

建议:Institutional Investors即便按照23年课程学习对于备考无太大影响。

Case Study in Portfolio Management: Institutional章节中一条考纲要求改变,一条考纲新增:

23年考纲要求:analyze actions in asset manager selection with respect to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct;

变化:demonstrate the application of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct regarding the actions of individuals involved in manager selection;

新增考纲:discuss ESG considerations in managing long-term institutional portfolios;

建议:Cases in Portfolio Management预计原版书内容要发生一定调整,建议结合*教材学习.

Overview of the Global Investment Performance Standards章节中删除一条考纲,一条考纲顺序调整:

删除考纲:explain the fundamentals of compliance with the GIPS standards, including the definition of the firm and the firm's definition of discretion;

建议:Ethical and Professional Standards用23年课程学习对于备考无太大影响。

注:本考纲变化仅参考2023和2024 Level III Topic Outlines整理,具体的细节变化需以CFA协会原版书为准。