ACCA-FM各章节考试重点及刷题指南-Part F&G

ACCA-FM-各章节考试重点及刷题指南-Part F&G

Part F business valuation

本章考察Section A&B;其中Section B必考一题;考试分值为15分左右


1. 无效的市场,弱势有效市场,半强势有效市场,强势有效市场的区分-重点

2. Noise traders (噪音交易者);Herding (羊群效应);Bubble (泡沫);Loss aversion (损失厌恶);Momentum effect (动量效应)概念区分

3. 股权估值的方:Asset basis(Net asset value basis);Income(or earnings)basis;P/E ratio method;Earning yield method;cash flow basis;

4. 债券估值的不同方法-会计算

Part G risk management

本章考察Section A&B选择题;必考一道Section B 10分题目;考试分值为15分左右,本章理解起来较难,金融知识较多,但是不要放弃本章学习,本章考试难度不大,会计算会区分各种工具


1. Exchange rate risk management basics (what)

2. 固定汇率和浮动汇率

3. Spot and forward exchange rate

4. PPPT和IRPT理论和计算方法掌握

5. 费雪理论和预期理论掌握,以及四因素平衡理论掌握

6. 经济风险,报表转换风险,交易风险概念区分

7. Internal methods managing transaction risk:Invoice in home currency;Leading and lagging


8. External methods managing transaction risk:Money market hedge;Forward contract;会计算和区分,衍生品Future  Option;Swap会判断方向

9. 利率风险和基差风险的概念

10. Expectation theory&Liquidity preference theory - (always pushes upward) &Market segmentation and preferred habitat theory概念会区分

11. Internal methods managing interest rate risk:Matching;Smoothing;Asset and liability management

12. External methods managing interest rate risk:Over the counter methods:Forward rate agreement;Interest rate guarantees (IRGS);Interest rate collar

13. Exchange traded instruments:Interest rate futures ;Interest rate option on futures;Interest rate swap