  • 考纲对比
  • 学习计划
  • 思维导图
  • 复习资料
  • 历年真题
  • 词典及公式





身份证/护照 ;准考证 ;这些是你进入ACCA考场必须要的身份证明,如果身份证遗失请尽快办理临时身份证或者用护照代替,ACCA准考证必须记得携带,不然监考老师有义务拒绝你参加考试。


黑色圆珠笔2支以上,直尺、计算器,不管你是否用得力文具or无印良品 只要是黑色的圆珠笔就行,不用纠结 0.5 还是0.7,写得顺手就行。考试中,必须用黑色圆珠笔作答!

说了一百遍考试全程要用黑色圆珠笔,因为扫描技术是通过油性笔来扫的,所以不要在ACCA考场挥舞中性水笔,准考证上清清楚楚写着only black ball point pen can be used during the examination!





1. Leaving questions unanswered is a big no-no

One mistake students tend to make is spending lots of time answering the first few questions of the exam and ending up having no time for the last few.

Unanswered questions are earning you zero marks. Also, the questions answered with unnecessary details will bombard the examiner with so much information, that the required content might be lost. As a result, the examiner could award you a lower mark than what you initially expected.

My advice would be to stick to the point without making your answers uncomfortable for the examiners to go through.

2. Utilize time while you still have it

Did you know you can write on your question booklet during the Reading and Planning Time? This is 15 minutes given just prior to the start of the exam.

I have seen students wasting these precious 15 minutes going through the entire booklet. Have a quick look through all your questions in the first 5 minutes, and then start jotting down the points to the question that you’re going to begin with.

By the end of the 15-minutes, you should have enough ideas jotted down to answer the first question well in time.

3. Quality of discussion prevails over presentation

Some students love stretching end lines after each answer. Some even draw borders for their booklets to look presentable. If you too follow the same strategy, chances are you are losing valuable marks.

Instead of making them look neat, make your answers initiate a more fruitful discussion with the examiner. Keep checking your clock while thinking of various possibilities as you answer. Soon as the time ends, move to the next part.

This will ensure that you have fulfilled the basic requirements of the question. It will also show that you tried scoring professional marks by walking the extra mile, therefore increasing your chances of success.


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