学习ACCA,除了要了解大纲以外,我们还要知道ACCA知识点,关于ACCA知识点比较多,今天,ACCA小编就先和大家探讨一下ACCA知识点之The role of source documents(原始凭证),一起去看看 吧!
Business transactions are recorded on source documents. Examples include sales and purchase orders(订单), invoices(发票)and credit notes.(退款单)戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年BPP习题册(PDF版)”
A document sent to a customer by a company stating the fixed price that would be charged to produce or deliver goods or services.
(2)Purchase order.(买方给卖方的采购订单)
A document of the company that details goods or services which the company wishes to purchase from another company. Purchase orders are often sequentially numbered(连续编号)
(3)Sales order (卖方给买方的订单)
A document of the company that details an order placed by a customer for goods or services. The customer may have sent a purchase order to the company from which the company will then generate a sales order.(通常客户会寄送一个采购订单 然后才会有销售订单)
(4)Goods received note.(GRN,收货单)
A document of the company that lists the goods that a business has received from a supplier.
(5)Goods despatched note.(GDN,发货单)
A document of the company that lists the goods that the company has sent out to a customer.
A document sent out by a supplier to a customer listing the transactions on the customer's account, including all invoices and credit notes issued and all payments received from the customer.
(7)Credit note(退货退款单,卖方给买方的)
A document sent by a supplier to a customer in respect of goods returned or overpayments made by the customer. It is a ‘negative’ invoice.
(8)Debit note(退货退款单,买方给卖方的,退货申请)
A document sent by a customer to a supplier in respect of goods returned or an overpayment made. It is a formal request for the supplier to issue a credit note. (先有退货申请)
关于ACCA F3知识点之The role of source documents(原始凭证)就说到这里,想了解ACCA考试更多资讯,请关注融跃教育官网!