FA是一门逻辑性、系统性很强的课,老师在讲解中会把整个的知识体系串联起来,这样才能了解每个ACCA章节的考试目的,更好的掌握知识。今天ACCA小编要和大家讲的是ACCA FA的 INTRODUCTION OF ACCOUNTING章节中的
Related definition和Financial Reports的相关内容,一起去看看吧!
1.Related definition 相关定义
Financial accounting is mainly a method of reporting the financial performance andfinancial position of a business. (财务会计是一种记录企业财务状况及财务表现的方法)戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年BPP习题册(PDF版)”
The principle function is to satisfy the information needs of persons not involved in runningthe business.(其主要目的是为了满足非企业经营参与者的信息使用需求)
Financial reporting is a way of recording, analyzing and summarizingfinancial data.(财务报告是一种企业记录、分析及总结财务数据的方式)
Financial data is the name given to the actual transactions carried out bya business.
2.Financial Reports 财务报告(包含“四表一注”)
(1)Statement of Financial Position at the end of the period (SOFP) 资产负债表
(2)Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive Income for theperiod (SPL & OCI)利润及其他综合收益表
(3)Statement of Cash Flows for the period(SOCF) 现金流量表
(4)Statement of Changes in Equity for the period(SOCIE) 所有者权益变动表