ACCA FR考试涉及公式多?Investment ratios呢?

ACCA备考之路并不好走,许多人都付出了太多的汗水和泪水,但有的人付出的汗水和泪水获得了回报,有的人却在一次一次失败中zui终放弃······你不是没努力,而是你需要实实在在的、让自己受益的干货。今天ACCA小编主要跟大家分享的是关于ACCA FR考试涉及的公式,一起去看看吧!



Current ratio = current asset ÷ current liability

Quick ratio = (Debtors + investments + cash) ÷ current liability

②Long - term solvency

Debt ratio = total debts÷equity×100%

Gearing ratio = Fixed return capital, preference shares, debentures, loan stock ÷ Equity capital and reserves

③OR = Debt ÷ (Debt + Equity)

Interest cover = PBIT ÷ interest charges

④Working capital analysis

Inventory turnover = Cost of sales÷Average inventory

⑤OR = Average inventory ÷ Cost of sales × 365

Receivable days = Average trade receivable÷credit sales × 365

Payable days = Average trade payables ÷Credit purchases × 365

⑥Investment ratios

Dividend yield = Dividend per share ÷ Current market price per share

Dividend cover = EPS ÷ dividend per share

Price/earnings (PE) ratio = Current market price per share ÷ EPS

⑦Profitability and return

Return on (total) capital employed (ROCE) = Profit before interest and tax ÷ (Share capital + reserves + debt) × 100

Gross profit percentage = Gross profit ÷ Sales × 100

⑧Overheads/sales percentage = Overheads ÷ Sales × 100

Asset turnover = Turnover ÷ capital employed

Gross profit margin = Gross Profit ÷ Revenue × 100

ACCA FR是公司合并报表的编制以及几个重点会计准则的考察,如果你对上述的公式有不懂的地方,可以扫描文章下方的二维码,和ACCA老师面对面沟通哟!