
在日常生活和学习中经常会遇到很多英语单词的缩写,就像WC,WC还可以是世界杯(World Cup)或者世界锦标赛(World Championship)的缩写,在财务英语中还有 W.C. without charge 免费的意思,英文缩写CP即可以表示配对还有商业票据的意思。那在学习ACCA中会遇到的英文单词缩写,它们都代表什么意思呢?戳:各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年BPP习题册(PDF版)



NE. no effects 无存款

Neg.Inst., N.I. negotiable instruments 流通票据

negb. negotiable 可转让的、可流通的

net. p. net proceeds 净收入

NFD no fixed date 无固定日期

NFS not for sale 非卖品

NH not held 不追索委托

NIAT net income after tax 税后净收益

NIFO next in, first out 次进先出法

nil nothing 无

NIM net interest margin 净息差

NIT negative income tax 负所得税

NL no load 无佣金

NM no marks 无标记

no a/c no account 无此帐户

*. (no.) number 编号、号数

*P net open position 净开头寸

*W a/c negotiable order of withdrawal 可转让存单帐户

NP no protest 免作拒付证书

NPC nominal protection coefficient 名义保护系数

NPL non-performing loan 不良贷款

NPV method net present value method 净现值法

NSF check no sufficient fund check 存款不足支票

NTA net tangible assets 有形资产净值

ntl no time lost 立即

NWC net working capital 净流动资本

NX not exceeding 不超过

.B.,O/B order book 订货簿

O.E.,o.e. omission excepted 遗漏除外

O.F. ocean freight 海运费

O/a on account 赊帐

o/a on account of 记入......帐户

O/d on demand 见票即付

ROA return on asset 资产回报率

ROC return on capital 资本收益率

ROE ratio of equity 股本利润率

ROE return on equity 股本回报率

ROI return on investment 投资收益

ROP registered option principal 记名期权本金

ROS ratio of sales 销售利润率

ROS return on sales 销售收益率

RSVP please reply 请回复

Rto ratio 比率

RTO round trip operation 往返作业

S split or stock divided 拆股或股息

SA semi-annual payment 半年支付

SAA special arbitrage account 特别套作账户

SAB special assessment bond 特别估价债券

SB short bill 短期国库券;短期汇票

SC supplier credit 卖方信贷

SCF supplier credit finance 卖方信贷融资

SCIRR special CIRR 特别商业参考利率

SCL security characteristic line 证券特征线

SD standard deduction 标准扣除额

CAPM capital asset pricing mode 固定资产计价模式

CBD cash before delivery 先付款后交货

CD certificate of deposit 存单

CG capital gain 资本利得

CG capital goods 生产资料、资本货物

Chgs charges 费用

Chq. cheque 支票

CIA certified internal auditor 注册内部审计员

Ck. check 支票

CML capital market line 资本市场线性

CMO Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 担保抵押贷款债务

CMV current market value 现时市场价值

CN consignment note 铁路运单

CN credit note 贷方通知书

COBOL Common Business Oriented Language 通用商业语言

Col. column 帐栏

Coll. collateral 担保、抵押物

Coll. collection 托收

Com. comm. commission 佣金

conv, cv, cvt convertible 可转换的、可兑换的

Cor. corpus 本金

CP commercial paper 商业票据

CPM cost per thousand 每一千个为单位的成本

Cps. coupons 息票

CR cash receipts 现金收入

CR current rate 当日汇率、现行汇率

Cr. Credit, creditor 贷记、贷方

CS convertible securities 可转换证券

CT cable transfer 电汇

CT corporate treasurer 公司财务主管

ctge cartage 货运费、搬运费、车费

CTT capital transfer tax 资本转移税

cur curr current 本月、当月

CV convertible security 可转换债券
