价格: ¥ 3980.00
{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
0 Introduction of SBR
2.Part B
1 Part B The financial reporting framework
Part B The financial reporting framework - Practice
3.Part F
2 Part F The financial reporting framework ED-Current issue
Part F The financial reporting framework ED-Current issue - Practice
4.Part C
3 Part C IFRS15 Revenue from contracts with customers
Part C IFRS15 Revenue from contracts with customers - Practice
4 Part C Non-current assets
5 Part C Non-current assets - Practice
6 Part C IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
7 Part C IAS 10 Events after the reporting period
8 Part C IFRS 16 Lease
9 Part C Financial Instruments
10 IAS 19 Employee benefits
11 Financial Instruments
12 IFRS 2 Share-based payment
13 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
14 IAS 12 Income Tax
15 IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
16 IAS 41 Agriculture
17 IAS 21 Foreign transactions and entities
18 IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entitie
5.Part D
19 Group introduction and revision
6.Part A
20 Fundamental ethical and professional principles
7.Part E
21 Interpret financial statements for different stakeholders
1.Sep 2018 Q3 (a)(i) Practice
Sep 2018 Q3 (a)(i) Practice
2.MarJune 2017 Q4 (a) Practice
MarJune 2017 Q4 (a) Practice
3.Part B The financial reporting framework - Practice
Part B The financial reporting framework - Practice
4.Part C IFRS15 Revenue from contracts with customers - Practice
IFRS 15 Revenue
5.Part C Non-current assets
IAS 38 Intangible assets
6.Part C Non-current assets - Practice
IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
7.IAS 19 Employee benefits
IAS 19 Employee benefits
8. Financial Instruments
11 Financial Instruments
9.IFRS 2 Share-based payment
IFRS 2 Share-based payment
10.IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
11.IAS 12 Income Tax
IAS 12 Income Tax
12.IAS 41 Agriculture
IAS 41 Agriculture
14.Fundamental ethical and professional principles
Fundamental ethical and professional principles
15.foreign translation-Rose(11 June)
foreign translation-Rose(11 June)
16. Overview-section A
Overview-section A
17. Overview-section B
Overview-section B
18.define benefit
define benefit
19. Overview-Standards I ( IAS 36 & IFRS 5)
Overview-Standards I ( IAS 36 & IFRS 5)
20.Overview-Standards( IAS 37 & IFRS 9 & IFRS 15 & IFRS 16)
Overview-Standards( IAS 37 & IFRS 9 & IFRS 15 & IFRS 16)
21. overview-Standards(IAS 19 & IFRS 2& IAS 8 & Ethical)
overview-Standards(IAS 19 & IFRS 2& IAS 8 & Ethical)
22. current issue-ED framework
current issue-ED framework
23.operating segements
operating segements
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2020-08-22 17:25
2020-08-14 15:14
2020-05-31 16:34
2020-05-13 16:53