

价格: 19980.00

课程简介: ACCA快速PASS智播课(免试3科)





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课程试听 推荐

  • OBU论文辅导课-安心班
  • ACCA财经词汇
  • ACCA全真模拟机考
  • ACCA学前指导班
  • ACCA持证教程
  • EPSM职业道德与技能模块
  • ACCA-MA快速PASS智播课
  • ACCA-FA快速PASS智播课
  • ACCA-PM快速PASS智播课
  • ACCA-FR快速PASS智播课
  • ACCA-AA快速PASS智播课
  • ACCA-FM快速PASS智播课
  • 陪伴与成长计划


  • 1.Unit 1: OBU introduction

    • 1 - OBU introduction

  • 2.Unit 2:How to choose Topic and organization

    • 2 - How to choose Topic and organization

  • 3.Unit 3: Structure and presentation of research report (RR)

    • 3 - Structure and presentation of research report (RR)

  • 4.Unit 4: SLS - Skills and Learning Statement

    • 4 - SLS - Skills and Learning Statement

  • 5.Unit 5:PPT

    • 5 - PPT

  • 6.Unit 6:Appendix

    • 6 - Appendix

  • 7.Unit 7: List of Reference and Bibliography

    • 7 - List of Reference and Bibliography

  • 8.Unit 8:How to avoid plagiarism

    • 8 - How to avoid plagiarism

Chapter 1

  • 1.Introduction

    • CH1 Introduction

Chapter 2

  • 1.Business organisations and their stakeholders

    • CH 2 Business organisations and their stakeholders 1

    • CH 2 Business organisations and their stakeholders 2

Chapter 3

  • 1.Financial department and its function

    • CH 3 Financial department and its function

Chapter 4

  • 1.Auditing

    • CH4 Auditing1

    • CH4 Auditing2

Chapter 5

  • 1.Business analysis

    • CH5 Business analysis1

    • CH5 Business analysis2

Chapter 6

  • 1.Costing and pricing

    • CH6 Costing and price1

    • CH6 Costing and price2

Chapter 7

  • 1.Budgeting

    • CH7 Budgeting

Chapter 8

  • 1.Financing

    • CH8 Financing

Chapter 9

  • 1.Investing

    • CH9 Investing

Chapter 10

  • 1.Taxation

    • CH10 Taxation

Chapter 11

  • 1.Hard skills and soft skills in workplace

    • CH11 Hard skills and soft skills


  • 1.前导课

    • 1-认识ACCA

    • 2-1 ACCA科目介绍-F阶段

    • 2-2 ACCA科目介绍-P阶段

    • 3-ACCA知识串联

    • 4-ACCA学习规划

    • 5-ACCA职业发展

    • 6-如何注册成为ACCA学员

    • 7-My ACCA介绍

    • 8-ACCA官网常见功能介绍(英国官网&中国官网)

    • 9-如何报考考试,取消考试,下载准考证

    • 10-ACCA机考主观题软技能


  • 1.持证课

    • 1-申请初级&高级商业会计证书

    • 2-EPSM介绍

    • 3-申请OBU学士学位

    • 4-申请UOL硕士学位

    • 5-ACCA会员申请指南


  • 1.Unit 1

    • Unit 1 Ethics and Professionalism

  • 2.Unit 2

    • Unit 2 Personal Effectiveness

  • 3.Unit 3

    • Unit 3 Communication and interpersonal skills

  • 4.Unit 4

    • Unit 4 Commercial Awareness

  • 5.Unit 5

    • Unit 5 Leadership and Team Working

  • 6.Unit 6

    • Unit 6 Innovation and skepticism

  • 7.Unit 7

    • Unit 7 Data Analytics

  • 8.Unit 8

    • Unit 8 Integrated Case study

  • 9.Unit 9

    • Unit 9 Strategic Professional

  • 10.Unit 10

    • Unit 10 EPSM Final Assessment


  • 1. 学前指导班

    • 认识ACCA

    • ACCA官网操作指引


  • 1.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 2.Part A The nature, source and purpose of management information

    • Chapter 1 Accounting for management

    • Chapter 2 Data and information

    • Chapter 3 Presenting information

    • Chapter 4 Cost classification and behaviour

  • 3.Part B Data analysis and statistical techniques

    • Chapter 5 Summarising and analysing data

    • Chapter 6 Forecasting

  • 4.Part C Cost accounting techniques

    • Chapter 7 Accounting for materials

    • Chapter 8 Accounting for labour

    • Chapter 9 Accounting for overheads

    • Chapter 10 Absorption and marginal costing

    • Chapter 11 Job, batch, process and service costing

    • Chapter 12 Alternative costing methods

  • 5.Part D Budgeting

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting

    • Chapter 14 Project appraisal

  • 6.Part E Standard Costing

    • Chapter 15 Variance analysis

  • 7.Part F Performance Measurement

    • Chapter 16 Performance measurement overview

    • Chapter 17 Financial performance measurement

    • Chapter 18 Non-financial performance measurement

  • 8.题目讲解

    • Section B

  • 9. ACCA官网机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA BT-LW 官网登录方法

    • ACCA 官网机考操作BT-LW(随时机考)


  • 1.Management Accounting

    • 【202212期】串讲直播

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播


  • 1.PART A The context and purpose of financial reporting

    • Chapter 1 Introduction to accounting

    • Chapter 2 The regulatory framework

  • 2.PART B The qualitative characteristics of financial information

    • Chapter 3 The IASB’s Conceptual Framework

  • 3.PART C The use of double-entry and accounting systems

    • Chapter 4 The double-entry book-keeping

    • Chapter 5 The accounting system

  • 4.PART D Recording transactions and events

    • Chapter 6 Trading and Sales tax

    • Chapter 7 Inventory

    • Chapter 8 Tangible non-current assets

    • Chapter 9 Intangible non-current assets

    • Chapter 10 Accruals and Prepayments

    • Chapter 11 Irrecoverable debts and Allowance

    • Chapter 12 Provisions and Contingencies

    • Chapter 13 Capital structure and Finance costs

  • 5.PART E Preparing a trial balance

    • Chapter 14 Trial balance & Correction of errors

    • Chapter 15 Cash & Bank reconciliation

    • Chapter 16 Trade receivables and trade payables

  • 6.PART F Preparing basic financial statements

    • Chapter 17 Preparation of financial statements for sole trader

    • Chapter 18 Preparation of financial statements for companies

    • Chapter 19 Events after the reporting period

    • Chapter 20 Statement of cash flows

    • Chapter 21 Incomplete records

  • 7.PART G Preparing simple consolidated financial statements

    • Chapter 23 The consolidated statement of financial position

    • Chapter 24 The consolidated statement of profit or loss

    • Chapter 22 Introduction to consolidated financial statements

  • 8.PART H Interpretation of financial statements

    • Chapter 25 Interpretation of financial statements

  • 9.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 10. ACCA官网机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA BT-LW 官网登录方法

    • ACCA 官网机考操作BT-LW(随时机考)


  • 1.Financial Accounting

    • 【202212期】串讲直播

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播


  • 1.学前指导班

    • 认识ACCA

    • ACCA官网操作指引


  • 1.Part A Information, Technology and System

    • Chapter 1 Strategic Management Accounting

    • Chapter 2 Managing Information

    • Chapter 3 Information System

    • Chapter 4 Data Analysis

  • 2.Part B Specialist Cost

    • Chapter 5 Activity based costing

    • Chapter 6 Life cycle costing

    • Chapter 7 Target costing

    • Chapter 8 Throughput accounting

    • Chapter 9 Environmental costing

  • 3.Part C Decision Making

    • Chapter 10 Relevant Cost for Decision Making

    • Chapter 11 Limiting Factor Decisions

    • Chapter 12 Pricing decisions

    • Chapter 13 Cost Volume Analysis

    • Chapter 14 Risk and Uncertainty

  • 4.Part D Budgeting and control

    • Chapter 15 Budgeting systems

    • Chapter 16 Approaches to Budgeting

    • Chapter 17 Quantitative Analysis in Budgeting

    • Chapter 18 Standard Costing

    • Chapter 19 Variance Analysis

  • 5.Part E Performance Measurement

    • Chapter 20 Financial and non-financial performance evaluating

    • Chapter 21 Balanced Scorecard

    • Chapter 22 Building Block Model

    • Chapter 23 Divisional Performance

    • Chapter 24 Performance Measurement in NPO

  • 6.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 7.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM


  • 1.Performance Management

    • 【202212期】串讲直播

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播

    • 【202312期】考前冲刺集训


  • 1.模块一 准则

    • Introduction

    • Chapter 1 The conceptual framework

    • Chapter 2 The regulatory framework

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets

    • Chapter 3.2 IAS40 Investment property

    • Chapter 3.3 IAS23 Borrowing costs

    • Chapter 4 IAS38 Intangible assets

    • Chapter 5 Impairment of assets

    • chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers

    • Chapter 6.2 IAS 20 Government grants

  • 2.模块二 报表

    • Chapter 7 Introduction to groups

    • Chapter 8 The consolidated statement of financial position

    • Chapter 9 The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

    • Chapter 10 Accounting for associates

  • 3.模块三 准则

    • Chapter 11 Financial instruments

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing

    • Chapter 13 IAS 37 Provisions and IAS 10 Events after the reporting period

    • Chapter 14 IAS 2 Inventory & IAS 41 Agriculture

    • Chapter 15 Taxation

  • 4.模块四 报表

    • Chapter 16 Presentation of published financial statements

  • 5.模块五 准则

    • Chapter 17 Reporting financial performance

    • Chapter 18 Earnings per share

  • 6.模块六 报表

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements

    • Chapter 20 Limitations of financial statements and interpretation techniques

    • Chapter 21 Statement of cash flow

    • Chapter 22 Specialised, not-for-profit and public sector entities

  • 7.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM


  • 1.习题串讲

    • 习题讲解

  • 2.知识串讲

    • Part B Accounting for transactions in financial statements

    • Part A The conceptual and regulatory framework

    • Part C Analysing and interpreting financial statements

    • Part D Preparation of financial statements


  • 1.FR 考前密押卷

    • Section A

    • Section B

    • Section C


  • 1. 机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

  • 2.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 3.Part A The conceptual and regulatory framework for financial reporting

    • Chapter 1 The IASB’s Conceptual Framework

    • Chapter 2 The Regulatory Framework

  • 4.Part B Accounting for transactions in financial statements

    • Chapter 3 Tangible Non-current assets

    • Chapter 4 Intangible Non-current assets

    • Chapter 5 Impairment of assets

    • Chapter 6 Inventory, Non-current assets held for sale and biological assets

    • Chapter 7 Revenue&Government grant

    • Chapter 8 Foreign currency transactions

    • Chapter 9 Lease

    • Chapter10 Financial instruments

    • Chapter 13-Accounting policies, accounting estimates and Errors

    • Chapter 12 Income tax

    • Chapter 11 Provisions & Events after reporting period

  • 5.Part C Preparation of financial statements

    • Chapter 15 IAS 7 Statement of cash flows

    • Chapter 14-Preparation of single entity financial statement

    • Chapter 16 Introduction to groups

    • Chapter 17 The consolidated statement of financial position

    • Chapter18-Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

    • Chapter 19-Accounting for associates

  • 6.Part D Analysing and interpreting financial statements

    • Chapter 20 Interpretation of financial statements


  • 1.Financial Reporting

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播


  • 1.Introduction

    • Introduction of AA

  • 2.PART A Audit framework and regulation

    • Chapter 1 audit and other assurance engagement

    • Chapter 2 statutory audit and regulation

    • Chapter 3 corporate goverance

    • Chapter 4 professional ethics and quality control procedures

    • Chapter 5 internal audit

  • 3.PART B Planning and risk assessment

    • Chapter 6 Risk assessment and responses to assessed risks

    • Chapter 7 Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Documentation

    • Chapter 8 Introduction to Audit Evidence

  • 4.PART C Internal control

    • Chapter 9 Internal control

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control

  • 5.PART D Audit evidence

    • Chapter 11 Audit sampling, Automated tools and techniques and using the work of others

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure

    • Chapter 13 Audit not-for-profit organizations and small organisations

  • 6.PART E Review and reporting

    • Chapter 14 Audit review and finalization

    • Chapter 15 Reports

  • 7.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM


  • 1.AA 考前密押班

    • Section A

    • Section B

    • 知识点提点


  • 1.Part A Audit framework and regulation

    • Part A 知识串讲&习题

  • 2.Part B Planning and risk assessment

    • Part B 知识串讲&习题

  • 3.Part C Internal control

    • Part C 知识串讲&习题

  • 4.Part D Audit evidence

    • Part D 知识串讲&习题

  • 5.Part E Review and reporting

    • Part E 知识串讲&习题


  • 1.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 2.Part A Audit framework and regulation

    • Chapter 1 The concept of audit and other assurance engagements

    • Chapter 2 Statutory audit and regulation

    • Chapter 3 The concept of audit and other assurance engagements

    • Chapter 4 Internal audit

    • Chapter 5 Professional ethics and quality management procedures

  • 3.Part B Planning and risk assessment

    • Chapter 6 Risk assessment

    • Chapter 7 Audit planning and documentation

    • Chapter 8 Introduction to audit evidence

  • 4.Part D Audit evidence

    • Chapter 11 Audit sampling and automated tools and techniques

    • Chapter 12 Non-current assets

    • Chapter 13 Inventory

    • Chapter 14 Receivables

    • Chapter 15 Bank and cash

    • Chapter 16 Payables and accruals

    • Chapter 17 Non-current liabilities, capital and directors’ emoluments

    • Chapter 18 Not-for-profit organisations

  • 5.Part C Internal control

    • Chapter 10 Tests of controls

    • Chapter 9 Internal control

  • 6.Part E Review and reporting

    • Chapter 19 Audit review and finalisation

    • Chapter 20 Reports

  • 7.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM


  • 1.Audit and Assurance

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播

    • 【202312期】考前冲刺集训


  • 1.Part A Financial management function

    • Chapter 1 Financial Management and Financial Objectives

  • 2.Part B Financial management environment

    • Chapter 2 the economic environment for business

    • Chapter3 financial markets,moeny markets and institutions

  • 3.Part C Working capital management

    • Chapter 4 General knowledge of working capital management

    • Chapter 5 management of working capital

    • Chapter 6 working capital finance and investment

  • 4.Part D Investment appraisal

    • Chapter 7 general investment appraisal

    • Chapter 8 Application of NPV

    • Chapter9 Specific investment appraisal

    • Chapter10 risk and uncertainty

  • 5.Part E Business finance

    • Chapter 11 sources of Finance

    • Chapter12 cost of debt

    • Chapter13 cost of equity

    • Chapter 14 Gearing and capital structure

    • Chapter15 Dividend policy

  • 6.Part F Business valuation

    • Chapter16 market efficiency

    • Chapter17 business valuation

  • 7.Part G Risk management

    • Chapter 18 Foreign currency risk management

    • Chapter 19 Interest rate risk management

  • 8.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 9.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM


  • 1.FM 考前密押卷

    • Section A

    • Section B

    • Section C


  • 1.Part A Financial management function

    • Part A 知识串讲&习题

  • 2.Part B Financial management environment

    • Part B 知识串讲&习题

  • 3.Part C Working capital management

    • Part C 知识串讲&习题

  • 4.Part D Investment appraisal

    • Part D 知识串讲&习题

  • 5.Part E Business financing

    • Part E 知识串讲&习题

  • 6.Part F Business valuation

    • Part F 知识串讲&习题

  • 7.Part G Risk management

    • Part G 知识串讲&习题


  • 1.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

  • 2.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 3.Part A Financial Management Function

    • Chapter 1 Financial Management and Financial Objectives

  • 4.Part B Financial management environment

    • Chapter 2 The economic environment for business

    • Chapter 3 Financial environment

  • 5.Part C Working Capital management

    • Chapter 5 Working capital investment and financing

    • Chapter 6 Management of working capital

    • Chapter 4 General knowledge of Working capital management

  • 6.Part D Investment appraisal

    • Chapter 7 General investment appraisal

    • Chapter 8 Application of NPV

    • Chapter 9 Specific investment appraisal

    • Chapter10 Risk and uncertainty

  • 7.Part E Business finance

    • Chapter 11 Sources of Finance

    • Chapter 12 Cost of capital

    • Chapter 14 Dividend policy

    • Chapter 13 Capital structure

  • 8.Part F Business valuations

    • Chapter 16 Business valuation

    • Chapter 15 Market efficiency

  • 9.Part G Risk management

    • Chapter 17 Foreign currency risk management

    • Chapter 18 Interest rate risk management


  • 1.Financial Management

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播


  • 1.Part B The financial reporting framework

    • Chapter 1 The conceptual framework for financial reporting

  • 2.Part C Reporting the financial performance of a range of entities

    • Chapter 2 IAS 16 Property Plant and Equipment

    • Chapter 3 IAS 40 Investment Property

    • Chapter 4 IAS 38 Intangible Assets

    • Chapter 5 IAS 36 Impairment of assets

    • Chapter 6 IAS 2 Inventories

    • Chapter 7 IAS 41 Agriculture

    • Chapter 8 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement

    • Chapter 9 IAS 20 Government Grants

    • Chapter 10 IAS 23 Borrowing Costs

    • Chapter 11 IAS 37 Provision,Contingent liabilities&Contingent asset

    • Chapter 12 IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period

    • Chapter 13 IAS 12 Income tax

    • Chapter 14 IFRS 16 Lease

    • Chapter 15 IAS 19 Employee Benefits

    • Chapter 16 Financial instruments

    • Chapter 17 Revenue from contracts with customers

    • Chapter 18 IFRS 2 Share-based payment

    • Chapter 19 Non-current assets held for sale&Discontinued operation

    • Chapter 20 IAS 8 Accounting policies,changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors

  • 3.Part D Financial statements of groups of entities

    • Chapter 21 IAS 21 Foreign transcations and entities

    • Chapter 22 Basic groups

    • Chapter 23 IAS 28 associate

    • Chapter 24 IFRS 11 Joint arrangements

    • Chapter 25 Changes in group structures: Step acquisitions

    • Chapter 26 Changes in group structures:Disposals and group reorganisations

    • Chapter 27 IAS 21 Foreign Subsidiary

    • Chapter 28 Group statement of cash flows

  • 4.Part A Fundmental ethical and professional principles

    • Chapter 29 Professional and ethics duty of the accountant

  • 5.Part D Financial statements of groups of entities

    • Chapter 30 IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures

    • Chapter 31 IFRS8 Segment Reporting

  • 6.Part E Interpret financial statements for different stakeholders

    • Chapter 32 IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting

    • Chapter 33&34 Interpreting financial statements for different stakeholders

  • 7.Part F The impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation

    • Chapter 35 The impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation

  • 8.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 9.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

    • ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段


  • 1.考试指导

    • 考试指导

  • 2.考前串讲

    • Chapter 1 The conceptual framework

    • Chapter 2 Business combinations

    • Chapter 3 IAS 2 Inventories&Chapter 4 IAS 16 PPE

    • Chapter 5 IAS 38 Intangible Assets

    • Chapter 6 IAS 40 &Chapter 7 IAS 41 &Chapter 8 IFRS 13

    • Chapter 9 IAS 36 Impairment of Assets

    • Chapter 10 IAS 37 Provisions,Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets

    • Chapter 11 IFRS 16&Chapter 12 IAS 19

    • Chapter 13 Financial Instrument

    • Chapter 14 IFRS 15 &Chapter 15 IAS 20

    • Chapter 16 IFRS 2 &Chapter 17 IAS 23

    • Chapter 18 IAS 2 &Chapter19 IAS 33&Chapter 20 IAS 10 &Chapter 21 IAS 8

    • Chapter 22 IAS 24 &Chapter 23 IFRS 5 &Chapter 24 IFRS 8 &Chapter25 IAS 34

    • Chapter 26 Accounting for business combinations and consolidations&Chapter 27 IAS 21

    • Chapter 28 IAS7 SOCFs&Chapter 29 IFRS 1&Chapter 30 IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities&Chapter 31 Better communication in Financial Reporting

    • Chapter 32 Interpret F/S for different stakeholders&Chapter 33 Ethics

  • 3.模块一

    • 知识点串讲

  • 4.模块二

    • 考纲更改和部分准则修订

  • 5.模块三

    • 考试基本情况和Exam tips

    • Q1 合并题应试汇总

    • Q2 道德

    • Q3/Q4 理论

  • 6.模块四

    • 机考注意事项


  • 1.SBR 考前密押

    • SBR 考前密押卷

  • 2.SBR考前密押卷

    • SBR Section A

    • SBR Section B


  • 1.Strategic Business Reporting

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播

    • 【202312期】考前冲刺集训


  • 1.Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 2.Part B The financial reporting framework

    • Chapter 1 The Conceptual Framework

  • 3.Part C Repotring the financial performance of a range of entries

    • Chapter 2 IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and Errors

    • Chapter 3 IAS 2 Inventory

    • Chapter 4 IAS 41 Agriculture

    • Chapter 5 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement

    • Chapter 6 IAS 16 Property,Plant and Equipment

    • Chapter 7 IAS 40 Investment property

    • Chapter 8 IAS 38 Intangible Assets

    • Chapter 9 IAS 36 Impairment of asset

    • Chapter 10 IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets

    • Chapter 11 IAS 10 Events after reporting period

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Lease

    • Chapter 13 Financial instruments

    • Chapter 14 IAS 19 Employment benefits

    • Chapter 15 IFRS 2 Share-based payment

    • Chapter 16 IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers

    • Chapter 17 IAS 20 Government grant

    • Chapter 18 IAS 23 Borrowing costs

    • Chapter 19 IAS 12 Income tax

  • 4.Part D Financial statements of group of entities

    • Chapter 20 IFRS 3 Business Combination

    • Chapter 21 IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements

    • Chapter 22 IAS 28 Investment in Associate & Joint ventures

    • Chapter 23 IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements

    • Chapter 24 Changes in group structures

    • Chapter 25 IFRS 5 NCA held for sale and discontinued operations

    • Chapter 26 IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates

    • Chapter 27 IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows

    • Chapter 28-Presentation of Financial Statements

  • 5.Part A Fundamental ethical and professional principles

    • Chapter 29-Ethics

  • 6.Part E Interpreting financial statements for different stakeholders

    • Chapter 30-Interpretation of Financial Statements

  • 7.Part F The impact of changes in accounting regulation

    • Chapter 31-Current issue

  • 8.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

    • ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段


  • 1.Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Professional skills

  • 2.Part A leadership

    • Chapter 1 Strategy, leadership and culture

    • Chapter 2 Ethical codes and the public interest

  • 3.Part B Governance

    • Chapter 3 Corporate governance

    • Chapter 4 Public sector and NGO

    • Part B 真题讲解

  • 4.Part C Strategy

    • Chapter 5 The external environment

    • Chapter 6 Strategic capability

    • Chapter 7 Competitive advantage and strategic choice

    • Part C 真题讲解

  • 5.Part D Risk

    • Chapter 8 Assessing and managing risk

  • 6.Part E Organisational control and audit

    • Chapter 9 Internal control systems

    • Part D-E 真题讲解

  • 7.Part F Finance in planning and decision making

    • Chapter 10 Financial analysis

    • Part F 真题讲解

  • 8.Part G Technology and data analysis

    • Chapter 11 Application of IT

    • Chapter 12 E-business

    • Part G 真题讲解

  • 9.Part H Innovation, performance excellence and change management

    • Chapter 13 Enabling success

    • Chapter 14 Strategic change

    • Chapter 15 Project Management

    • PartH 真题讲解

  • 10.SBL机考演示

    • Specimen 2(样卷2)

    • 真题练习使用指南

  • 11.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

    • ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段


  • 1.Strategic Business Leader

    • 【202212期】串讲直播

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播

    • 【202312期】考前冲刺集训


  • 1.Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Professional Marks

  • 2.Part A Investment appraisal

    • 0-Part A Introduction

    • 1-NPV Format

    • 2-Oversea investment

    • 3-APV format

    • 4.1-Real option-BSOP

    • 4.2-Real option -Delta

    • 4.3-Real option-Greeks

    • 4.4-Real option-real option prcing

    • 5-Other investment appraisal format

    • 6-Capital rationing

  • 3.Part B Financing

    • 0-Part B Introduction

    • 1-Source of financing

    • 2-Considerations when choosing source of finance

    • 3-Bond

  • 4.Part C Merger and acquisition

    • 0-Part C Introduction

    • 1- M&A additional value

    • 2&3-Cnsideration calculation&Max Consideration and max premium

    • 4-valuation of equity

    • 5-Discussion ablout M&A

  • 5.Part D Reconstruction

    • 0&1-Part C Introduction&Credit agencies

    • 2-Business reconstruction and finance reconstruction

    • 3-Impact of reconstruction

  • 6.Part E Risk management

    • 1-Discussions ablout risk management

    • 2-Interest risk management

    • 3-Exchage rate risk management

  • 7.Part F Dividend

    • 1 Dividends irrelevant theory

    • 2 Dividends policy analysis

    • 3 Dividend capacity=FCFE

    • 4 Ethical issues

  • 8.PartG Performance evaluating

    • PartG Performance evaluating

  • 9.PartH Current issues

    • PartH Current issues

  • 10.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

    • ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段


  • 1.Advanced Financial Management

    • 【202212期】串讲直播

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播

    • 【202312期】考前冲刺集训


  • 1.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

    • ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段

  • 2.Part A Treasury and advanced risk management techniques

    • Chapter 1 Interest risk management

    • Chapter 2 Exchange rate risk management

  • 3. PART B Advanced investment appraisal

    • Chapter 3 Investment appraisal approach

    • Chapter 4 International investment appraisal

    • Chapter 5 APV

    • Chapter 6 Oversea APV

  • 4. PART C Option price

    • Chapter 7 Basic option price

    • Chapter 8 Real option pricing

    • Chapter 9 Equity valuation based BSOP

  • 5.PART D Financing

    • Chapter 10 Source of financing

    • Chapter 11 Value of bond

    • Chapter 12 Value of Equity

    • Chapter 13 Cost of capital

  • 6.PART E Acquisition and mergers

    • Chapter 14 Discussion about M&A

    • Chapter 15 Merger additional value

  • 7.PAET F Corporate reconstruction and re-organisation

    • Chapter 16 Reconstruction impacts on financial statements

  • 8.PART G Role of senior financial adviser in the multinational organisation

    • Chapter 17 Dividends policy

    • Chapter 18 Performance evaluating

    • Chapter 19 Role of senior financial adviser


  • 1.Chapter 1 Strategic Management Accounting

    • 1-1 Strategic Management Accounting

  • 2.Chapter 2 Performance Hierarchy

    • 2-1 Performance Hierarchy

  • 3.Chapter 3 Performance Management and control

    • 3-1 Budgeting

    • 3-2 Variance analysis

    • 3-3 Learning curve&controllability

  • 4.Chapter 4 Changes in business structure and MA

    • 4-1 Business structure and information needs

    • 4-2 Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

    • 4-3 Business integration

  • 5.Chapter 5 Environmental and ethical issues

    • 5-1 Stakeholder analysis

    • 5-2 Environmental management accounting

  • 6.Chapter 6 External influence

    • 6-1 Risk and uncertainty

    • 6-2 External influence

  • 7.Chapter 7 MIS and Management reports

    • 7-1 MIS

    • 7-2 Lean MIS

    • 7-3 New development in MIS

    • 7-4 Benchmarking

    • 7-5 Management report

  • 8.Chapter 8 Financial and Non-financial analysis

    • 8-1 Financial analysis

    • 8-2 Divisional Performance

    • 8-3 Transfer pricing

    • 8-4 Performance Management In NFPO

    • 8-5 Performance management and appraisal

  • 9.Chapter 9 Views of PM

    • 9-1 Alternative views of PM

    • 9-2 Corporate failure

  • 10.Professional skills

    • Professional skills

  • 11.机考平台操作指南

    • ACCA官网登陆方法

    • ACCA官网机考操作PM-FM

    • ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段


  • 1.APM 考前密押

    • APM 考前密押卷

  • 2.APM考前密押卷

    • APM Section A

    • APM Section B


  • 1.知识串讲

    • 章节串讲

    • 核心考点


  • 1.Advanced Performance Management

    • 【202303期】习题带练直播

    • 【202306期】串讲直播

    • 【202309期】习题带练直播

    • 【202312期】考前冲刺集训


  • 1.会计师事务所——管理咨询

    • 会计师事务所——管理咨询

  • 2.会计师事务所——审计

    • 会计师事务所——审计

  • 3.会计师事务所——税务

    • 会计师事务所——税务

  • 4.会计师事务所——风险咨询

    • 风险咨询

  • 5.500强企业——内审

    • 500强企业——内审

  • 6.500强企业——财务工作前景

    • 500强企业财务工作前景

  • 7.金融机构——投行

    • 1.投行简要介绍

    • 2.投行起源与发展

    • 3.投行业务类型

    • 4.投行招聘与规划

  • 8.金融机构——私募

    • 金融机构——私募

  • 9.金融机构——行业研究

    • 1 - 行研简要介绍

    • 2 - 行研工作内容

    • 3 - 行研薪酬体系

    • 4 - 行研招聘要求

  • 10.金融机构——资产管理

    • 金融机构——资产管理

  • 11.行业变革与未来

    • 1.介绍

    • 2.引入篇-西洋跳棋&国际跳棋

    • 3.引入篇-围棋&AlphaZero

    • 4.原理篇-大数据(1)

    • 5.原理篇-大数据(2)

    • 6.原理篇-人工智能

    • 7.原理篇-区块链

    • 8.未来篇-AI带来的变化

    • 9.未来篇-AI的风险

    • 10.未来篇-AI的个人应对


  • 1.职场形象与商务礼仪

    • 职场形象与商务礼仪

  • 2.赢在简历

    • 赢在简历

  • 3.四大招聘流程简介

    • 四大招聘流程简介


  • 1.Excel商务运用技巧

    • Excel商务运用技巧

  • 2.教你做出眼前一亮的PPT

    • 教你做出眼前一亮的PPT

  • 3.高效办公的Word必修课

    • 高效办公的Word必修课

  • 4.WIND数据库的使用方法

    • M1-1 Wind数据库介绍

    • M1-2 Wind数据库介绍

    • M1-3 Wind数据库介绍

    • M1-4 Wind数据库介绍

    • M1-5 Wind数据库介绍

    • M1-6 Wind数据库介绍

    • M1-7 Wind数据库介绍

    • M2-1 权益研究重点功能

    • M2-2 权益研究重点功能

    • M3-1 债券研究-交易重点功能

    • M3-2 债券研究-交易重点功能

    • M3-3 债券研究-交易重点功能

    • M4 基金研究重点功能

    • M5 组合管理


  • 1.大学生最值得参加的商赛实训

    • 大学生最值得参加的商赛实训

  • 2.高效学习,快人一步

    • 拒绝拖延 高效学习


  • 1.第一章 介绍

    • 1-1 安装

    • 1-2 前导

    • 1-3 编写第一个程序-Hello World

    • 1-4 随堂练习

    • 5 - Python 中的函数

    • 1-6 随堂练习

    • 1-7 一个稍微复杂的程序示例-Chaos

    • 1-8 随堂练习和第一章总结

  • 2.第二章 编写简单的程序

    • 2-1 示例程序——汇率换算

    • 2-2 程序要素——名称

    • 2-3 随堂练习

    • 2-4 程序要素——表达式

    • 2-5 程序要素——输出语句

    • 2-6 程序要素——赋值语句

    • 2-7 随堂练习

    • 2-8 程序要素——确定循环

    • 2-9 示例程序——计算终值

    • 2-10 随堂练习

    • 2-11 第二章总结

  • 3.第三章 数值计算

    • 3-1 Python 中数值类型

    • 3-2 类型的转换

    • 2-3 随堂练习

    • 2-4 Python 中的 Math 库

    • 5 - 原地运算

    • 3-6 第三章总结

  • 4.第四章 字符串

    • 4.1 索引和切片

    • 4-2 随堂练习

    • 4-3 字符串的操作

    • 4-4 示例程序——生成用户名

    • 4-5 示例程序——月份缩写

    • 4-6 Python 中的列表

    • 4-7 示例程序——月份缩写(升级版)

    • 4-8 列表与字符串

    • 4-9 随堂练习

    • 4-10 字符串编码

    • 4-11 示例程序——编码器

    • 4-12 字符串方法

    • 4-13 示例程序——编码器

    • 4-14 长字符串

    • 4-15 格式化输出

    • 4-16 文件处理

    • 4-17 示例程序——批处理

    • 4-18 文件对话框

    • 4-19 章节总结——第四章

  • 5.第五章 定义函数

    • 5-1 示例程序——生日歌

    • 5-2 函数的定义和调用

    • 5-3 定义多个参数的函数

    • 5-4 有返回值的函数

    • 5-5 修改参数的函数

    • 5-6 默认参数

    • 5-7 不定长参数

    • 5-8 随堂练习

    • 5-9 匿名函数

    • 5-10 章节总结——第五章

  • 6.第六章 条件结构

    • 6-1 条件结构

    • 6-2 示例程序——温度警告

    • 6-3 条件判断语句

    • 6- 4 条件结构的类型

    • 6-5 单路判断和两路判断

    • 6-6 随堂练习

    • 6-7 多路判断

    • 6-8 随堂练习

    • 6-9 处理多个条件

    • 6-10 异常处理

    • 6-11 三元表达式

    • 6-12 章节总结——第六章

    • 6-13 随堂练习

  • 7.第七章 循环结构

    • 7-1 确定循环

    • 7-2 while 语句

    • 7-3 交互式循环

    • 7-4 哨兵循环

    • 7-5 文件循环

    • 7-6 嵌套循环

    • 7-7 随堂练习

    • 7-8 break 和 continue 语句

    • 7-9 章节总结——第七章

  • 8.第八章 模拟与设计

    • 8-1 随机数

    • 8-2 示例程序——计算圆周率

    • 8-3 示例程序——壁球游戏

  • 9.第九章 模块与封装

    • 9-1 自定义模块

    • 9-2 导入同级目录下的模块

    • 9-3 导入不同级目录下的模块

    • 9-4 __name__ 属性

  • 10.第十章 Python Principal

    • 10-1 数据类型

    • 10-2 输入与输出

    • 10-3 函数

    • 10-4 选择结构

    • 10-5 循环结构

    • 10-6 模块

    • 10-7 随机数

    • 10-8 模拟与设计

  • 11.第十一章 其他专题

    • 11-1 海龟作图

    • 11-2 使用 with 进行文件操作

  • 12.第十二章 递归(选学)

    • 12-1 示例程序——计算阶乘

    • 12-2 示例程序——反转字符串

    • 12-3 示例程序——汉诺塔

    • 12-4 效率问题

    • 12-5 示例程序——Fibonacci

    • 12-6 示例程序——分形树

  • 13.第十三章 数据集合

    • 13-1 列表

    • 13-2 随堂练习

    • 13-3 元组

    • 13-4 字典

    • 13-5 集合

  • 14.第十四章 高级语法

    • 14-1 生成表达式

    • 14-2 高阶函数

  • 15.第十五章 Numpy

    • 15-1 Numpy 数组的介绍

    • 15-2 使用列举创建数组

    • 15-3 数组的属性

    • 15-4 创建等差数组

    • 15-5 创建随机数组

    • 15-6 其他创建数组的方法

    • 15-7 数组的数据类型

    • 15-8 索引和切片

    • 15-9 布尔索引

    • 15-10 智能索引

    • 15-11 数组的形态操作

    • 15-12 数组的运算

    • 15-13 通用函数

    • 15-14 统计函数

    • 15-15 数组的遍历

    • 15-16 线性代数

  • 16.第十六章 广播和布尔索引

    • 16-1 广播

    • 16-2 布尔数组和布尔索引

  • 17.第十七章 Pandas I

    • 17-1 DataFrame 数据结构

    • 17-2 Series 数据结构

    • 17-3 数据表的读写

    • 17-4 提取数据表的行和列

    • 17-5 提取数据表的某一区域

    • 17-6 DataFrame 中的作图

    • 17-7 新增字段

  • 18.第十八章 Pandas II

    • 18-1 重命名

    • 18-2 整体统计与分组统计

    • 18-3 数据表的排序

    • 18-4 Long to Wide

    • 18-5 数据透视表

    • 18-6 Wide to Long

    • 18-7 数据表的纵向合并

    • 18-8 数据表的横向合并

    • 18-9 处理时间序列数据

    • 18-10 处理文本数据

  • 19.第十九章 Pandas III

    • 19-1 创建 Series

    • 19-2 将 Series 转换为 Numpy Array

    • 19-3 Series 的索引和切片

    • 19-4 Series 的运算

    • 19-5 创建 DataFrame

    • 19-6 丢弃数据

    • 19-7 设置 Index

    • 19-8 DataFrame 的索引和切片

    • 19-9 向 DataFrame 中添加列

    • 19-10 滚动计算

  • 20.第二十章 缺失值的处理

    • 20-1 None 与 NaN

    • 20-2 处理 Pandas 中的缺失值

  • 21.第二十一章 数据可视化 I

    • 21-1 Stateful approach

    • 21-2 Stateless approach

    • 21-3 调整图形

    • 21-4 常用图形

  • 22.第二十二章 数据可视化 II

    • 22-1 单组数据的可视化

    • 22-2 多组数据关系的可视化

  • 23. 第二十三章 获取金融数据

    • 23-1 tushare

    • 23-2 pandas-datareader

  • 24.第二十四章 面向对象程序设计(选学)

    • 24-1 类和对象

    • 24-2 类的方法

    • 24-3 二叉树模型

    • 24-4 模型实现

  • 25.课后练习

    • 26-1 课后练习1

    • 26-2 课后练习2

    • 26-3 课后练习3

    • 26-4 课后练习4

    • 26-5 课后练习5

  • 26.经典案例

    • 27-1 Cases —— 哥德巴赫猜想

    • 27-2 Cases —— 随机游走

    • 27-3 Cases —— 策略回测函数的 Excel实现

    • 27-4 Cases —— Titanic 幸存分析

    • 27-5 Cases —— 板块分析

    • 27-6 Cases —— 生命游戏

    • 27-7 Cases —— 股债长期收益分析

    • 27-8 Cases —— 赌博游戏

  • 27.微课堂

    • 爬虫

    • 注释和快捷键

    • 文件和文件夹的处理


  • 1.前导课

    • 1-1 财务分析与估值建模课程介绍

    • 1-2 如何阅读财务报告

    • 1-3 认识资产负债表

    • 1-4 认识现金流量表

    • 1-5 认识利润表

  • 2.财务分析

    • 2-1 财务分析的核心指标

    • 2-2 基于企业盈利链的财务分析框架

    • 2-3 毛利率分析

    • 2-4 存货中的财务诡计

    • 2-5 一招提高 ROE

    • 2-6 费用以及损益

    • 2-7 周转率分析

    • 2-8 资产负债率分析

    • 2-9 现金流量分析

    • 2-10 京沪高铁

    • 2-11 华测检测

  • 3.财务风险识别

    • 3-1 财务舞弊

    • 3-2 盈余管理方法

    • 3-3 东阿阿胶

    • 3-4 财务风险识别

    • 3-5 康美药业

    • 3-6 康得新

    • 3-6 乐视网

  • 4.股权激励

    • 4-1 股权激励的概念

    • 4-2 股权激励的要点

    • 4-3 泸州老窖

    • 4-4 美的集团

    • 4-5 伊利股份

    • 4-6 ST凯迪

  • 5.估值建模

    • 5-1 相对估值法

    • 5-2 正确理解市盈率变动

    • 5-3 绝对估值法

    • 5-4 自由现金流折现模型

    • 5-6 贵州茅台

    • 5-7 伊利股份

    • 5-8 上海机场

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