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{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
current issue
1.Mean-variance framework
2.Normal distribution and Mean-variance framework limitations
3.Value at risk (VaR) and VaR limitations
4.Coherent risk measures and ES
5.Linear and nonlinear derivatives and Historical simulation approach
6.Delta-normal approach and Full revaluation method
7.Deviations From the Normal Distribution
8.Regime Switching
9.Volatility Measurement
10.The EWMA Model and GARCH (1,1) Model
11.Mean reversion and Correlation
12.Historical-based approach
13.Nonparametric vs. Parametric VaR Methods and implied-volatility-based approach
14.Arithmetic and Geometric returns
15.Normal VaR and Lognormal VaR
16.Bootstrap Historical Simulation Approach
1.Basic of credit risk
2.Credit risk measurement
3.Credit risk management
1.Event classification of Operational risk
2.Data Governance of Operational risk
3.Measurement methods of Operational risk
4.Organizational Structure in Operational risk
5.Capital Planning of Operational risk
0-1 introduction
1-1 Basic methods of VaR estimation
1-2 Coherent risk estimation
2-1 Bootstrap historical simulation
2-2 Four Non-parametric Approaches
3-1 Block Maxima Method
3-2 Peaks-over-Threshold
4-1 Backtesting VaR Introduction
4-2 Backtesting VaR methods(1)
4-2 Backtesting VaR methods(2)
5-1 Mapping introduction
5-2 VaR mapping application(1)
5-2 VaR mapping application(2)
6-1 lessons in VaR estimation
7-1 Correlation in finance
7-2 Correlation trading
7-3 Risk management and the financial crisis
8-1 Mean Reversion of Correlation
9-1 Copulas and Joint Default Probability
10-1 Single and two-Variable Regression Based Hedging
11-1 Binomial tree- Risk neutral and replication pricing(1)
12-1 Interest Rate Expectation, Volatility and Risk Premium
13-1 Model 1 and Model 2
13-2 Ho-lee Model and VasiceK model
14-1 Time variability of volatility
15-1 Foreign currency option
15-2 Equity option
16-1 Regulation evolutions
0-1 Introduction
1-1 Credit risk introduction(1)
1-1 Credit risk introduction(2)
2-1 Job Descriptions
3-1 Expected loss and unexpected loss
4-1 Probabilities of default
4-2 Rating methods
5-1 Merton Model(1)
5-1 Merton Model(2)
5-2 Other Portfolio Credit Risk Models
6-1 Credit Spreads(1)
6-1 Credit Spreads(2)
7-1 Default correlation
8-1 Default correlation
9-1 Netting, compression and termination
10-1 Margin support
11-1 exposure metrics and mitigation(1)
11-1 exposure metrics and mitigation(2)
12-1 CVA, DVA and BCVA
12-2 Wrong way risk
13-1 Market risk prospective of CCR and stress testing
14-1 2007 GFC review
15-1 Credit derivatives(1)
15-1 Credit derivatives(2)
16-1 Securitization review(1)
16-1 Securitization review(2)
17-1 Waterfall Structure Calculation
18-1 Frictions in securitization
0-1 Introduction
1-1 Introduction to Operational Risk and Resilience
1-2 Introduction to Operational Risk and Resilience
1-3 Introduction to Operational Risk and Resilience
1-4 Introduction to Operational Risk and Resilience
2-1 Risk Governance
2-2 Risk Governance
2-3 Risk Governance
3-1 Risk Identification
2-4 Risk Governance
3-2 Risk Identification
3-3 Risk Identification
3-4 Risk Identification
4-1 Risk Measurement and Assessment
4-2 Risk Measurement and Assessment
4-3 Risk Measurement and Assessment
4-4 Risk Measurement and Assessment
4-5 Risk Measurement and Assessment
4-6 Risk Measurement and Assessment
4-7 Risk Measurement and Assessment
5-1 Risk Mitigation
5-2 Risk Mitigation
5-3 Risk Mitigation
5-4 Risk Mitigation
5-5 Risk Mitigation
5-6 Risk Mitigation
6-1 Risk Reporting
6-2 Risk Reporting
6-3 Risk Reporting
6-4 Risk Reporting
7-1 Integrated Risk Management
7-2 Integrated Risk Management
7-3 Integrated Risk Management
7-4 Integrated Risk Management
8-1 Cyber-Resilience- Range of Practices
8-2 Cyber-Resilience- Range of Practices
8-3 Cyber-Resilience- Range of Practices
8-4 Cyber-Resilience- Range of Practices
8-5 Cyber-Resilience- Range of Practices
9-1 Case Study- Cyberthreats and Information Security Risks
9-2 Case Study- Cyberthreats and Information Security Risks
10-1 Sound Management of Risks Related to Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
10-2 Sound Management of Risks Related to Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
10-3 Sound Management of Risks Related to Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
11-1 Management of Risk Associated with Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
11-2 Management of Risk Associated with Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
12-1 Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk
12-2 Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk
13-1 Case Study- Third-Party Risk Management
13-2 Case Study- Third-Party Risk Management
14-1 Case Study- Investor Protection and Compliance Risks in Investment Activities
14-2 Case Study- Investor Protection and Compliance Risks in Investment Activities
15-1 Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management
15-2 Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management
15-3 Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management
15-4 Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management
16-1 Case Study- Model Risk and Model Validation
16-2 Case Study- Model Risk and Model Validation
16-3 Case Study- Model Risk and Model Validation
17-1 Stress Testing Banks
17-2 Stress Testing Banks
17-3 Stress Testing Banks
18-1 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
18-2 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
18-3 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
18-4 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
18-5 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measuremen
18-6 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
18-7 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
18-8 Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
19-1 Range of Practices and Issues in Economic Capital Frameworks
19-2、3 Range of Practices and Issues in Economic Capital Frameworks
19-4 Range of Practices and Issues in Economic Capital Frameworks
20-1 Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies
20-2 Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies
21-1 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
21-2 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
21-3 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
21-4 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
21-5,6 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
21-7 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
21-8 Capital Regulation Before the Global Financial Crisis
22-1、2、3 Solvency, Liquidity and Other Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis
22-4 Solvency, Liquidity and Other Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis
22-5 Solvency, Liquidity and Other Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis
22-6 Solvency, Liquidity and Other Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis
22-7、8 Solvency, Liquidity and Other Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis
23-1 High-Level Summary of Basel Ⅲ Reforms
23-2 High-Level Summary of Basel Ⅲ Reforms
23-3 High-Level Summary of Basel Ⅲ Reforms
24-1、2 Basel Ⅲ-Finalising Post-Crisis Reforms
24-3 Basel Ⅲ-Finalising Post-Crisis Reforms
1-1 Factor Theory
1-2 Capital asset pricing model
1-3 Multifactor Model
1-4 Efficient market theory
1-5 Example
2-1.Macroeconomic risk factors
2-2.Dynamic risk factors
3-1 Characteristics of Sound Benchmarks
3-2.Fundamental Law of Active Management
3-3.Alphas for nonlinear strategies
3-4 Example
4-1 Portfolio Construction Inputs
4-2.Transaction Costs
4-3 Portfolio Construction Techniques
4-4 Example
5-1 Portfolio VaR
5-2 Marginal VaR
5-3 Incremental VaR and Component VaR
5-4 Portfolio VaR---Summary
5-5 Example
6-1 Two Basic Steps of the Investment Process
6-2 Funding Ris
6-3 Monitoring Risk with VAR
6-4 Example
7-1 The Three Legs of Risk Management
7 - 2 Liquidity Considerations
7 - 3 Example
8 - 1 Time-Weighted and Dollar-Weighted Return
8 - 2 Risk-Adjusted Performance Measures
8-3 Market Timing Ability
8-4 Performance Attribution
8-5 Example
9-1 Hedge Funds versus Mutual Funds
9-2 Hedge Fund Strategies
9-3 Fund of Hedge Funds
9-4 Example
10-1 Past Fund Failures
10-2 Due Diligence of Operational Environment
10-3 Example
11-1 Information Disclosures
11-2 Efficacy of Information Disclosures
11-3 Example
1-1 Liquidity Trading Risk
1-2 liquidity funding risk.mp4.mp4
1-3 Liquidity Black Hole
2-1 funding liquidity risk
2-2 leverage and forms of credit in contemporary finance
2-3 transactions liquidity risk
3-1 Early Warning Indicators
4-1 introduction
4-2 popular money and capital market investment instruments
4-3 factors affecting choice of investment securities
4-4 investment maturity strategies
5-1 the demand for and supply of liquidity
5-2 strategies for liquidity managers
5-3 estimating liquidity needs
5-4 legal reserves and money position management.
6-1 uses and sources of intraday liquidity
6-2 risk measurement and monitoring tools for financial institutions
7-1 monitor liquidity
8-1 the failure mechanics of dealer banks
9-1 liquidity stress testing
10-1 liquidity risk reporting and stress testing
11-1 contingency funding planning
12-1 types of deposits offered by depository institutions
12-2 pricing deposits
13-1 alternative non-depiosit sources of funds
13-2 choosing among alternative non-deposit sources
14-1 repurchase agreements structure and uses
14-2 general and special repo rates
15-1 liquidity transfer pricing a guide to better practice
16-1 the US dollar shortage in global banking and international policy response
17-1 covered interest parity lost
18-1 risk management for changing interest rates asset liability management and duration techniques
19-1 illiquidity asset
0-1 current issues
1-1 paper1
2-1 paper2
3-1 paper3
4-1 paper4
5-1 paper5
6-1 paper6
7-1 paper7
8-1 paper8