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{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
1.Business and Technology
0-1. Introduction
2.Chapter 1 Business organisations and their stakeholders
1-1. Definition of organization&The reason for the existence of an organization
1-2. Types of organization-1
1-3. Types of organization-2
1-4. Types of organization-3
1-4. Types of organization-3
1-6. Stakeholders conflict and management of stakeholders-1
1-7. Stakeholders conflict and management of stakeholders-2
1-8. Question
3.Chapter 2 The business environment
2-1. Business environment
2-2. SWOT analysis &Porter’s Five Competitive Forces model
2-3. Porter’s Value chain analysis&Value network
2-4. The political environments
2-5. Social and demographic factors-1
2-6. Social and demographic factors-2
2-7. Question
4.Chapter 3 The legal framework
3-1. Legal factors
3-2. Data protection and security
3-3. Consumer protection
3-4. Question
5.Chapter 4 The Marco-economics environment
4-1. Definition of Marco-economics
4-2. The business cycles
4-3. The objectives of Marco-economics-1
4-4. The objectives of Marco-economics-2
4-5. The objectives of Marco-economics-3
4-6. The objectives of Marco-economics-4
4-7. The objectives of Marco-economics-5
6.Chpater 5 Micro-economics factors
5-1. Definition of micro-economics&Utility
5-2. Demand-1
5-3. Demand-2
5-4. Supply-1
5-5. Supply-2
5-6. Equilibrium price
5-7. Types of market
5-8. Questions-1
5-9. Questions-2
5-10. Questions-3
5-11. Questions-4
5-12. Questions-5
7.Chapter 6 Business organization structure
6-1. The informal and informal business organization
6-2. Business organization design-1
6-3. Business organization design-2
6-4. Business organization design-3
6-5. Business organization design-4
6-6. Business organization design-5
6-7. Functions of department-1
6-8. Functions of department-2
6-9. Functions of department-3
6-10. Functions of department-4
6-11. Questions
8.Chapter 7 Organizational culture and committees
7-1. Organizational culture-1
7-2. Organizational culture-2
7-3. Organizational culture-3
7-4. Committees-1
7-5. Committees-2
7-6. Committees-3
7-7. Questions
9.Chapter 8 Corporate governance and social responsibility
8-1. Corporate governance-1
8-2. Corporate governance-2
8-3. Role of the BOD
8-4. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
10.Chapter 9 Role of accounting
9-1. Accounting-1
9-2. Accounting-2
9-3. Comparison of different software applications-1
9-4. Comparison of different software applications-2
11.Chapter 10 Control, security and audit
10-1. Definition of internal control system
10-2. Sales cycle&Purchases cycle-1
10-3. Sales cycle&Purchases cycle-2
10-4. Payroll system&Inventory system
10-5. Internal audit&External audit
10-6. IT system security and safety
10-7. Impact of financial technology (Fintech) on accounting systems&Internal checks
10-8. Information systems
10-9. Questions
12.Chapter 11 Identifying and preventing fraud
11-1. Fraud-1
11-2. Fraud-2
11-3. Systems for preventing and detecting fraud
11-4. Money laundering
11-5. Questions
13.Chapter 12 Leading and managing
12-1. Leadership, management and supervision
12-2. Theories of management-1
12-3. Theories of management-2
12-4. Trait (qualities) theory
12-5. Style theory
12-6. Contingency approaches to leadership
12-7. Questions
14.Chapter 13 Recruitment and selection
13-1. Definition of recruitment and selection
13-2. Job analysis
13-3. Advertising vacancies
13-4. Selection methods
13-5. Discrimination
13-6. Managing diversity
13-7. Questions
15.Chapter 14 Individual group and teams
14-1. Individual
14-2. Group&Team
14-3. Team member roles-1
14-4. Team member roles-2
14-5. Team building
14-6. Evaluating team effectiveness
14-7. Questions
16.Chapter 15 Motivating individuals and groups
15-1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
15-2. MeGregor’s theory X and Y
15-3. Herzberg’s two-factor theory-1
15-4. Herzberg’s two-factor theory-2
15-5. Process theory&The reward packages
15-6. Questions
17.Chapter 16 Training and developments
16-1. Learning theories
16-2. The learning organization
16-3. Systematic approach to training and developing
16-4. Questions
18.Chapter 17 Performance appraisals
17-1. The purpose and process of performance appraisal
17-2. Types of appraisal system
17-3. The techniques of appraisal&The appraisal interviews
17-4. Interview approaches&Barriers to effective appraisal
19.Chapter 18 Personal effectiveness and communications
18-1. Effective time management
18-2. Competence frameworks and personal development
18-3. Sources of conflict and solutions
18-4. Communication in business-1
18-5. Communication in business-2
18-6. Questions
20.Chapter 19 Ethical considerations
19-1. Approaches to ethics&Management accountability
19-2. Ethics management in organization
19-3. Professional ethics
19-4. Ethical threat
2.Chapter 1 Accounting for management
1-1. The managerial processes of planning, controlling and decision making
1-2. Management accounting and Financial accounting
3.Chapter 2 Data and information
2-1.Types of data
2-2.sources of data
2-3.Impact of the general economic environment on costs/revenues
2-4.Good information
2-5.Types of information
4.Chapter 3 Presenting information
3-1. Report
3-2. Data visualisation
3-3.Tables and diagrams
5.Chapter 4 Cost classification and behaviour
4-1.1 Cost classification-1
4-1.2 Cost classification-2
4-1. Cost classification-exmple
4-2. Cost codes
4-3. Cost objects, cost units and Responsibility centres
6.Chapter 5 Summarising and analysing data
5-1.Big data
5-2.Group and ungrouped data
5-5.Expected values
5-6.Normal distribution
7.Chapter 6 Forecasting
6-0.chapter 6 introduction
6-1. Sampling
6-2. High - low method
6-3. Linear regression analysis
6-4. Index numbers
6-5.1 Time series analysis-1
6-5.2 Time series analysis-2
6-6. Forecasting problems
8.Chapter 7 Accounting for materials
7-0.chapter 7 introduction
7-1.Accounting for materials-1
7-1.Accounting for materials-2
7-2.Inventory valuation methods
7-3.1 Inventory problems-purchasing&holding cost
7-3.2 Inventory problems-ordering cost
7-3.3 Inventory problems-EOQ
7-3.4 Inventory problems-bulk purchase discounts
7-3.5 Inventory problems-EBQ
7-3.6 Inventory problems-When to reorder?
7-3.7 Inventory problems-What stock control system to use
7-4. Just in Time (JlT)
7-5.Ledger entries for material cost
7-6.chapter 7 round up
9.Chapter 8 Accounting for labour
8-1.Remuneration methods
8-2.Direct vs Indirect labour cost
8-3.Labour turnover
8-4.Efficiency,capacity and production volume ratios
8-5.Ledger entries for labour cost
8-6.chapter 8 round up
10.Chapter 9 Accounting for overheads
9-0.chapter 9 introduction
9-1.Absorption costing
9-2.1 The absorption costing process-Allocation&Apportionment
9-2.2 The absorption costing process-Reapportionment
9-2.3 The absorption costing process-Absorption
9-3.Under Over absorption of overheads
9-4.Ledger entries for overheads
9-5.chapter 9 round up
11.Chapter 10 Absorption and marginal costing
10-1.Absorption costing vs marginal costing
10-2.Profit statements
10-3.Reconciling profit
10-4.Advantages and disadvantages of absorption costing and marginal costing
12.Chapter 11 Job, batch, process and service costing
11-1. Job costing
11-2. Batch costing
11-3. Process costing-normal loss
11-3. Process costing-abnormal loss&gain
11-4. Joint and by-products
11-5. Service costing
11-6. chapter 11 round up
13.Chapter 12 Alternative costing methods
12-1. Activity-based costing (ABC)
12-2. Life cycle costing
12-3. Target costing
12-4. Cost management
12-5. chapter 12 round up
14.Chapter 13 Standard costing
13-1. Budgetary planning and control system
13-2. Preparation of budgets
13-3. Fixed and flexible budgets
13-4. Budgets and people
13-5. Impact of the general economic environment on budgeting
13-6. Sustainability in budgeting
13-7. chapter 13 round up
15.Chapter 14 Project appraisal
14-1. Interest
14-2. Investment appraisal techniques
14-3. Relevant costing
14-4. chapter 14 round up
16.Chapter 15 Variance analysis
15-1. Standard costing
15-2. Variance calculation and analysis
15-3. Reconciliation
15-4. chapter 15 round up
17.Chapter 16 Performance measurement overview
16-1. Mission and objectives
16-2. Critical success factors
16-3. Short-termism
16-4. Benchmarking
16-5. External conditions
16-6. chapter 16 round up
18.Chapter 17 Financial performance measurement
17-1. Performance measures
17-2. Management performance measures
17-3. chapter 17 round up
19.Chapter 18 Non-financial performance measurement
18-1. Non-financial performance measures
18-2. Performance measures for services
18-3. Performance measures for not-for-profit organisations
18-4. The balanced scorecard
18-5. chapter 18 Total quality management (TQM)
18-6. chapter 18 round up
20.Section B
Section B
2.Chapter 1 Introduction To Financial Accounting
1-1. Definition & Types of accounting
1-2. Types of business entities
1-3. Financial statements-Assets & Liabilities
1-4. Financial statements-Capital
1-5. Users of Financial statements & Corporate govenance
3.Chapter 2 The Regulatory Framework
2-1. Regulatory framework
4.Chapter 3 The IASB’s Conceptual Framework
3-1. Underlying assumption
3-2 IAS 16-Subsequent measurement-Depreciation
3-3 IAS 16-Subsequent measurement-Revaluation model
5.Chapter 4 The Double-entry Book-keeping
4-1. Rules-Assets, liabilities & capital
4-2. Rules-Income & Expense
4-3. Trading
4-4. Exercises
4-5. Balance of accounts
6.Chapter 5 The Accounting System
5-1. Business documents
5-2. Exercises
5-3. Accounting systems
7.Chapter 6 Trading and Sales tax
6-1. Trading
6-2. Sales tax-Principles
6-3. Sales tax-Accounting treatment
8.Chapter 7 Inventory
7-1. Definition & Valuation
7-2. Exercises
7-3. First in, first out (FIFO)
7-4. Average cost (AVCO)
7-5. Exercises
9.Chapter 8 Tangible Non-Current Assets
8-1.Definition, recognition & initial measurement
8-2. Depreciation methods
8-3. Accounting for depreciation
8-4. Revaluation
8-5. Disposal
8-6. Part exchange & Disclosure
10.Chapter 9 Intangible Non-Current Assets
9-1. Intangible assets
9-2. Exercises
11.Chapter 10 Accruals And Prepayments
10-1. Accrued & Prepaid expense
10-2. Relevant ledger accounts
10-3. Accrued & Deferred income
12.Chapter 11 Irrecoverable Debts And Allowance
11-1. Bad debts & Recovered
11-2. Allowance for receivables
11-3. Exercises
13.Chapter 12 Provision And Contingencies
12-1. Provisions
12-2. Contingencies
14.Chapter 13 Capital Structure And Finance Costs
13-1. Share capital
13-2. Reserves
13-3. Revaluation
13-4. Bonus and right issue
13-5. Long-term borrowings
13-6. Income tax
15.Chapter 14 Trial Balance & Correction Of Errors
14-1. Types of errors
14-2. Correction of errors
14-3. Exercises
16.Chapter 15 Cash & Bank Reconciliation
15-1. Petty cash
15-2. Bank reconciliation
15-3. Exercises
17.Chapter 16 Trade receivables and trade payables
16-1. Control account
16-2. Discounts
16-3. Other entries
16-4 supplier statement reconciliation
18.Chapter 17 Preparation Of Financial Statements For Sole Trader
17-1. Preparation-Illustration 1
17-2. Preparation-Illustration 2
19.Chapter 18 Preparation Of Financial Statements For Companies
18-1. A complete set of Financial Statements
18-2. Exercises
20.Chapter 19 Events After The Reporting Period
19-1. Events after reporting period
19-2. Exercises
21.Chapter 20 Statement Of Cash Flows
20-1. Proforma
20-2. Preparation-Illustration
20-3. Exercises
22.Chapter 21 Incomplete Records
21-1. Cost structure
21-2. Credit sales & purchases
21-3. Accounting equation
23.Chapter 22 Introduction to Consolidated Financial Statements
22-1. Types of investments
22-2. Investment in associate
24.Chapter 23 The Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position
23-1. Basic principle
23-2. Goodwill
23-3. Non-controlling interest
23-4. Fair value adjustments
23-5. Intra-group trading
23-6. Preparation of CSOFP
23-7. Exercises
25.Chapter 24 The Consolidated Statement Of Profit or Loss
24-1. CSOPL
24-2. Intra-group trading
24-3. Mid-acquisition
26.Chapter 25 Interpretation Of Financial Statements
25-1. Profitability & Liquidity ratio
25-2. Efficiency & Position ratio
25-3. Limitation of ratio
1.The Introduction of LW
The Introduction of LW
2.Chapter 1 Law and the legal system
1-1.What is law
1-2 Types of law
1-3.Structure of the courts
3.Chapter 2 Sources of law
2-1.Case law
2-3.Statutory interpretation
2-4.Human Rights Act 1998
4.Chapter 3-4 Formation of contract
3-1.The nature of a simple contract
3-4.Intention to create legal relations
3-5.Doctrine of privity
5.Chapter 5 Content of contracts
5-1 Terms and representations
5-2 Sources of terms
5-3 Classification of contract terms
5-4 Exclusion clauses
6.Chapter 6 Breach of contract and remedies
6-1 Discharge of contract
6-2 Breach of contract
6-3 Common law remedies
6-4 Equitable remedies
7.Chapter 7 The law of torts and professional negligence
7-1 Tort and other wrongs
7-2 Tort of negligence
7-3 Liability for negligence
7-4 Professional negligence
8.Chapter 8 Contract of employment
8-1 Employment and self-employment
8-2 Employment contract and rights and duties
9.Chapter 9 Dismissal and redundancy
9-1 Dismissal
9-2 Redundancy
10.Chapter 10 Agency law
10-1 Definition of agent
10-2 Formation of agency relationship
10-3 Authority of the agent
10-4 Termination of agency
10-5 Liability of the agent for contracts formed
11.Chapter 11 Partnership
11-1 The introduction of Partnership
11-2 Unlimited Partnership
11-3 Limited Partnership
11-4 Limited Liability Partnership
12.Chapter 12 Corporations and legal personality
12-1 Sole traders
12-2 Company
12-3 Lifting the veil of incorporation
12-4 Types of company
13.Chapter 13 Company formation
13-1 Promoters 公司发起设立人
13-2 Pre-incorporation contracts 公司成立前所订立的合同
13-3 Company registration procedures 公司登记设立程序
13-4 Statutory books, records and returns 法定登记簿、会计记录及申报
14.Chapter 14 Constitution of company
14-1 Constitution of a company 公司章程
14-2 Company Objects and capacity 目的条款、经营范围
14-3 Company name 公司名称
15.Chapter 15 Share capital
15-1 The nature of shares and capital
15-2 Types of shares
15-3 Class rights
15-4 Allotment of shares
15-5 Issue shares-Payment for shares
16.Chapter 16 Loan capital
16-1 Borrowing
16-2 Charge
17.Chapter 17 Capital maintenance and dividend law
17-1 Capital maintenance
17-2 Dividend law
18.Chapter 18 Company directors
18-1 Directors
18-2 Appointment, disqualification and removal
18-3 Duties of directors
18-4 Power of directors
19.Chapter 19 Other company officer
19-1 Company secretary
19-2 Company auditor
20.Chapter 20 Company meetings and resolution
20-1 Company meetings
20-2 Resolutions
21.Chapter 21 Insolvency and administration
21-1 Winding up and liquidation
21-2 Administration
22.Chapter 22 Fraudulent and criminal behaviour
22-1 Insider dealing 内幕交易罪
22-2 Market abuse 市场操纵
22-3 Money laundering 洗钱罪
22-4 Fraudulent and wrongful trading 欺诈交易罪及过错交易
22-5 Bribery 贿赂
22-6 Other offences
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2. Introduction
3.Chapter 1 Strategic Management Accounting
1-1 Management activities & Three levels of management
4.Chapter 2 Managing Information
2-1 Source of information & Cost of information & Communication of information & Controls and security
5.Chapter 3 Information System
3-1 Information systems & Types of performance management information systems
6.Chapter 4 Data Analysis
4-1 Termination & 5 Vs for Big data & Big data pyramid & Opportunities and chanllenges for big data
7.Chapter 5 Activity based costing
5-1 Quick review of AC and MC
5-2 Nature of activity based costing & Advantages and disadvantages of ABC & When to use ABC
8.Chapter 6 Life cycle costing
6-1 What is Life Cycle Costing & Characteristics of each stage & Mismanaging return of life cycle costing & Advantages of LCC
6-2 LCC case practice
9.Chapter 7 Target costing
7-1 What is target costing & Steps for target costing & Closing cost gap & Benefits of target costing & Target costing in servic
7-2 Target costing case practice
10.Chapter 8 Throughput accounting
8-1 What is throughput accounting & Theory of constraints (TOC) & Throughput accounting ratio
11.Chapter 9 Environmental costing
9-1 EMA issues & Classification of environmental costs & Accounting for environmental costs
12.Chapter 10 Relevant Cost for Decision Making
10-1.1 Relevant costs
10-1.2.Relevant costs-for material
10-1.3 Relevant costs-for labor
10-2 Minimum price decision
10-3.Make or buy decisions practice
10-3.Make or buy decisions
10-4.Outsourcing decisions
10-5 Shut down decisions
10-5.Shut down decisions practice
10-6.Further processing decision practice
10-6.Further processing decision
13.Chapter 11 Limiting Factor Decisions
11-1.Review:Make or buy decisions with one limiting factor
11-2.Production plan with One limiting factor
11-2.Production plan with One limiting factor practice 1
11-2.Production plan with One limiting factor practice 2
11-2.Production plan with One limiting factor practice 3
11-3.1 Production plan with Multiple limiting factors:linear programming
11-3.2 Production plan with Multiple limiting factors:Example
11-4.Slack and shadow price
14.Chapter 12 Pricing decisions
12-1.Factors affecting pricing decisions
12-2.Demand curve & price elasticity of demand PED
12-3.Optimal pricing and output policy
12-4.Pricing strategy
15.Chapter 13 Cost Volume Analysis
13-1.1 CVP analysis in single product situation-Formulars
13-1.2 CVP analysis in single product situation-Charts
13-2.1 CVP analysis in multi-product situation-Formulars
13-2.2 CVP analysis in multi-product situation-Charts
13-3.Advantages and disadvantages of CVP analysis
16.Chapter 14 Risk and Uncertainty
14-1.General knowlege about risk and Uncertainty
14-2.Expected values
14-3.Value of perfect information
14-4.3 M decision rules
14-5.Sensitivity analysis
14-6.Monte Carlo Simulation
14-7.Decision tree
17.Chapter 15 Budgeting systems
15-1.Plan and control cycle
15-2.Objectives of budgets
15-3.Information used in budgeting
15-4.Budgeting systems and uncertainty
15-5.Probabilistic budgeting
18.Chapter 16 Approaches to Budgeting
16-1.Fixed, flexible and flexed budgets
16-1.1 Fixed, flexible and flexed budgets practice
16-2.Rolling (continuous) budgets
16-3.Incremental budgeting vs zero based budgeting
16-3.1 Incremental budgeting vs zero based budgeting practice
16-4.Activity based budgeting (ABB)
16-5.Beyond budgeting (BB)
16-6.Selecting a suitable budgetary system
16-7.Changing a budgetary system
19.Chapter 17 Quantitative Analysis in Budgeting
17-2.High-low method
17-3.Regression analysis
17-4.Time series analysis
17-5.1 Learning curve model
17-5.2 Learning curve model practice
20.Chapter 18 Standard Costing
18-1.Purpose of standard costing
18-2.Types of standards
18-3.Problems of standard costing in modern environment
21.Chapter 19 Variance Analysis
19-1.Basic variance analysis
19-1.1 Basic variance analysis practice
19-2.Learning effect in variance analysis
19-3.1 Planning and operational variances for material&labor cost
19-3.2 Planning and operational variances for material&labor cost practice
19-3.3 Planning and operational variances for sales
19-3.4 Planning and operational variances for sales practice
19-4.1 Material mix and yield variances
19-4.2 Material mix and yield variances practice
19-5. Sales mix and quantity variances
22.Chapter 20 Financial and non-financial performance evaluating
20-1.FPIs analysis
20-2.NFPIs analysis
20-3.1 Further issues of performance evaluation
20-3.2 Further issues of performance evaluation practice
23.Chapter 21 Balanced Scorecard
21-1.Description of BSC
21-2.1 Benefits and problems of BSC
21-2.2 Benefits and problems of BSC practice
24.Chapter 22 Building Block Model
22-1.1 Description of BBM
22-1.2 Description of BBM practice
25.Chapter 23 Divisional Performance
23-1.Responsibility centers and divisional performance measures
23-2.Transfer pricing between divisions
26.Chapter 24 Performance Measurement in NPO
24-1.Objectives for NFPOs
24-2.Problems with performance measurement of NPO
24-3.Performance for NPO
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0 Introduction
3.Chapter 1 The Uk tax system
1-1 The overall function and purpose of tax
1-2 Types of tax
1-3 Overall structure and UK tax system
1-4 Sources of revenue law and practice
1-5 Tax avoidance and tax evasion
1-6 Ethical and professional approach
4.Chapter 2 Outline of Income Tax
2-0 Introduction
2-1 The Uk resident
2-2 Fiscal year (Tax year)
2-3 Lay out of income tax computation
2-4 Classification of income
2-5 Qualifying Interest Paid (Deductible interest)
2-6 Personal allowance (PA)
2-7 Tax rate
2-8 Gift aid donations (GAD) & Personal pension contribution(PPC)
2-9 Spouse special arrangements
2-10 Accrued income scheme
2-11 In class exercise
5.Chapter 3 Trading Incomes
3-0 Introduction
3-1 The badges of trade
3-2 Pro forma for tax adjusted trading profit
3-3 Adjustment of expenditure
3-4 Adjustment of expenditure
3-5 Cash basis for small business
6.Chapter 4 Basis of Assessment
4-0 Introduction
4-1 Basis period & Tax year & Period of account
4-2 Current year basis(CYB)
4-3 Opening basis year rules
4-4 Overlap profit
4-5 Closing basis year rules
4-6 Choice of accounting date-first time
4-7 Loss in the early years of trad
7.Chapter 5 Capital Allowances
5-0 Introduction
5-1 Defination of Capital allowance
5-2 Classification of plant & machinery
5-3 Allowance
8.Chapter 6 Property Income
6-1 Property bussiness income
6-2 Rent a room relief.
6-3 Furnished holiday letting profit
9.Chapter 7 Reliefs for individual trading losses
7-0 Introduction
7-1 Trading profit assessment
7-2 Carry forward trade loss relief
7-3 Trade loss relief against general income
7-4 Trade loss relief against capital gain
7-5 Losses in the early year
7-6 Terminal trade loss relief
7-7 The choice between loss reliefs
10.Chapter 8 Partnership
8-1 Assessment of partnerships to tax
8-2 Change in member of partnership
8-3 Loss reliefs for partners
11.Chapter 9 Benefits
9-1 General rule
9-2 Living accommodation benefit
9-3 Living expenses of living accommodation
9-4 Company car and fuel benefit
9-5 Beneficial loan
9-6 Private use
9-7 Other benefits
9-8 Exmept benefits
12.Chapter 10 Employment income
10-1 Employment and self employment
10-2 Basis of assessment for employment income
10-3 Allowable deductions
10-4 Statutory approved mileage allowances
10-5 The PAYE system
13.Chapter 11 National insurance contribution and pension
11-1 Scope of national insurance contribution
11-2 Choice of business medium
11-3 Types of pension scheme
11-4 Tax relief rules for pension
11-5 Annual allowance
11-6 Lifetime allowance
14.Chapter 12 Self-assessment: individuals
12-1 Self-assessment system introduction
12-2 Tax return
12-3 Payment of income tax and CGT
12-4 HMRC power
15.Chapter 13 Outline of Corporation tax
13-1 Company Residence
13-2 Accounting Period
13-3 Layout of a corporation tax computation
13-4 Tax rate
13-5 Dividends income
13-6 Long periods of account
16.Chapter 14 Computing the corporation tax
14-1 Trading income
14-2 Property income
14-3 Interest income & interest payable
14-4 Miscellaneous income
14-5 Qualifying Charitable Donation
14-6 Dividend paid & dividend received
17.Chapter 15 Relief for corporation trading losses
15-1 Carry forward trade loss relief
15-2 Trade loss relief against total profit
15-3 Terminal trade loss relief
15-4 Factors influencing choice of loss relief
15-5 Capital losses
15-6 Property business losses
18.Chapter 16 Groups of companies
16-1 Assiciated companies(≥50%)
16-2 75%subsidiaries(group relief group)
16-3 Chargeable gain group
19.Chapter 17 Self-assessment: companies
17-1 Tax return
17-2 Payment of corporation tax and interest
20.Chapter 18 Chargeable gain: individual
18-1 Chargeable persons, disposals and assets
18-2 Computing a gain or loss
18-3 The annual exempt amount
18-4 Capital losses
18-5 Transfers between spouses civil partners
18-6 Part disposals
18-7 The damage, loss or destruction of an asset
18-8 Chattels
18-9 Principal private residence relief (PPR)
18-10 Business relief
18-11 Shares and securities
21.Chapter 19 Chargeable gains: companies
19-1 Corporation tax on chargeable gains
19-2 Indexation allowance
19-3 Disposal of shares by companies
19-4 Rollover relief
19-5 Capital loss
22.Chapter 20 Value added tax
20-1 The principles of VAT
20-2 Registration
20-3 Deregistration
20-4 Accounting for and administering VAT
20-5 Calculation of VAT
20-6 VAT invoices and records.
20-7 Penalties
20-8 Special schemes
20-9 Overseas aspects
23.Chapter 21 Inheritance tax
21-1 Definition
21-2 Rate of tax
21-3 Taper relief
21-4 Computation format
21-5 Tax liability on death estate
21-6 Payment of IHT
21-7 Advantages of lifetime transfers
21-8 Transfer of a spouse's unused nil rate band
21-9 Basic inheritance tax planning
2.Chapter 1 The Uk tax system
1-1 The overall function and purpose of tax
1-2 Types of tax
1-3 Overall structure and UK tax system
1-4 Sources of revenue law and practice
1-5 Tax avoidance and tax evasion
1-6 Ethical and professional approach
1-7 Double taxation agreements
3.Chapter 2 Outline of Income Tax
2-1 The Uk resident
2-2 Fiscal year (Tax year) & 3 Lay out of income tax computation
2-4 Classification of income & 5 Qualifying Interest Paid (Deductible interest)
2-6 Personal allowance (PA)
2-7 Tax rate
2-8 Gift aid donations (GAD) & Personal pension contribution(PPC)
2-9 Spouse special arrangements
2-10 Accrued income scheme
4.Chapter 3 Trading Incomes
3-1 The badges of trade
3-2 Pro forma for tax adjusted trading profit
3-3 Adjustment of expenditure
3-4 Adjustment of income
3-5 Cash basis for small business
5.Chapter 4 Basis of Assessment
4-1 Basis period & Tax year & 2.Basis period rule & 3.Tax year basis
6.Chapter 5 Capital Allowances
5-1 Defination of Capital allowance
5-2 Classification of plant & machinery
5-3 Allowance
7.Chapter 6 Property Income
6-1 Property bussiness income
6-2 Rent a room relief
6-3 Furnished holiday letting profit
8.Chapter 7 Relief for Individual Trading Losses
7-1 Trading profit assessment
7-2 Trade loss relief against general income
7-3 Carry forward trade loss relief
7-4 Trade loss relief against capital gain & 5.Losses in the early years of a trade
7-6 Terminal trade loss relief & 7.The choice between loss reliefs
9.Chapter 8 Partnerships
8-1 Assessment of partnerships to tax & 2.Change in membership of partnership & 3.Loss reliefs for p
10.Chapter 9 Benefits
9-1 General rule & 2.Living accommodation benefit
9-3 Living expenses of living accommodation
9-4 Company car and fuel benefit
9-5 Beneficial loan
9-6 Private use of employer's assets
9-7 Other benefits & 8.Exmept benefits
11.Chapter 10 Income from Employment
10-1 Employment and self employment & 2.Basis of assessment for employment income
10-3 Allowable deductions
10-4 Statutory approved mileage allowances
10-5 The PAYE system
12.Chapter 11 National Insurance Contributions and Pension
11-1 Scope of national insurance contribution
11-2 Choice of business medium
11-3 Types of pension scheme & 4.Tax relief rules for pension
11-5 Annual allowance & 6.Lifetime allowance
13.Chapter 12 Self-assessment Individuals
12-1 Self-assessment system introduction & 2.Tax return
12-3 Payment of income tax and CGT
12-4 HMRC power
14.Chapter 13 Outline of Corporation Tax
13-1 Company Residence
13-2 Accounting Period
13-3 Layout of a corporation tax computation
13-4 Tax rate
13-5 Dividends income & 6.Long periods of account
15.Chapter 14 Computing the Corporation Tax
14-1 Trading income-1
14-1 Trading income-2
14-2 Property income
14-3 Interest income & interest payable & 4.Miscellaneous income & 5.Qualifying Charitable Donation
16.Chapter 15 Relief for Corporation Trading losses
15-1 Carry forward trade loss relief & 2.Trade loss relief against total profit
15-3 Terminal trade loss relief & 4.Factors influencing choice of loss relief & 5.Capital losses & 6
17.Chapter 16 Group of Companies
16-1 Assiciated companies(≥50%)& 2.75% subsidiaries (group relief group)
16-3 Chargeable gain group
16-4 Choice of business medium
18.Chapter 17 Self-assessment:Companies
17-1 Tax return
17-2 Payment of corporation tax and interest.mp4
19.Chapter 18 Chargeable gain:individual
18-1 Chargeable persons, disposals and assets & 2.Computing a gain or loss
18-3 The annual exempt amount
18-4 Capital losses
18-5 Transfers between spouses civil partners
18-6 Part disposals
18-7 The damage, loss or destruction of an asset
18-8 Chattels
18-9 Principal private residence relief (PPR)
18-10 Business relief-1
18-10 Business relief-2
18-11 Shares and securities
20.Chapter 19 Chargeable gain:companies
19-1 Corporation tax on chargeable gains & 2.Indexation allowance
19-3 Disposal of shares by companies
19-4 Rollover relief & 5.Capital loss
21.Chapter 20 Value added tax
20-1 The principles of VAT
20-2 Registration
20-3 Deregistration
20-4 Accounting for and administering VAT
20-5 Calculation of VAT
20-6 VAT invoices and records
20-7 Penalties
20-8 Special schemes
20-9 Overseas aspects
22.Chapter 21 Inheritance Tax
21-1 Definition
21-2 Rate of tax & 3.Taper relief
21-4 Computation format
21-5 Tax liability on death estate
21-6 Payment of IHT & 7.Advantages of lifetime transfers
21-8 Transfer of a spouse's unused nil rate band
21-9 Basic inheritance tax planning
23.sample paper
Section A Q1-15
Section B Q1
Section B Q2
Section B Q3-4
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0-1 Introduction
3.Chapter 1 The IASB’s Conceptual Framework
1-1 Objective
1-2. Qualitative characterietics
1-3 Definition, Recognition & Derecognitio
1-4 Measurement
1-5 Presentation
4.Chapter 2 The Regulatory Framework
2-1 Regulatory framework
5.Chapter 3 Tangible Non-current assets
3-1. IAS 16 -Definition, Recognition & Initial measurement
3-2. IAS 16-Subsequent measurement-Depreciation
3-3. IAS 16-Subsequent measurement-Revaluation model
3-4. IAS 16-Disposal
3-5. IAS 40 Investment property
3-6.IAS 23 Borrowing costs
6.Chapter 4 Intangible Non-current assets
4-1. IAS 38-Recognition
4-2. IAS 38-Measurement
7.Chapter 5 Impairment of assets
5-1. IAS 36-Impairment review
5-2. CGUs
5-3. Reversal of a previous loss
8.Chapter 6 Inventory, Non-current assets held for sale and biological assets
6-1 IFRS 5 HCAHFS and Discontinued operation
6-2 IAS 2 Inventory
6-3 IAS 41 Agriculture
6-4 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
9.Chapter 7 Revenue&Government grant
7-1 IFRS15-FIVE step model
7-2 IFRS15-FIVE step model-Exercises
7-3 IFRS15-Construction contract
7-4 IFRS15-Common types of transactions
7-5 IAS20-Government grant
7-6 IAS20-Repayment of GG
10.Chapter 8 Foreign currency transactions
8-1 Foreign currency transactions
11.Chapter 9 Lease
9-1 IFRS16-lessess accounting
9-2 IFRS16-lessess accounting-Exercises
9-3 IFRS16-Recognition exemption
9-4 IFRS16-Sale&leaseback
12.Chapter10 Financial instruments
10-1 Definition,Recognition&Derecognition
10-2 Measurement of FA-Investment in debt
10-3 Investment in shares
10-4 Measurement of financial liability and equity instrument
13. Chapter 11 Provisions & Events after reporting period
11-1 Definition,recognition&measurement of provisions
11-2 Types of provisions
11-3 Contingencies
11-4 IAS 10
14. Chapter 12 Income tax
12-1 Current tax.
12-2 Deferred tax
12-3 Calculation of deferred tax
12-4 Effect of revaluation
15.Chapter 13-Accounting policies, accounting estimates and Errors
13-1 Accounting policies, accounting estimates and Errors
16.Chapter 14-Preparation of single entity financial statement
14-1. Proforma
14-2. Exercise
17. Chapter 15 IAS 7 Statement of cash flows
18.Chapter 16 Introduction to groups
16-1 Introduction to groups
19.Chapter 17 The consolidated statement of financial position
17-1 Basic principles
17-2. Consideration transferred
17-3.Fair value adjustments
17-4.Intra-group transaction&Goodwill impairment
20. Chapter18-Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
18-1 Approach&Adjustments
18-2 Disposal of a subsidiary
21.Chapter 19-Accounting for associates
19-1 Investment in associate
19-2 Preparation of CSOCI-2020年3月6月-Plank Group
22.Chapter 20 Interpretation of financial statements
20-1 Ratio regarding performance
20-2 Ratio regarding position
20-3 IAS 33 EPS-Baisc EPS
20-4.IAS3 EPS-Diluted EPS
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0. Introduction
3. Chapter 1 The concept of audit and other assurance engagements
1-1. Accountability, stewardship and agency
1-2. Objective of external audit
1-3. Assurance engagements
4.Chapter 2 Statutory audit and regulation
2. Statutory audit and regulation
5.Chapter 3 The concept of audit and other assurance engagements
3-1. Corporate governance
3-2. The UK Corporate Governance Code
3-3. Audit committees
6.Chapter 4 Internal audit
4-1. Internal audit and corporate governance
4-2. Nature and purpose of IA assignments
4-3. Outsourcing IA
4-4. External and internal auditors
4-5. Using the work of internal audit
7.Chapter 5 Professional ethics and quality management procedures
5-1. ACCA Code of Ethics
5-2-1.Self-interest threat
5-2-2. Familiarity threat and Intimidation threat
5-2-3. Self-review threats and Advocacy threats
5-3. Obtaining and accepting audit engagements
5-4. ISA 210 and ISA 220
8.Chapter 6 Risk assessment
6-1 ISA 200
6-2. Audit risk
6-3. ISA 320
6-4. Understanding the entity and its environment
6-5-1. Assessing the risks of material misstatement
6-5-2. Audit risks and the auditor’s responses
6-5-3. ROMM at the assertion level (1)
6-5-4. ROMM at the assertion level (2)
6-6. Fraud, laws and regulations
9.Chapter 7 Audit planning and documentation
7-1. The need for planning
7-2. The overall audit strategy and the audit plan
7-3. Interim and final audits
7-4. Audit documentation
10.Chapter 8 Introduction to audit evidence
8-1. Sufficient appropriate audit evidence
8-2. Financial statement assertions
8-3. Procedures for obtaining audit evidence
11.Chapter 9 Internal control
9-1. Systems of internal control
9-2. The use of systems of internal control by auditors
9-3. Walk-through tests and IT environment
12.Chapter 10 Tests of controls
10-1. Audit evidence and tests of controls (recap)
10-2-1. The sales system
10-2-2. The purchases system (1)
10-2-2. The purchases system (2)
10-2-3.The payroll system
10-2-4.The inventory system
10-2-5.The bank and cash system
10-2-6. Non-current assets
10-3. Communication with TCWG
13.Chapter 11 Audit sampling and automated tools and techniques
11-1. Selecting items for testing
11-2. Audit sampling
11-3. Automated tools and techniques
14.Chapter 12 Non-current assets
12-1-1. Tangible non-current assets (ASP)
12-1-2. Tangible non-current assets (Valuation)
12-2. Intangible non-current assets.
15.Chapter 13 Inventory
13-1. Audit procedures for inventory
13-2. The physical inventory count
13-3. Inventory valuation
16. Chapter 14 Receivables
14-1. Audit of revenue
14-2. Audit of receivables
17.Chapter 15 Bank and cash
15-1. Audit of bank balances
15-2. Audit of cash balances
18.Chapter 16 Payables and accruals
16-1. Payables, accruals and purchases
16-2. Payroll
19.Chapter 17 Non-current liabilities, capital and directors’ emoluments
17-1. Non-current liabilities
17-2. Provisions and contingencies
17-3. Capital and directors' emoluments
20.Chapter 18 Not-for-profit organisations
18. Not-for-profit organisations
21.Chapter 19 Audit review and finalisation
19-1. Subsequent events
19-2. Going concern
19-3. Written representations
19-4. Overall review of financial statements
22.Chapter 20 Reports
20-0. Introduction
20-1. ISA 700(Revised)
20-2. ISA 701 key audit matters
20-3. ISA 705 (Revised)
20-4. ISA 706 (Revised)
20-5. ISA 720 (Revised)
20-6. Going concern
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3. Chapter 1 Financial Management and Financial Objectives
1-1.Nature and purpose of financial management
1-2.Corporate objectives
1-3.Non-for-profit organisation
1-4.Agency theory
1-5.Measuring achievements of objectives
4.Chapter 2 The economic environment for business
2-1. Macroeconomic policy objectives
2-2. Macroeconomic policies
2-2.2 Other policies
5. Chapter 3 Financial environment
3-1. Financial institutions
3-2. Financial markets
3-3. FinTech
6. Chapter 4 General knowledge of Working capital management
4-1.Objective of working capital management
4-2.Central role of working capital management
4-3.Working capital measurement
4-4.Working capital measurement practice
7.Chapter 5 Working capital investment and financing
5-1.Working capital investment policy
5-2.Working capital Financing policy
5-3 2016年3月6月Q1-overtrading practice
8.Chapter 6 Management of working capital
6-1.Inventory management
6-2.1 Receivable management-credit policy
6-2.2 Receivable management-early settlement discount
6-2.3 Receivable management-factor
6-2.4 Receivable management-factor practice
6-2.5.Managing foreign account receivable
6-3.Account payment management
6-4.1 Cash management-cash forcast
6-4.2 Cash management-cash management model
6-4.3 Cash management-treasury management
9.Chapter 7 General investment appraisal
7-1.investment appraisal process
7-2.Non-discounting method
7-3 Time value of money and discounting
7-4 discounting method-NPV&IRR
10.Chapter 8 Application of NPV
8-1 Format of NPV
8-1.1 2016 Sep q32
8-2 timing discount rate relevant CF
8-3 Working capital adjustment
8-3.1 2019 Mar q32
8-3.2 2014 dec q4
11.Chapter 9 Specific investment appraisal
9-1 lease or buy
9-1.1 lease or buy practice
9-2 Asset replacement decisions
9-2.1 Asset replacement decisions practice
9-3 Capital rationing
12.Chapter10 Risk and uncertainty
10-1 Risk analysis
10-1.1 2018 mar q32
10-2 Other techniques for managing risk
10-3 Uncertainty analysis
10-3.1 Uncertainty analysis practice
13.Chapter 11 Sources of Finance
11-1 Short term financing
11-2 Long term financing
11-3 Long term financing-debts
11-4 Long term financing-equity
11-5 Long term financing-right issue
11-6 Long term financing-placing&IPO
11-7 ratio analysis
11-8 Other source of finance
11-9 Islamic finance
11-10 SME financing
14.Chapter 12 Cost of capital
12-1 Risk and return
12-2 WACC Calculation
12-3 Cost of debt
12-3.1 Cost of debt practice
12-4 Cost of equity-DVM
12-5 Cost of equity-CAPM
12-6 Summary of calculation of WACC
12-7 Risk adjusted WACC
15.Chapter 13 Capital structure
13-1 Relationship between gearing wacc and value
13-2 The WACC and capital structure theory
16.Chapter 14 Dividend policy
14-1 Dividend theories
14-2 Dividend policy
14-3 Alternatives to cash dividends
17.Chapter 15 Market efficiency
15-1 Market efficiency definition
15-2 level of market efficiency
15-3 Behavior finance
18.Chapter 16 Business valuation
16-1 Asset valuation
16-2 Income valuation
16-3 DVM valuation
16-4 FCF valuation
16-5 Debt valuation
19.Chapter 17 Foreign currency risk management
17-1 Exchange risk basis
17-2 Forcast exchange rate theory
17-3 Managing transaction risk-internal method
17-4 External method-money market hedge
17-5 External method-Derivative Market
17-6 External method-Forward contract
17-7 External method-Future
17-8 External method-Option
17-9 External method-Swap
20.Chapter 18 Interest rate risk management
18-1 Interest risk basis
18-2 The cause of interest rate fluctuations
18-3 Internal method
18-4 External method-OTC
18-5 External method-Future&Option
18-6 External method-Swap&Collar
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0- Introduction
3.Chapter 1 The Conceptual Framework
1-1 Objective,Qualitative characterisicis&Reporting entity
1-2 Definition,Recognition,Derecognition&Measurement
1-3 Presentation&Disclosure
4.Chapter 2 IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and Errors
2 Chapter 2 IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and Errors
5.Chapter 3 IAS 2 Inventory
3 Chapter 3 IAS 2 Inventory
6.Chapter 4 IAS 41 Agriculture
4 Chapter 4 IAS 41 Agriculture
7.Chapter 5 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
5-1 Highet&Best use
5-2 Market
5-3 Valuation techniques
8.Chapter 6 IAS 16 Property,Plant and Equipment
6 Chapter 6 IAS 16 Property,Plant and Equipment
9.Chapter 7 IAS 40 Investment property
7 Chapter 7 IAS 40 Investment property
10.Chapter 8 IAS 38 Intangible Assets
8-1 Recognition
8-2 Measurement
11.Chapter 9 IAS 36 Impairment of asset
9-1 Impairment indicators&Losses
9-2 CGU & Reversal
12.Chapter 10 IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets
10-1 Recognition & Measurement
10-2 Restructuring&Environmental provision
10-3 Contingencies
13.Chapter 11 IAS 10 Events after reporting period
11 Chapter 11 IAS 10 Events after reporting period
14.Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Lease
12-1 Lessee accounting
12-2 Lessor accounting
12-3 Sales & Leaseback
15.Chapter 13 Financial instruments
13-1 Definition&Equity instruments
13-2 Debt instruments
13-3 Impairment of financial assets
13-4 Reclassification & Dereognition
13-5.1 Derivatives
13-5.2 Financial contracts VS Executory contracts
13-6 IAS 32&IFRS 7
16.Chapter 14 IAS 19 Employment benefits
14-1 Short-term benefits
14-2 Post-employment benefits
14-3 Post-employment&Termination benefits
17.Chapter 15 IFRS 2 Share-based payment
15-1 Equity-settled share-based payments
15-2 Cash settled share-based payments
15-3 Share-based payaments with a choice of settlement
18.Chapter 16 IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
16-1 FIVE-step model
16-2 Contract costs&Presentation
16-3 Specific guidance
19.Chapter 17 IAS 20 Government grant
17-1 IAS 20 Government grant
20.Chapter 18 IAS 23 Borrowing costs
18-1 IAS 23 Borrowing costs
21.Chapter 19 IAS 12 Income tax
19-1 IAS 12 Income tax
22.Chapter 20 IFRS 3 Business Combination
20-1 Business combination
20-2 Acquirer & Acquisition date
20-3 Fair value adjustments & Non-controlling interest
20-4 Fair value of consideration transferred
23.Chapter 21 IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements
21-1 Consolidated SOFP
21-2 Consolidated SOCI
24.Chapter 22 IAS 28 Investment in Associate & Joint ventures
22-1 IAS 28 Investment in Associate & Joint ventures
25.Chapter 23 IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
23-1 IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
26.Chapter 24 Changes in group structures
24-1 Control obtained
24-2 Specimen question
24-3 Step acquisition
24-4 Control lost
24-5 Control retained
24-6 Significant influence lost
27.Chapter 25 IFRS 5 NCA held for sale and discontinued operations
25-1 IFRS 5 NCA held for sale and discontinued operations
28.Chapter 26 IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
26-1 Functional and presentation currency
26-2 Translation
26-3 Disposal of a foreign operation
29.Chapter 27 IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
27-1 Operating activities
27-2 Investing & Financing activities
30.Chapter 28-Presentation of Financial Statements
28-1 IAS 1
28-2 IFRS 8
28-3 IAS34,IFRS1&IFRS for SMEs
31.Chapter 29-Ethics
29-1 Ethics&IAS 24
29-2 Practice questions
32.Chapter 30-Interpretation of Financial Statements
30-1 Ratio analysis
30-2 APMs
30-3 IFRS Practice Statement
30-4 Sustainability reporting
30-5 Intergrated reporting
33.Chapter 31-Current issue
31-1 Current issue
2.Professional Marks
Professional Marks
3.1-0 Part A Introduction
0-Part A Introduction
4. 1-1 NPV Format
01 NPV format
02 Relavant CF
03 CA and Tax
04 Investment in WC
05 Discussion about investment appraisal
5.1-2 Oversea investment
01 oversea NPV format
03 Addditional tax
04 Discussion about international investment
6.1-3 APV format
3-APV format
7.1-4.1 Real option-BOSP
01 Basicc option pricing-BOSP
02 BOSP-practice-1
03 BOSP-计算过程中的特殊情况
04 BOSP-practice-2
05 Limitation of the Black Scholes Model
8.1-4.2 Real option -Delta
01 Delta hedging
02 Delta-practice
03 comment on delta hedging
9.1-4.3 Real option-Greeks
4.3-Real option-Greeks
10.1-4.4-Real option-real option prcing
4.4-Real option-real option prcing
11.1-5 Other investment appraisal format
01 Investment appraisal focus on profitability
02 Investment appraisal focus on liquidity
03 Investment appraisal focus on risk
04 Discussing
12.1-6 Capital rationing
6-Capital rationing
13.2-0 Part B Introduction
0-Part B Introduction
14.2-1 Source of financing
1-Source of financing
15.2-2 Considerations when choosing source of finance
2-Considerations when choosing source of finance
16.2-3 Bond
01 Cost of debts
01 Cost of debts-practice
02 Valuation
03 Bond duration
04 Modified duration and convexity
17.3-0 Part C Introduction
0-Part C Introduction
18.3-1 M&A additional value
1- M&A additional value
19.3-2&3 Cnsideration calculation&Max Consideration and max premium
2&3-Cnsideration calculation&Max Consideration and max premium
20.3-4 valuation of equity
01 Effcient market
02 Asset valuation model
03 Relative valuation model
04 Flow valuation model
05 BSOP method for valuation
21.3-5 Discussion ablout M&A
5-Discussion ablout M&A
22.4-0&1 Part C Introduction&Credit agencies
0&1-Part C Introduction&Credit agencies
23.4-2 Business reconstruction and finance reconstruction
2-Business reconstruction and finance reconstruction
24.4-3 Impact of reconstruction
00 WACC复习
01 Impact on WACCRisk adujsted WACC
02 Impact on statement of financial position
03 Impact on EPS and gearing
04 Impact on stakeholder
25.5-1 Discussions ablout risk management
1-Discussions ablout risk management
26.5-2 Interest risk management
02 Future
03 Option on futures
04 Collar
05 Swap
27.5-3 Exchage rate risk management
00 types of risk
01 Forward &02 Future
03 Option on forward
04 Option on future
05 Netting
06 Swaps
07 Money market hedging
28.6-1 Dividends irrelevant theory
1 Dividends irrelevant theory
29.6-2 Dividends policy analysis
2 Dividends policy analysis
30.6-3 Dividend capacity=FCFE
3 Dividend capacity=FCFE
31.6-4 Ethical issues
4 Ethical issues
32.7-1 Performance evaluating
Performance evaluating
33.8-1 Current issues
Current issues
1.Chapter 1 Interest risk management
01 discussion about hedge
02 FRA and example
03 interest future
04 interest future example
05 interest future margin and mark to market&example
06 interest option on future&example
07 interest collar
08 interest collar example
09 interest swap
10 interest swap example
11 2021年9月12月Q2-Brandon Co
12 2020年12月Q3-Fitzharris Co
13 2016年12月Q4-Pault Co
2.Chapter 2 Exchange rate risk management
01 Concepts of exchange rate risk
02 exchange rate forward and future
03 exchange rate forward and future example
04 exchange rate marking to market example
05 exchange rate option on futures
06 exchange rate option on futures example
07 exchange rate option on forward and example
08 exchange netting and example
09 currency swap and example
10 money market
11 2022年3月6月Q2-Frongoch Co
12 2022年12月Q1-Fondir Co
13 2018年12月Q2-Nutourne Co
3.Chapter 3 Investment appraisal approach
00 advanced investment appraisal introduction
01 NPV
02 IRR&MIRR and example
03 recovery duration and example
04 VaR and example
05 sensitivity analysis
06 sensitivity analysis example
07 capital ration and example
08 PCA
4.Chapter 4 International investment appraisal
01 oversea NPV
02 oversea NPV discussing
03 2022年3月6月Q1-Psysor Co
5.Chapter 5 APV
01 APV
02 2021年9月12月Q1-Zhichi Co
03 2018年3月Q2-Tippletine Co
6.Chapter 6 Oversea APV
01 oversea APV
7.Chapter 7 Basic option price
01 basis option valuation
02 delta hedging and practice
03 greeks
8. Chapter 8 Real option pricing
01 Real option pricing
01Equity valuation based BSOP
02 2022年9月Q1-Para Fuels Co
9.Chapter 9 Equity valuation based BSOP
10.Chapter 10 Source of financing
01 Source of finance
02 IPO and other method
03 factor consider when choosing different source of finance
04 islamic finance
11.Chapter 11 Value of bond
01 cost of debts
02 convertible bond example
03 spot yield curve and bppstrapping exmple
04 semi annual rate
05 factor affect credit rating and valuation of bond
06 bond duration and convextity
07 2021年3月6月Q2-Robason Co
12.Chapter 12 Value of Equity
01 book valuation model
02 market valuation model
03 DVM model
04 CF modle
05 2022年9月Q3-Felinhen Co
13.Chapter 13 Cost of capital
01 yield curve theoies
03 effect of gearing
04 risk adjusted wacc
14.Chapter 14 Discussion about M&A
01 merger discussion-1
02 merger discussion 2
03 merger discussion 3
04 types of merger
15.Chapter 15 Merger additional value
01 merger caluculation-1
02 merger caluculation-2
03 2022年12月Q3-Prppleis Co
04 2023年3月6月Q1-Joshua Co
05 2020年3月Q1-Westparley Co
16.Chapter 16 Reconstruction impacts on financial statements
01 reconstruction-1
02 reconstruction-2
03 2021年9月12月Q3-Hanwood Shoes Co
04 2017年12月Q1-Conejo Co
05 2021年3月6月Q1-Chakula Co
17.Chapter 17 Dividends policy
01 Dividends policy
2018,Mar Jue Q3
18.Chapter 18 Performance evaluating
01 Performance evaluating
2018.Sep Q2
19. Chapter 19 Role of senior financial adviser
01 Role of senior financial adviser
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2.Chapter 1 Strategic Management Accounting
1-1-1 Planning, control and decision making
1-1-2 Planning and control at different levels
1-1-3 Short-term localised decisions
1-1-4 The changing role of MA
3.Chapter 2 Performance Hierarchy
2-1-1 CSF and KPI
4.Chapter 3 Performance Management and control
3-1-1 Top-down vs bottom-up budgeting
3-1-2 Alternative budget models-Incremental budget
3-1-3 Alternative budget models-Rolling budget
3-1-4 Alternative budget models-ZBB
3-1-5 Alternative budget models-Flexible budget
3-1-6 Alternative budget models-ABB
3-1-7 The future of budgeting
3-1-8 Alternative budget models-Beyond budgeting
3-2-1 Basic Budget Variances-Sales variances
3-2-2 Basic Budget Variances-Material variances
3-2-3 Basic Budget Variances-Labour variances
3-2-4 Basic Budget Variances-Variable production overhead variances
3-2-5 Basic Budget Variances-Fixed production overhead variances
3-2-6 Revising a budget or standard cost
3-2-7 The nature of planning and operational variances
3-3-1 Learning curves
3-3-2 Responsibility and controllability
5.Chapter 4 Changes in business structure and MA
4-1-1 Functional form
4-1-2 Divisional form
4-1-3 Network organisations
4-1-4 Manufacturing businesses
4-1-5 Service businesses
4-2-1 Definition & Principles of BPR
4-2-2 Implementing BPR
4-2-3 Problems of BPR&mplications of BPR for accounting systems
4-3-1 Definition & Principles of Business integration
4-3-2 McKinsey’s 7S’s model
4-3-3 Value chain
6.Chapter 5 Environmental and ethical issues
5-1-1 Strong and weak stakeholder view
5-1-2 Stakeholder interests
5-1-3 Stakeholder mapping
5-2-1 Drawbacks of traditional management accounting
5-2-2 Use of EMA to address these issues
5-2-3 Techniques【基本原理 + 计算(非常重要)】
7.Chapter 6 External influence
6-1-1 Risk appetite
6-1-2 Dealing with risk-uncertainty
6-1-3 Expected values (EVs)
6-1-4 Maximax, Maximin, Minmax regret
6-1-5 Contribution tables
6-1-6 Different stakeholders have different risk appetites
6-2-1 PEST
6-2-2 Porter’s Five Forces
6-2-3 BCG matrix
6-2-4 Adv & Disadv of the BCG matrix
6-2-5 SWOT
8.Chapter 7 MIS and Management reports
7-1-1 Source of management information
7-1-2 Big data and performance management
7-1-3 Recording and processing methods
7-1-4 Examples of information requirements of organisations
7-1-5 ERPS&RFID&Recent IT development
7-1-6 Data analysis
7-2-1 What is lean
7-2-2 Implementing lean principles – the 5 ‘S’s
7-3-1 Cloud technology
7-3-2 Cloud computing vs owned techonolgy
7-3-3 Knowledge management systems
7-3-4 Customer relationship management
7-4-1 Basics of benchmarking
7-4-2 Benchmarking with other exercises&Public sector benchmarking
7-5-1 Evaluating output reports
7-5-2 Four basic criteria which can be used to evaluate performance reports
7-5-3 Potential issues with numerical performance information&Integrated Reporting
7-5-4 P5 Examination of IR @Sept 2016
9.Chapter 8 Financial and Non-financial analysis
8-1-1 The private sector- shareholder benefits
8-1-2 Profitability-PBIT and profit margin
8-1-3 Profitability-EBITDA and EPS
8-1-4 Profitability-ROCE
8-1-5 Profitability-ROI&RI&NPV
8-1-6 Profitability-IRR&MIRR
8-1-7 Gearing and Liquidity
8-2-1 Divisional Performance Management&Responsibility Accounting
8-2-2 ROI&RI&EVA
8-3-1 Basics of transfer pricing
8-3-2 Alternative bases for transfer pricing&Multinational Transfer Pricing
8-4-1 Non-financial performance indicator-1
8-4-2 Non-financial performance indicator-2
8-5-1 Performance management and appraisal-1
8-5-2 Performance management and appraisal-2
10.Chapter 9 Views of PM
9-1-1 Balanced Scorecard
9-1-2 The performance pyramid
9-1-3 Building Blocks
9-1-4 Activity-based management
9-1-5 Value-based management
9-2-1 Corporate failure-1
9-2-2 Corporate failure-2
11.Professional skills
Professional skills
2.Chapter 1 The Uk tax system
1-1 Etihics
1-2 Tax avoidance schemes
3.Chapter 2 Outline of Income Tax
2-1 Tax year
2-2 Income tax calculation
2-3 Computing income tax payable
2-4 Families
4.Chapter 3 Pensions and other tax-efficient investment products
3-1 Pensions
3-2 The enterprise investment scheme (EIS)
3-3 Seed enterprise investment scheme (SEIS)
3-4 Venture capital trusts (VCTs)
5.Chapter 4 Employment income
4-1 Employment income(1)
4-1 Employment income(2)
4-2 National insurance contribution
4-3 Personal service companies
4-4 Termination payments
4-5 Share schemes
6.Chapter 5 Property income and other investment income
5-1 UK property businesses
5-2 Rent a room relief
5-3 Furnished holiday lettings
5-4 Trust income
7.Chapter 6 Trade profits
6-1 The badges of trade
6-2 The computation of trade profits
6-3 The cessation of trades
6-4 Capital allowance-1
6-4 Capital allowance-2
6-5 Cash basis of accounting for small business
8.Chapter 7 Assessable trading income and NIC
7-1 Basis of assessment
7-2 National insurance contribution for the self-employed
9.Chapter 8 Sole trade losses
8-1 Losses – an overview
8-2 Carry forward trading loss relief
8-3 Trading loss relief against general income
8-4 Early trading losses relief
8-5 Terminal trading loss relief
8-6 The choice between loss reliefs
8-7 Losses reliefs – new at ATX
10.Chapter 9 Partnerships
9-1 Introduction & 2.Computing partnership profits
9-3 Allocating profits between partnerships
9-4 Change in profit-sharing ratios
9-5 Tax position of individual partners & 6.Change in membership of a partnership & 7.Loss relief fo
11.Chapter 10 Chargeable gains – an outline
10-1 Chargeable and exempt persons, disposals and assets
10-2 Computing a gain or loss
10-3 CGT payable by individuals & 4.Valuing assets & 5.Connected persons & 6.Married couples and civ
10-8 Part disposals & 9.Chattels and wasting assets & 10.Leases & 11.Asset lost, destroyed or damage
12.Chapter 11 Shares and securities
11-1 Valuing quoted shares on gift & 2.The matching rules for individuals
11-3 Alterations of share capital & 4.Gilts and qualifying corporate bonds
13.Chapter 12 Chargeable gains reliefs
12-1 Private residences relief (PRR)
12-2 Business asset disposal relief
12-3 Gift relief (holdover relief)
12-4 Replacement of business assets (rollover) relief
12-5 Incorporation relief
12-6 EIS reinvestment relief & 7.SEIS reinvestment relief
14.Chapter 13 Chargeable gains: additional aspects
13-1 Negligible value claims & 2.Altering dispositions made on death & 3.CGT and trusts
15.Chapter 14 Overseas personal taxation
14-1 Residence and domicile
14-2 Overseas aspects of income tax
14-3 Overseas aspects of CGT
14-4 Double taxation relief
16.Chapter 15 Introduction to IHT
15-1 Scope of inheritance tax (IHT) & 2.Computing transfer of value & 3.Exceptions
15-4 Types of lifetime transfers & 5.IHT payable during donor’s lifetime
15-6 IHT payable on CLTs and PETs on donor’s death
17.Chapter 16 Inheritance tax – Death estate
16-1 Death estate basic principles
16-2 IHT payable on the death estate
16-3 Transfer of unused RNRB and NRB between spouses civil partners
16-4 Death estate:additional aspects
18.Chapter 17 Inheritance tax – valuation and reliefs
17-1 Relief for fall in value (FIV) of lifetime gifts (fall in value relief)
17-2 The valuation of assets for IHT purposes
17-3 Business property relief (BPR)
17-4 Agricultural property relief (APR)
17-5 Quick succession relief (QSR)
19.Chapter 18 Inheritance tax: further aspects
18-1 Overseas aspects of IHT & 2.Gifts with reservation of benefit
18-3 Altering dispositions on death & 4.Trusts & 5.IHT administration
20.Chapter 19 Corporation tax computation
19-1 Corporation tax computation
19-2 Pro-forma corporation tax computation
19-3 Intangible non-current assets
19-4 Research and development expenditure
19-5 Chargeable gains for companies
19-6 Calculation of corporation tax
19-7 Administration of corporation tax
21.Chapter 20 Losses for single companies
20-1 Trading losses
20-2 Other losses
20-3 Loss planning
20-4 Change of ownership
22.Chapter 21 Corporate groups and consortia
21-1 Types of group & 2.Annual investment allowance
21-3 Group relief
21-4 Consortia
21-5 Chargeable gains groups
21-6 Pre-entry losses
21-7 Successions to trade
23.Chapter 22 Companies-additional aspects
22-1 Administration and liquidation
22-2 Company purchase of own shares
22-3 Close companies
22-4 Companies with investment business5Residence 6Double taxation relief7 Overseas aspects of groups 8Controlled foreign companies
22-9 Transfer pricing & 10. Permanent establishment (PE) or subsidiary abroad
24.Chapter 23 Value added tax
23-1 Basic principles & 2.Scope of VAT
23-3 Taxable and exempt supplies
23-4 Registration
23-5 Deregistration & 6.Pre-registration input tax
23-7 Deduction of input tax
23-8 Accounting for VAT & 9.Valuation of supplies
23-10 Penalties
23-11 Overseas aspects of VAT & 12.Special schemes
23-13 Partial exemption & 14.Land and buildings & 15.Transfer of a going concern & 16.Capital goods
25.Chapter 24 Stamp duty tax
24-1 Stamp duty & 2.Stamp duty reserve tax & 3.Stamp duty land tax & 4.Exemptions and reliefs relating to stamp taxes
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3.Chapter 1 International regulatory environments for audit and assurance services
1-1.International regulatory frameworks for audit and assurance services
1-2.Corporate governance and audit committees
1-3.Internal control effectiveness
1-4.Money laundering
1-5.Laws and regulations
4.Chapter 2 Code of ethics and conduct
2-1.Fundamental principles and the conceptual framework approach
2-2.Specific guidance:independence-1
2-2.Specific guidance:independence-2
2-2.Specific guidance:independence-Example
2-3.Specific guidance:confidentiality
2-4.Specific guidance:conflicts of interest
5.Chapter 3 Professional liability
3-2.Restricting liability
3-3.Fraud and error
3-3.Fraud and error--Example:Spaniel & Bulldog
6.Chapter 4 Quality control
4-1.ISQC 1 Quality control for firms
4-2.Elements of a system of quality control
7.Chapter 5 Obtaining and accepting professional appointments
5-1.Change in auditors
5-5.Acceptance and continuance
5-6.Terms of audit engagements
8.Chapter 6 Planning and risk assessment
6-1.ISA 200 – audit objectives
6-2.ISA 300 – audit planning
6-3.Risk (ISA 315, ISA 330 and business risk)
6-5.Analytical procedures
6-5.Analytical procedures-Example:Parker
9.Chapter 7 Evidence
7-1.Audit evidence
7-2.Audit sampling
7-3.Opening balances
7-4.Audit documentation
7-5.Using the work of an auditor's expert
7-6.Using the work of internal auditors
7-7.Related parties
10.Chapter 8 Evaluation and review - matters relating to specific accounting issues
8-1.The importance of financial reporting standards to the auditor
8-2.The audit of deferred tax
8-3.Payroll and other expenses
8-4.The audit of retirement benefits
8-5.Financial instruments
8-6.The audit of leases
8-7.The audit of revenue
8-8.The audit of accounting estimates
8-8.The audit of accounting estimates-Example:Robster
11.Chapter 9 Group audits and transnational audits
9-1.ISA 600
9-3.Accepting appointment as group auditor
9-4.When a component is located abroad
9-5.Classification of investments
9-6.Consolidation audit procedures
9-6.Consolidation audit procedures-Example:Francis
9-7.Modifications to a component’s report
9-8.Joint audits
9-9.Transnational audits
9-9.Transnational audits-Example:Bassett Group
12.Chapter 10 Completion
10-1.Overall review of financial statements
10-2.Written representations
10-3.Subsequent events
10-4.Going concern
10-5.Comparative information
10-6.Other information
13.Chapter 11 Reporting
11-2.The standard report
11-3.Modified report with unmodified opinion
11-4.Modified audit opinions
11-4.Modified audit opinions-Example:Basking
14.Chapter 12 Audit-related services and other assurance services
12-1.Overview of engagements
12-2.Assurance engagements
12-3.Reviewing historical financial information
12-4.Audit-related services
12-5.Due diligence
12-5.Due diligence-Example:Leopard
15.Chapter 13 Prospective financial information (PFI)
13-1.ISAE 3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information
13-2.Accepting an engagement to report on PFI
13-3.Level of assurance provided
13-4.Examination procedures
13-4.Examination procedures-Example:Lapwing
16.Chapter 14 Forensic audits
14-2.Applications of forensic auditing
14-3.Planning and procedures
14-3.Planning and procedures-Example:Crocus
17.Chapter 15 Social, environmental and public sector auditing
15-1.Social and environmental matters
15-2.Impact on practitioners
15-3.Assurance on integrated reports
15-4.The audit of public sector
15-4.The audit of public sector-Example:Faster Jets
18.Chapter 16 Current issues
16-2.IAASB Exposure Draft (ED)
16-3.IESBA Exposure Draft (ED)
19.Chapter 17 Professional skills
17-1 Assurance on historical non-financial reports
20.Chapter 18 Professional skills
18-1.Professional skills
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3.Professional Skills
Professional Skills
4.Chapter 1 Strategy, leadership and culture
1-1. Leardership
1-1.1. Leardership-example
1-2. Strategy
1-3. Culture
1-3.1 Culture-example
1-4. Chapter 1-summary
5.Chapter 2 Ethical Codes And The Public Interest
2-1. Ethical code
2-2. Fraud and bribery
2-3. Threat and safeguards
2-4. Chapter 2-summary
6.Chapter 3 Corporate Governance
3-1. Agency theory
3-2. Corporate governance
3-3.1 Stakeholder theoty
3-3.2 The role of investors
3-3.3 CSR
3-4.1 Unitary and multi-tier board
3-4.2 Board of director
3-4.3 Normination committee
3-4.4 Remuneration committee
3-5.1 Corporate Reporting
3-5.2 Environmental and social issues
3-5.3 Integrated reporting
3-6.1 Principle and role based approach
7.Chapter 4 Public Sector And NGO
4-1 Public sector and NGO
8.Part B 真题讲解
Mar 2020 Q3(c)
9.Chapter 5 The External Environment
5-2. Porter's Diamond model
5-3. Porter's Five Force model
5-3.1. Porter's Five Force model Example
5-4 Customer and market
5-5 Scenario planning
5-6 Strategic drift
5-7 Chapter 5 Summary
10.Chapter 6 Strategic Capability
6-1 Strategic capability
6-2 Knowledge management
6-3 Value chain
6-3.1 Value chain example
6-4 SWOT analysis
11.Chapter 7 Competitive Advantage And Strategic Choice
7-1.1 Porter's generic strategy
7-1.2 Strategy clock
7-1.3 Sustaining competitive advantagesa
7-2 BCG Matrix and pubilic sector matrix
7-2.1 BCG example
7-3 Ansoff matrix
7-4 Development methods
7-5 Strategic evaluation-SAFe
12.Part C 真题讲解
March 2020 Q1 (b)
March 2018 Q1 (a)
13.Chapter 8 Assessing And Managing Risk
8-1 Strategy and risk
8-2 Risk management
14.Chapter 9 Internal Control Systems
9-1&2 Internal control(What and why)
9-3 COSO fraework 1(How)
9-3 COSO fraework 2 Conntrol activies
9-3 COSO fraework 3 Information
9-3 COSO fraework 4 Monitoring
9-4 Audit committeeand internal audit
15.Part D-E 真题讲解
March 2020 Q1 (a)
16.Chapter 10 Financial Analysis
10-1 Financial objectives and strategy
10-2 Funding strategy
10-3 Investment appraisal
10-3.1 Investment appraisal example
10-4 Risk and uncertainty
10-5 Performance position
10-6 Cost management
10-7 Budgeting and standard cost
17. Part F 真题讲解
March 2020 Q2 (a)
18.Chapter 11 Application Of IT
11-1 Mobile technology and cloud computing
11-2 Big data
11-3 AI
11-4 Information system control
11-5 Cyber security
19.Chapter 12 E-Business
12-1 Strategy model for E-business
12-2 E-procurement
12-3 E-marketing
12-4 Customer relationship management
12-5 Disruptive technology
20.Part G 真题讲解
March 2020 Q2 (b)
March 2020 Q1 (c)
21.Chapter 13 Enabling Success
13-1 Organizational structure
13-2 Relationships-outsourcing
13-3 Performance excellence
13-4 Talent management
22.Chapter 14 Strategic Change
14-1 Types of change
14-2 Contextual features of change
14-3 POPIT model
14-4 Three stage model
14-5 Process redesign
23.Chapter 15 Project Management
15-1 Project management
15-2 Project initiation
15-3 Cost and benefit
15-4 Project planning
15-5 Project excution,control and completion
24.Part H 真题讲解
March 2020 Q3 (a)
March 2020 Q3 (b)
25.Specimen 2(样卷2)
Task 1 Wordprocessor
Task 2(a) Spreadsheet
Task 2(b) Wordprocessor
Task 3(a)
Task 3(b) Slide
Task 4
Task 5