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{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
2.Chapter 1 Business organisations and their stakeholders
1-1 Purpose of business organisations & Types of business organisation
1-2 Stakeholders
3.Chapter 2 External environment
2-1 Analysing the business environment & The political factors & Legal factors
2-2 Social and cultural factors & Technological factors & Environmental (Ecological) factors & Sustainability
2-3 Business analysis models
4.Chapter 3 The macro economic environment
3-1 Define macro-economics & Impact of economic issues-1
3-2 Impact of economic issues-2 & Government policies for managing the economy
5.Chapter 4 Micro-economic factors
4-1 Definition of micro-economics & Utility & Demand-1
4-2 Demand-2
4-3 Supply & Equilibrium price & Types of markets
6.Chapter 5 Business organisational structure
5-1 Anthony hierarchy & Basic organisational structure concepts
5-2 Types of business organisational structure
7.Chapter 6 Function of main departments and organisational culture
6-1 Organisational departments and functions-1
6-2 Organisational departments and functions-2
6-3 Culture
8.Chapter 7 Committees
7-1 Definition and purpose of committees & Different types and main roles & Advantages and disadvant
9.Chapter 8 Governance in business organisations
8-1 Definition of corporate governance & Separation of ownership and control
8-2 Solution to agency problem
8-3 Internal control system
8-3 Internal auditor
8-4 Features of goodpoor corporate governance & Regulation on corporate governance
8-5 Corporate social responsibility
10.Chapter 9 The role of accounting
9-1 The accounting function
9-2 The regulatory system & Financial systems-1
9-3 Financial systems-2
9-4 Accounting system
9-5 Databases and spreadsheets
11.Chapter 10 Control, security and audit
10-1 Cyber risk, cyber-attack and cyber security & Controls into an information system-1
10-2 Controls into an information system-2
10-3 Financial technology (Fintech)-1
10-4 Financial technology (Fintech)-2
12.Chapter 11 Identifying and preventing fraud
11-1 What is fraud-1
11-2 What is fraud-2
11-3 Potential for fraud & Other fraud risk assessment factors
11-4 Implication of fraud for the organisation
11-5 Responsibility for detecting and preventing fraud & How to detect and prevent fraud
11-6 Money Laundering
13.Chapter 12 Leading and managing
12-1 Leadership versus Management & Terms in management
12-2 Development of management and leadership theory-1
12-3 Development of management and leadership theory-2
12-4 Leadership-1
12-5 Leadership-2
14.Chapter 13 Individuals, groups and teams
13-1 Individuals-1
13-2 Individuals-2 & Groups
13-3 Teams & Team member roles
13-4 Team development
13-5 Team building
15.Chapter 14 Motivating individuals and groups
14-1 Overview of motivation & Theories of motivation-1
14-2 Theories of motivation-2
14-3 Choosing a motivational approach & Rewards and incentives & Pay and remuneration-1
14-4 Pay and remuneration-2
16.Chapter 15 Training and development
15-1 The learning process-1
15-2 The learning process-2 & Training and development
15-3 Training methods
15-4 Evaluating training programmes & Development
17.Chapter 16 Performance appraisal
16-1 Performance management
16-2 The purpose of performance appraisal
16-3 The process of performance appraisal-1
16-4 The process of performance appraisal-2 & Barriers to effective appraisal
18.Chapter 17 Personal effectiveness and communication
17-1 Personal effectiveness
17-2 Personal development-1
17-3 Personal development-2 & Conflict and conflict resolution-1
17-4 Conflict and conflict resolution-2
17-5 Communication in the workplace-1
17-6 Communication in the workplace-2 & Effective communication
17-7 Barriers to effective communication & Information
19.Chapter 18 Ethical considerations
18-1 What are ethics?
18-2 Organisational ethics
18-3 Regulatory and professional bodies
18-4 ACCA code of ethics
18-5 Ethical threats