价格: ¥ 4500.00
{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
CH1 Introduction
1.Business organisations and their stakeholders
CH 2 Business organisations and their stakeholders 1
CH 2 Business organisations and their stakeholders 2
1.Financial department and its function
CH 3 Financial department and its function
CH4 Auditing1
CH4 Auditing2
1.Business analysis
CH5 Business analysis1
CH5 Business analysis2
1.Costing and pricing
CH6 Costing and price1
CH6 Costing and price2
CH7 Budgeting
CH8 Financing
CH9 Investing
CH10 Taxation
1.Hard skills and soft skills in workplace
CH11 Hard skills and soft skills
2-1 ACCA科目介绍-F阶段
2-2 ACCA科目介绍-P阶段
7-My ACCA介绍
1.The Introduction of LW
The Introduction of LW
2.Chapter 1 Law and the legal system
1-1.What is law
1-2 Types of law
1-3.Structure of the courts
3.Chapter 2 Sources of law
2-1.Case law
2-3.Statutory interpretation
2-4.Human Rights Act 1998
4.Chapter 3-4 Formation of contract
3-1.The nature of a simple contract
3-4.Intention to create legal relations
3-5.Doctrine of privity
5.Chapter 5 Content of contracts
5-1 Terms and representations
5-2 Sources of terms
5-3 Classification of contract terms
5-4 Exclusion clauses
6.Chapter 6 Breach of contract and remedies
6-1 Discharge of contract
6-2 Breach of contract
6-3 Common law remedies
6-4 Equitable remedies
7.Chapter 7 The law of torts and professional negligence
7-1 Tort and other wrongs
7-2 Tort of negligence
7-3 Liability for negligence
7-4 Professional negligence
8.Chapter 8 Contract of employment
8-1 Employment and self-employment
8-2 Employment contract and rights and duties
9.Chapter 9 Dismissal and redundancy
9-1 Dismissal
9-2 Redundancy
10.Chapter 10 Agency law
10-1 Definition of agent
10-2 Formation of agency relationship
10-3 Authority of the agent
10-4 Termination of agency
10-5 Liability of the agent for contracts formed
11.Chapter 11 Partnership
11-1 The introduction of Partnership
11-2 Unlimited Partnership
11-3 Limited Partnership
11-4 Limited Liability Partnership
12.Chapter 12 Corporations and legal personality
12-1 Sole traders
12-2 Company
12-3 Lifting the veil of incorporation
12-4 Types of company
13.Chapter 13 Company formation
13-1 Promoters 公司发起设立人
13-2 Pre-incorporation contracts 公司成立前所订立的合同
13-3 Company registration procedures 公司登记设立程序
13-4 Statutory books, records and returns 法定登记簿、会计记录及申报
14.Chapter 14 Constitution of company
14-1 Constitution of a company 公司章程
14-2 Company Objects and capacity 目的条款、经营范围
14-3 Company name 公司名称
15.Chapter 15 Share capital
15-1 The nature of shares and capital
15-2 Types of shares
15-3 Class rights
15-4 Allotment of shares
15-5 Issue shares-Payment for shares
16.Chapter 16 Loan capital
16-1 Borrowing
16-2 Charge
17.Chapter 17 Capital maintenance and dividend law
17-1 Capital maintenance
17-2 Dividend law
18.Chapter 18 Company directors
18-1 Directors
18-2 Appointment, disqualification and removal
18-3 Duties of directors
18-4 Power of directors
19.Chapter 19 Other company officer
19-1 Company secretary
19-2 Company auditor
20.Chapter 20 Company meetings and resolution
20-1 Company meetings
20-2 Resolutions
21.Chapter 21 Insolvency and administration
21-1 Winding up and liquidation
21-2 Administration
22.Chapter 22 Fraudulent and criminal behaviour
22-1 Insider dealing 内幕交易罪
22-2 Market abuse 市场操纵
22-3 Money laundering 洗钱罪
22-4 Fraudulent and wrongful trading 欺诈交易罪及过错交易
22-5 Bribery 贿赂
22-6 Other offences