价格: ¥ 3980.00
{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
2.Part1 accounting principle
1. IFRS2 Share-based payment
2. IFRS 3 Business Combination
3. IAS 38 Intangible Asset
4. ISA 2 Inventory
5. IFRS 5Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
6. IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
7. IFRS 16 Lease
8. IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
9. IAS37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
10. IAS 40 Investment Property
11. Financial instruments topic
3.Part 2 Risk
1. The three main types of risk
2. Business risk
3. Audit risk
4. Report
4.Part 3 Procedure & evidence
Substantive procedure
goodwill arising on the acquisition & Impairment of goodwill
Related parties
Cash flow forecast
Impaired factory
Research and development costs
Cash-settled share-based payment scheme
Regulatory penalties
Provision & Warranty provision
Brand name & Impairment of brand
Intra-group transactions
Impariment of the tangible assets
Operating licence
Work in progress
Going concern
Contingent liabilities
Short-term investments
earnings per share
Sale and leaseback
5.Part 4 Audit standards
1. ISA 240:The auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements
2. ISA 250: Consideration of laws an regulations in an audit of financial statements
3. Money laundering
4. ISA 540: Auditing accounting estimates, including Fair Value accounting estimates and related disclosures
5. ISA 550: Related parties
6. ISA 510 Initial Audit Engagements -Opening Balances
6.Part 5 Report
1. The standard layout (ISA 700)
2. Audit opinion
3.Emphasis of Matter
4.Other Matter paragraph
5.Material uncertainty related to going concern paragraph
6.Key Audit Matters (KAMs)
7.Impact on audit report
7.Part 6 Ehthic
The fundamental principles
Ethical Threat-Self-interest
Ethical Threat-Self-review
Ethical Threat-Advocacy
Ethical Threat-Familiarity
Ethical Threat-Intimidation
Ethical Form
8.Part 7 QC & acceptance & rely on
ISA 220: Quality control in an audit of financial statements
ISA 610 Using the Uork of Internal Auditors & ISA 620 Using the Work of an Auditors Expert
9.Part 8 Non-audit assurance
Audit VS limited assurance review
1. Prospective financial information (PFI)
2. Due diligence reviews
3. Forensic audits
4. Social, environmental, public sector and CSR reviews
10.Part 9 Group audit
Responsibilities & Presentation issues
Significant components & Evidence
IFRS 11 Joint Arrangement
IFRS 3 Business combination
IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements
ISA 600: Special Considerations – Audits of Group financial statements
11.Part 10 Data analytics and the auditor
Data analytics and the auditor
12.Part 11 Current issue and development
1. Business relationship with audit clients
2. Legal obligation
3. Laws and regulations
4. Off-shoring of audit work
5. Other issues in audit
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